Pharos Science & Applications
Pharos Science & Applications Pharos Ostia 2002 User Manual
Pharos Science & Applications Pharos Ostia 2002 User Manual
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Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................ 1 2 SUMMARY OF FEATURES................................................... 1 3 INSTALLATION ...................................................................... 2 3.1 Ostia Application Installation .............................................. 2 3.2 Installing Maps..................................................................... 2 3.2.1 Map Preparation ............................................................ 2 3.2.2 Copying maps from the Desktop PC to the Pocket PC . 3 4 UNINSTALL OSTIA SOFTWARE ........................................ 3 5 USING OSTIA .......................................................................... 4 5.1 Ostia Menus ......................................................................... 5 5.1.1 File ................................................................................ 5 5.1.2 Find ............................................................................... 6 5.1.3 View ............................................................................ 10 5.1.4 GPS ............................................................................. 11 5.1.5 Opt............................................................................... 12 5.2 View Controls .................................................................... 13 6 TIPS ON GETTING STARTED ........................................... 13 7 GPS (OPTIONAL) .................................................................. 13 7.1 Required components for Pocket PC Navigator System .... 13 7.2 Installing the GPS .............................................................. 14 7.3 Using the GPS .................................................................... 15 8 TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................... 16 9 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ....................................................... 16 10 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................ 16 10.1 Pocket PC/Handheld PC Requirements ........................... 16 10.2 Desktop/Laptop Requirements ......................................... 16

Ostia User Manual Page 1 SECTION 1: Important Safety Instructions For the safety of yourself and others, please observe the following safety For the safety of yourself and others, please observe the following safety For the safety of yourself and others, please observe the following safety For the safety of yourself and others, please observe the following safety requirements: requirements:requirements: requirements: ! Do not attempt to operate a Pocket PC Navigator system in a vehicle while the vehicle is in motion, or in any way that interferes with safe driving. ! Secure the iGPS receiver and Pocket PC to the vehicle in such a way as not to endanger the driver or passengers during driving or operation. ! Do not use the Pocket PC and Ostia in any area (country, state, city, etc.) that prohibits the use of electronic displays in motor vehicles. ! Navigation maps may contain errors and omissions or may be out-of-date with recent road changes or road conditions. Please be attentive to roadway signage, all posted roadway information, and the condition of the roads you are traveling. ! Routes generated by Ostia are only recommendations and are for personal and non-commercial use. ! Ostia software and the iGPS receiver may not be used for any purpose in which failure of the products could lead to personal injury, physical, or environmental damage. ! Pharos and its suppliers specifically disclaim any warranties, either express or implied, for their products’ fitness for use in any high-risk activities. SECTION 2: Summary of Features ! Compatible with CompactFlash GPS receiver (NMEA-0183) ! Detailed street level mapping data. ! Mapping features include: location by address, intersection, location of area points of interest or waypoint saved by user previously. ! Calculating route from one location to another, or selection of a street location on the map. ! Opening up to 10 maps at a time. ! Driving directions and route guidance. ! Tapping the street on the map to show the street name. ! Zoom in and zoom out with stylus. ! Creating a user waypoint database. ! GPS status indicators. ! Simulating car navigation. ! When navigating with the iGPS receiver: • Display the street name of the next turn at the bottom of screen. • Show the distance to the next turn. • Voice prompt for reliable route guidance. • Second prompt before a turn or highway entrance/exit. • Auto zoom-in before the turn or highway entrance/exit and zoom-out after. • Use of the iGPS receiver position as the point of origin. • A one-touch Re-route button. • Navigation data such as speed, longitude, latitude, local time and direction of travel. • Auto re-route option.

Ostia User Manual Page 2 • Moving map while navigating with the iGPS receiver. • Selectable “North Up” or “Heading Up” for map display. • Selectable “on” or “off” for voice prompt. • Satellite constellation display. SECTION 3: Installation 3.1 Ostia Application Installation Installation of Ostia software requires that Microsoft ActiveSync (Windows CE Services) be installed on your desktop computer. If not, please follow the instructions in the section called Installing Windows CE Services to Communicate with a Desktop Computer in your Pocket PC’s user guide. Note: ActiveSync is not included with the Ostia software. To install Ostia software: Os t i a CD- ROMYo u r Comput erSt o rage card folder PDA Docki ng St ati onSer i al Cabl e 1 2 Deskt op Software for Wi n d o w CE Figure 1 1. Insert the CD-ROM. 2. If Auto Start is enabled for your CD-ROM, the Setup program will run automatically. If not, run the Setup program on the CD-ROM. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions. 3.2 Installing Maps 3.2.1 Map Preparation 1. Insert map CD into CD-ROM, CD should auto-run and open a window with a map of the U.S. showing a certain region of the map in colors. (If CD does not auto- run, double click “My Computer” > D:\ ) 2. Find the state you would like to find a map in and click it with the right mouse button. 3. A zoomed in view of the map will appear, there will be several “region” maps in zipped (compressed) format. Find the region you wish to use and double click it. 4. A “Self-Extractor” widow should appear. It will prompt you to unzip the file to folder C:\PharosMaps, click the “Unzip” button. 5. The “Self-Extractor” should unzip 2 files to the destination folder. Note: Clicking on the “?” at the top right of the window will bring up help on how to use the map.

Ostia User Manual Page 3 3.2.2 Copying maps from the Desktop PC to your Pocket PC. 1. Make sure your Pocket PC is in its sync cradle and is attached to your PC. 2. Double click My Computer # C: # PharosMaps folder 3. In the PharosMaps folder you should see 2 files with the name of the region you just uncompressed. Both the .rmf and .inx file will need to be transferred to the Pocket PC. 4. Select the files you wish to transfer to your Pocket PC by holding down “Ctrl” on your keyboard while left-clicking on the desired files with your mouse. When you are finished with your selection release “Ctrl”. 5. On the menu bar select Edit # Copy. You can now close the PharosMaps window. 6. Double click My Computer # Mobile Device # My Pocket PC. Note: You will need to create a folder on your compact flash card called “My Documents” before you transfer files to it. At this point there are two alternatives as to where you can store the map(s). • If you are using a compact flash storage card (be sure the CF card is inserted into the CF slot on the PDA) double-click Storage Card # My Documents. Click Edit at the top of the window and select Paste. • If you are not using a compact flash card you can store the maps on the memory of the Pocket PC by double-clicking My Documents. Click Edit at the top of the window and select Paste. 7. In both these cases a transfer status widow should appear. When this process finishes, the maps are ready for use on your Pocket PC according to the directions in the Ostia user manual. For those compact flash cards supporting USB connections, maps may be copied directly to the compact flash card. The compact flash card is then inserted into the Pocket PC. IN EITHER CASE MAPS SHOULD RESIDE IN “\My Documents” DIRECTORY OF THE POCKET PC OR COMPACT FLASH CARD. IF A “\My Documents” DIRECTORY DOES NOT EXIST, PLEASE CREATE ONE. SECTION 4: Uninstall Ostia Software Ostia software cannot be uninstalled while Ostia is running. Use Ctrl-Q or click File # Exit to stop the Ostia program. 1. From the Windows CE Start menu, select Settings # System. 2. Double click Remove Programs. 3. Select Ostia, then click remove.

Ostia User Manual Page 4 SECTION 5: Using Ostia To start the Ostia program, click the Start # Programs # Ostia. Your Pocket PC may also provide additional methods of running programs, such as a special menu window. Information/instructions provided in this section can also be found in your Pocket PC help menu after Ostia is started. To read the help menu, please click the Start icon on your Pocket PC window, and then click . When the Ostia program is started for the first time, several start-up screens will appear including the following: This screen will allow you to choose which GPS receiver you will be using and have the Ostia software automatically configure itself to work with that GPS receiver. Note: This screen will automatically appear only on the first time Ostia is opened. If you need to view this screen again, it is located in the GPS Menu under Setup. (See Section 5.14)

Ostia User Manual Page 5 5.1 Ostia Menus The Ostia menu band consists of several parts: The main menu (File, Find, View, GPS and Option), and the GPS indicator. As shown in Figure 4. The GPS indicator has three changeable faces to indicate the different operating status of the receiver. By clicking the indicator you can get more information. Blue arrow keys on the map allow you to shift the viewable portion of map currently open. Figure 4 The red sad-face of the indicator tells that the receiver is either not powered properly or not enabled (top, Figure 4); the yellow calm-face shows that the receiver is in the process of determining your position (middle, Figure 4) and the green happy-face shows that the receiver is successfully tracking the position. (bottom, Figure 4). The menu items are described in the following tables. 5.1.1 File File Menu Items Description Open Select this item to open a map file. The Open command displays a list of all available maps. Tap the file name that you want to open. Repeat the same steps to open additional maps. You can open up to ten maps at a time. Below the “Open” menu item is listed the last 3 most recent ma ps

Ostia User Manual Page 6 that were opened. Close Map Close opened map(s), clearing screen and settings. Delete W aypoint Delete waypoint item(s) from the database. Select an item then press Delete to delete the item. Press Finish to complete the delete process and close the window. Press Cancel to delete none of the waypoints and quit the delete process and close window. Simulation Mode Simulating car navigation based on given route. Note: Before activating Simulation Mode, verify that “Enable GPS” option is not checked. About Ostia Displays a window showing the current version of Ostia software installed on your Pocket PC. Exit Quit Ostia. Note: tapping Ctrl-q will also Quit Ostia. 5.1.2 Find Note: you must have a map file currently open to select this menu item! Find Menu Items Description Address Select this menu item to locate a street containing a specified address on the currently opened map file. Selectin g an address is an easy 4 (four)-step

Ostia User Manual Page 7 process. 1. On the Street Lookup screen, type the first several numbers (not address numbers such as 1234 “B” street but numbered street names such as 2 nd street) and/or letters of a desired street name. A list of closely related street names will appear in the scrollable window. Select the desired street name, then press Next to proceed to step 2. 2. On the Lookup City screen, the steps are similar to Step 1. Select the desired city, county, township, etc. You have the option to select a specific zip code or just by city name. Press Next to proceed to step 3. 3. All possible addresses belonging to the desired street segments are displayed. Type the address digits to find the desired address range and then select it. Press Finish to proceed to step 4. Note: The numbers listed are either odd or even sets of numbers according to the specific side of the street on which they appear. This is essential for accuracy on divided roads and one-way streets. 4. Specify if the location is an Origin or Destination. If you want to save the location to the waypoint database, check the save-option box and give a waypoint name up to 50 letters. The selected street segment will be displayed in Green if an origin or Red if a destination. Note: To modify a previous selection, press the Back button. Intersection Select this menu item to locate a street intersection on the currently opened map. Selecting an intersection is an easy 4 (four)-step process. 1. On the Street Lookup screen, type the first several numbers and/or letters of a desired street name. A list of closely related street names will appear in the scrollable window. Select the desired street name, then press Next to proceed to step 2. 2. Select a city, county, township, etc… from the list of offered names. You have the option to select a s pecific zip code or just city name.

Ostia User Manual Page 8 Press Next to proceed to step 3. 3. All possible street crossings are listed. Make a selection and press Finish to proceed to step 4. 4. Specify if the intersection is an Origin or Destination. If you want to save the location to the waypoint database, check the save-option box and give a waypoint name up to 50 letters. The selected intersection will be displayed in Green if an origin or Red if a destination. Note: To modify a previous selection, press the Back button. Point of Interest Select this menu item to find a point of interest on the currently opened map. Note, many points of interest are not on a street, you may have to use the closest intersection for routing purposes. Selecting a point of interest is an easy 3 (three)- step process. 1. Select a category of point of interest from the scrollable list, then press Next to proceed to step 2. 2. Select the desired point of interest. Press Finish to proceed to step 3. 3. Specify if the location is an Origin or Destination. If you need to save the location to the waypoint database, check the save-option box and give a waypoint name up to 50 letters. The selected point of interest is marked and its nearest road segment or intersection will be displayed in Green if an origin or Red if a destination. Note: To modify a previous selection, press the Back button. W aypoint Select this menu item to find a waypoint from the previously stored database. Selecting a waypoint is an easy 2 (two)-step process. 1. On the W aypoint List screen type the first several numbers and/or letters of a desired waypoint name. A list of closely related waypoint names will appear in the scrollable window. Select the desired waypoint name, then press Finish to proceed to step 2.