Panasonic Sonic Vibration Toothbrush Ew Dl91 Operating Instructions
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IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical products when\, children are present, \fasic safety precautions sho\,uld always \fe followed including the f\,ollowing: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USI\nNG DANGER In \frder \b\f reduce \bhe risk \n\ff elec\br\fcu\bi\fn: \b. Do not place or st\,ore the charger wh\,ere it can f all or \fe pulled into a\, tu\f or sink. 2. Do not place the c\,harger in w ater or other liqu\,id. 3. Do not reach f or a charger that \,has fallen into water. Unplug immediately. 4. Do not w ash the charger. 5. Do not use while \fa\,thing. WARNING T\f reduce \bhe risk \ff b\nurns, elec\br\fcu\bi\fn, fire \fr injury \b\f pers\fns: \b. This appliance is \,not intended f or use \fy children or persons with re\,duced physical or mental capa\filities, unless they are supervised \fy a person responsi\fle for their safety. 2. Use this product o\,nly f or its intended us\,e as descri\fed in this manual. Do not use attach\,ments not recommended \fy the manufacturer. 3. K eep cord away from heated surfaces. 4. Ne ver drop the applia\,nce or insert any o\fject into any opening of the ap\,pliance. 5. Ne ver operate this product i\,f it has \feen dropp\,ed or damaged, or if it\, is not working properly. If any of these occur, please contact a service center and return the product for examination and repa\,ir. 6. If the product is \,dropped, the \fr ush head should \fe replaced \fefore the next use even if no damage is visi\fle. 7. This appliance is \,pro vided with a charg\,er with integrated Safety Extra Low Voltage power supply. Do not exchange or manipula\,te any part of it otherwise there is\, the risk of electric shock. Periodically check the charger for damage. A damaged or non-func\,tioning appliance \,should no longer \fe used. Take it to a service center. 8. Ne ver use while drowsy. 9. Do not use outdoor\,s or oper ate where aerosol(spray) products are \fei\,ng used or where oxygen is \feing admin\,istered. IMPORTANT \b. Do not touch the p\,o wer plug with wet hands. This can cause an elect\,ric shock. 2. When unplugging, al\,w ays hold the power plug instead of the cor\,d. 3. Do not modify the pr\,oduct. Do not disassem\fle or repair. This may cause fire, electric shock or injury. Consult your dealer for repairs or cont\,act a service center. Do not disassem\fle the product except when disposing of \,the \fattery. 4. When taking out th\,e \fatter y for disposal, use caution not to sho\,rt the positive (+) and negative (–) terminals. 5. This product is no\,t intended f or use \fy children. CAUTION If you are undergoing \,treatment for any oral care condition, consult \,your dental professional prior to use. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Operating Instructions (Household) Sonic Vi\fration Tooth\frush Model No. EW- DL90 EW- DL9\b Before operating this unit, pl\,ease read these in\,structions completely and save them for future use. In\br\fduc\bi\fn ► F\fr y\fur pers\fnal den\bal care Thank you for purchasing the \,Sonic Vi\fration Tooth\frush. The Sonic Vi\fration Tooth\frush is a new kind of electric tooth\frush designed for those who wish \,to keep their teeth clean and healthy. This appliance wil\,l ena\fle you to maintain good dental hygiene, which is as important as other forms of personal hygiene. ► S\fnic Vibra\bi\fn T\f\f\bhbrush Techn\fl\fgy The Sonic Vi\fration Tooth\frush incorporates the innovative “linear motor” technology that us\,es magnetic attraction and repulsion to provide outstanding p\,erformance. The \frush’s 3\b,000 horizontal strokes per minute help remove plaque gently yet effectively. ► Bef\fre use This high - speed, vi\frating, electric tooth\frush is different from conventional electric tooth\frushes. Therefore: • You only need to lig\,htly press the \fristles against your teeth for \frushing. • When first using th\,is appliance, some may experience a tickling or tingling \,sensation caused \fy the high - speed vi\frations. The sensation shou\,ld su\fside after you use the tooth\frush several more times. Cau\bi\fns regarding use • Be sure to switch off the appl\,iance and remove the plug from a household outlet \fe\,fore performing any maintenance. Failure to do so may result in electric shock. • Cleaning and user \,maintenance should \,not \fe made \fy children. • Keep the appliance \,away from children. • Do not use the cha\,rger in the \fath. Doing so may result in electric shock. • Do not touch or pu\,ll out the plug wi\,th wet hands. Doing so may result in electric shock. • If the power cord of the cha\,rger is damaged, the\, entire charger should \fe discarded\,. The charger should\, \fe replaced. • Do not wrap the power cord around the\, charger. • Always ensure the appli\,ance is operated on an electric power source matched to i\,ts rated voltage. Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock. • Clean the plug per\,iodically so that d\,ust does not accumulate in it. Such dust \fuildup may trap moisture over time and reduce \,the effectiveness of the insul\,ation, thus resulti\,ng in overheating and fire. • Do not modify, disassem\fle, or repair the app\,liance at any time except when disposi\,ng of it. Doing so may result in fire, electric shock, and/or \furns. • Do not place any metal o\fjects, such as coins and\, clips, on the charger. Doing so may cause the o\fjects\, to heat up, resulting in \furns. Par\bs iden\bifica\bi\fn A Main unit 1 T ooth\frush shaft 2 W aterproof ru\f\fer seal 3 P ower switch [0/\b] 4 Mode selector 5 Mode indicator 6 Batter y capacity lamp 7 Charge status lamp B Charger (RE8 - 5\b) 8 Charging section 9 Br ush stand : Charger co ver release \futton; Charger co ver P ower cord Access\fries C T riple - edged \frush Br istles Identification r ing D Silicon \fr ush EW‑DL91 Identification r ing E P oint \frush EW‑DL91 Identification r ing F Carr ying case EW‑DL91 S\b\fre and Charge S\b\fring and charging \bhe \b\f\f\bhbrush The \fattery capacity is low when the \fattery capacity lamp \flinks. You can fully charge\, the tooth\frush in \b2 hours. A full charge will\, supply enough power for 60 minutes use. 1 1Pass \bhe p\fwer c\frd \bhr\fugh \fne \ff \bhe c\frd guides \fn \bhe righ\b \n\fr lef\b. 2 2Turn \fff \bhe main uni\b.\n 3 3Place \bhe main uni\b up\nrigh\b \fn \bhe charger and plug \bhe p\fwer c\frd in\b\f a h\fuseh\fld \fu\ble\b.\n • The charge status \,lamp glows and the chargin\,g will start. • Charging is complet\,ed when the \fattery capacity lamp \flinks. • You can keep the main unit a\,ttached on the cha\,rger when not in use to maintain the\, full \fattery capacity. It will not overcharge the main unit. • Adequate am\fient tem\,perature for charging is 5 - 35 °C (4\b - 95 °F). The \fattery may not charge proper\,ly or not at all un\,der extreme low or high temperatures. • The main unit may \fecome warm during use and chargi\,ng. However, this is normal. • Use the EW - DL90/EW - DL9\b tooth\frush with the RE8 - 5\b charger only. F EN Printed in Japan W97\b0DL90\bA Y07\b2-0 IN USA CONTACT: Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Service • Assis\bance • \nAccess\fries Call 1 ‑ 800 ‑ 338 ‑ 0552 (In USA) h\b\bp://www.panas\fnic.c\fm/c\fnsum\nersupp\fr\b/ Panasonic Corporation 33, Okamachi, Hikone, Shiga, Japan EW-DL90_US.indb 12012/06/14 9:59:27

► M\fun\bing \bhe charger \b\f \bhe wall \b. Attach tw o screws to the wall as illustrated. • Please \fe careful a\,s to not drill a ca\fle or water pipe in the w\,all. 2.5mm 28mm • Screws and anchors are\, sold separately. Use no. 6 \fy \b in. round head screws when fixing to w\,ood; or no. 4 - 6 Molly or Anchor \folts when fi\,xing to Sheet rock. 2. Hook the charger o\,nto these scre ws. 3. Plug the po wer cord into a hou\,sehold outlet. Ab\fu\b \bhe LED display When the \fattery capacity is low While chargingAfter charging is \, completed The \fattery capacity lamp \flinks. The charge status \, lamp glows. The charge status \, lamp glows. The \fattery capacity lamp \flinks. Use Using \bhe \b\f\f\bhbrush 1 1Place \bhe brush head fi\nrmly \fn\b\f \bhe \b\f\f\bhbrush sha\nf\b. • There will \fe a smal\,l gap \fetween the \frush head and the ma\,in unit. 2 2Place \bhe \b\f\f\bhbrush in\n y\fur m\fu\bh bef\fre \burning i\b \fn. • Apply a small amount\, of toothpaste to the \frush head, if desire\,d, \fefore turning the power on to prevent the toothpaste from spa\,ttering. 3 3Press \bhe m\fde selec\b\fr \n\b\f selec\b \bhe m\fde. • Pressing the mode s\,elector toggles th\,e operation mode \fetween “POWERFUL” and “SOFT”. Mode Description For standard \frushing Brush moves horizontally only. When teeth or gums \,are sensitive. When \frushing in the POWERFUL mode is too strong.\, Brush moves horizontally only. 4 4While \bhe m\fde indica\b\fr\n is gl\fwing, press \bhe p\fwer swi\bch \b\f \burn \fn \bhe main uni\b. • When the tooth\frush first starts, the soft - start function cause it \,to take a\fout 2 seconds t\,o reach its normal speed. 5 5Turn \fff \bhe main uni\b \nwhen y\fu have finished brushing. • Turn off the main unit\, \fefore removing it from your mouth to prevent foam from spattering. ► Brushing dura\bi\fn n\f\bi\nfica\bi\fn \bimer The timer will sign\,al once at 30 - second intervals to indicate th\,e \frushing time for each part of your mouth. It will signal tw\,ice at 2 - minute intervals to indicate th\,e recommended total \,\frushing time. • It is important to \frush each area in t\,he same sequence an\,d with the same amount\, of time, every time you \frush, to uniformly \frush and clean your teeth. Use the 30 second \,\frushing duration notification \,timer wisely so there will \fe no\, missed spot in your mouth. • Divide your teeth into 4 p\,arts (upper and lower, left and right), and \frush one part in order such as\, “(\b) front of the teeth”, “(2) \fiting plane o\,f the teeth”, and “(3) \fack of the teeth” spending 30 seconds. Brush the other parts in the same manner, and \frush your whole mouth in \, a\fout 2 minutes. (1) (2) (3) ► S\br\fng pressure preven\bi\fn func\bi\fn Pressing the \frush \fristles too hard ag\,ainst your teeth will activate this feature, causing the inten\,sity of the vi\fration to \fe weakened automatically a\,s a safeguard against excessive pressure. ► Precau\bi\fn • When you first \fegin using\, the tooth\frush, you may experience slight \fleeding of the gums\, even though your gums may \fe healthy. This is \fecause your gums are receiv\,ing stimulation \fy the tooth\frush for the first time. The \fleeding should stop after \,one or two weeks of use. Bleeding that persists for more than two weeks may \fe indication of \,an a\fnormal condition of your gums, such as pyorrhea. In this case, stop using the to\,oth\frush and consult your dentist. • Recommended am\fient t\,emperature for using is 5 - 35 °C (4\b - 95 °F). • Do not allow hair products (e\,.g., gel or oil) or\, hand lotion to come in contact wit\,h the unit as they may damage its surface. Tips \fn usage Triple‑edged brush Place the \fristles of the \frush gently against your teeth and move the tooth\frush slowly in a circular mo\,tion. ► F\fr in be\bween \bhe \bee\bh \nand \bhe gums Place the \fristles at a 45˚ an\,gle. Place the \frush so that the si\,des of \fristles can fit in \fetween the teeth and \,gums. 45 ► F\fr reaching \bhe far side \ff \n\bhe back \bee\bh Place the \frush so that the de\,nse tip \fristles can reach the molars. ► F\fr \bhe back side \ff fr\fn\b \bee\bh Brush vertically. Move tooth\frush to match the an\,gle of the teeth. Silic\fn brush EW‑DL91 ► Brushing direc\bi\fn • Place the silicon \,\frush as perpendicular as possi\fle to your gums. • Hold the tooth\frush so that the ti\,ps of the \fristles of the sili\,con \frush are touching your gums gently. • The \frush does not move vigorously over the gums in the way a tooth\frush with nylon \fristles does. • Use the tooth\frush perpendicular to your gums. ► Brushing \bime • The recommended use \,is for approximately 2 minutes, once a day.• Focus the \frush for \b0 to 20 seconds\, on any areas requiring particular care. • Move the silicon \frush slowly throughout the \,rest of your mouth, covering all of the gums\,. N\f\bes • Use the silicon \frush gently, as it may \freak if you pull on it strongly or \fite do\,wn on it. • Attaching the \frush head in the wr\,ong direction may cause damage to the main u\,nit or the silicon\, \frush. • Be careful not to \,press the silicon \,\frush against your teeth, as this may damage the silicon\, \frush. P\fin\b brush EW‑DL91 • Use in areas where\, your teeth are misaligned or in ar\,eas that are hard \,to reach with a Triple - edged \frush. • Hold the tooth\frush so that the ti\,ps of the \fristles are touchin\,g your teeth gently. • Use the \frush perpendicularly. • Move the \frush gently \fetween your teeth. Af\ber use Cleaning \bhe main uni\b \nand \bhe brush head ► Main uni\b \b. T urn off the main unit\,. 2. Remo ve the \frush head from the ma\,in unit. 3. W ash the main unit u\,nder running water. • Do not ru\f or damage the waterproof ru\f\fer seal. • Do not immerse the ma\,in unit under water. • Do not wash with water hotter than 4\,0 ˚C (\b04 ˚F). ► Brush head \b. T urn off the main unit\,. 2. Remo ve the \frush head from the ma\,in unit. 3. Wash the \frush head under running water.• Shake well to remove water after washing. • Do not pull the \fristles of the \frush. • Do not wash with water hotter than 8\,0 ˚C (\b76 ˚F).• Do not shake the main unit str\,ongly with the \frush head attached.\, • Do not spread the \fristles of the silicon \frush too vigorously when washing, as this may damage the \frush. ► Af\ber washing wi\bh w\na\ber \b. Wipe dr y with a cloth. • Do not charge whil\,e it is wet. 2. Retur n the main unit and\, the \frush head to the charger. • It is recommended to\, place the \frush facing toward the \fack of the charger w\,hen placing the \frush head on the ch\,arger. ► If \bhe iden\bifica\bi\fn ri\nng c\fmes \fff Put the identificat\,ion ring \fack on. • Do not forci\fly pull the identifi\,cation ring since it can \freak \,easily. • Using the tooth\frush without the identification ring has no effect on its performance. The ring is simply for user identification purposes. Af\ber use Main\benance ► Charger \b. Pull the charger c\,o ver while pressing \, the charger cover release \futton. 2. Wipe off an y dirt on the charger a\,nd the charger cover using a soft cl\,oth. 3. Wipe the prongs of\, the plug with a d\,r y cloth a\fout once every 6 months. Rem\fving \bhe buil\b‑in rechargeable ba\b\bery ATTENTION: A lithium ion \fatter\,y that is recycla\fle powers the product you have purchased. Please call \b-800-\,8-BATTERY for information on how to recycle this \f\,attery. Remove the \fuilt-in rechargea\fle \fattery \fefore disposing of t\,he tooth\frush. Do not dismantle o\,r replace the \fatte\,ry so that you can use the tooth\fr\,ush again. This could cause a\, fire or an electric shock. Replace it at an \,authorized service center. • Perform steps 1 to 4, and then remove the \fattery. • Be careful not to \,short - circuit the negati\,ve and positive poles of the \fattery. Specifica\bi\fns Related voltage: See the name plate \,on the product. (Automatic voltage conversion) Battery: \b Lithium - ion \fattery (3.6 V; 500 mAh) Charging time: approx. \b2 hours Changing \bhe brush h\nead (S\fld separa\bely) Replacing the \frush head every 3 months is recomme\,nded. If the \fristles are \fent to \,one side or worn, the tooth\frush is not effective for \frushing. Replace the \frush head with a ne\,w one. Part num\fer Replacement Brush for EW- DL90/EW- DL9\bQuantity WEW0927 Triple - edged \frush 3 WEW0933 Silicon \frush \b Point \frush \b WEW09\b\b V - shaped \frush 3 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A TOLL‑FREE (IN USA O\nNLY) NATIONAL ACCESSORY PURCHASE HOT LINE AT 1 ‑ 800 ‑ 332 ‑ 5368. EW-DL90_US.indb 22012/06/14 9:59:28