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Panasonic Pvhs3000 Operating Instructions Manual

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Page 21

Input Options
CableIf you have cable television but no cable box, select your cable service provider. If your cable service is not listed on
the screen, send mail to Consumerproducts@Panasonic.com or call 1-888-843-9788.
Cable boxIf you have a cable box connected to the Hard Disk Recorder, select your cable service provider. You will also need
to connect and position the IR blaster that came with the Hard Disk Recorder. This is required so the Hard Disk
Recorder can change the channels on your cable...

Page 22

Controlling Live Television
Browse Preset Channels
Press CHANNEL + (up) or CHANNEL - (down).(Note: If the Hard Disk Recorder is currently recording a
show, you’ll need to stop the recording by pressing STOP on
the remote before browsing channels.)
Select a Channel by Number Button(s)
Press Number Buttons to select a channel
Switch Quickly between Two Channels
Press JUMP to switch to the last show you were
watching, and JUMP again to...

Page 23

Pausing Live Television and
Recorded Shows
The Hard Disk Recorder’s pause feature lets you attend to
interruptions without missing a moment of your favorite television
shows. You can pause whatever you’re watching: recorded Replay
shows or live television.
1Press PAUSE while you’re watching a live
television show or a recorded show.
• An on-screen message notifies you how much pause
time remains.
• Press DISPLAY to see how far you are behind the live
show. To avoid screen bur n in, press EXIT to...

Page 24

APress QUICK SKIP while you’re
watching a delayed live show or a
Replay show.
• You will instantly skip ahead 30 seconds in
the show.
• Press it repeatedly to skip in 30-second
segments. Use the INSTANT REPLAY
button to quickly correct for overshoot.
Using QuickSkip
(Bypassing unwanted programming)
The QuickSkip feature automatically skips 30 seconds
ahead in the show you’re watching. Use it to skip past
undesired scenes, or, use it like a Fast Forward button.
QuickSkip works for a live show only if...

Page 25

When Macrovision or CGMS-A (Copy Generation Management System-Analog) copy protected signals are
available for TV broadcasting, the show is NOT viewable in LIVE TV mode, nor can it be recorded. To
view copy protected material, split the RF signal. The following illustration shows how to split the signal.
For further assistance, call 
1-888-843-9788 or go to: http://www.panasonic.com/video  or send
e-mail to 
• Unauthorized copying of copy protected material constitutes...

Page 26

Recording Shows
To record any show that’s on now or in the next several days, start from the Channel Guide. The Channel Guide is an interactive,
on-screen program guide that lists seven days of television information for all of the channels you currently receive.
While the Hard Disk Recorder does not need to be on for recording, cable boxes and satellite receivers must remain on.
Current Shows
light blue)Later Shows
(dark blue)
From the Channel Guide you can:
• scroll...

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1Press CHANNEL GUIDE to display the
Channel Guide.
• You can also select “Channel Guide” from the Main Menu.
Watching and Recording a Show
That Is Currently Airing
Light blue listings indicate shows that are on now.
2Press  / /  /  to select a current show (light
blue listing) in the Channel Guide, then press
• Unless a show is recording on another channel, the Hard
Disk Recorder will tune directly to the channel you’ve
• The popup menu appears if you press ENTER after you
select the...

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1Press CHANNEL GUIDE to display the
Channel Guide.
• You can also select “Channel Guide” from the Main Menu.
Recording Multiple Episodes of
One Show
If you have a favorite show that airs once a week, or daily, you can
set the Hard Disk Recorder to record every episode.
This is called a Show-based Replay channel. See “Show-based
Replay Channels” and “Theme-based Replay Channels” on page 34.
Follow these instructions to record each episode of a show using the
current recording settings. To change the...

Page 29

1Press CHANNEL GUIDE to display the
Channel Guide.
• You can also select “Channel Guide” from the Main Menu.
Setting the Recording Options
There may be times when you want to adjust the record settings for
the show you want to record. For example, you might want to record
movies or sporting events at higher quality than movies.
Follow these instructions to adjust the recording options of a show
before you record it. To change the current record options for every
show you select to record, see “Setup”...

Page 30

ZONES to display the
ReplayZones screen.
• You can also select
“Replay Zones” from the
Main Menu.
Recording From Show Categories
Visit ReplayZones to create channels from topical television categories
collected by the ReplayTV Service. Zones can be organized in topics
like romantic comedies, sitcoms, action-adventure, cartoons, talk shows.
ReplayZones change regularly, so check them out often to
record the best of what’s on TV.
2Press  /  to search
for your topic of
interest, then press...
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