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Panasonic Projector Pt Rw430 Specifications

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Page 1

1-Chip DLP™ Projectors
Solid  Performance. 
LED/Laser  Projectors  for  Professionals. 

Page 2

SOLID  SHINE  series  uses  the  newly  developed  LED/Laser-combined  light  source
SOLID  SHINE  series  projectors  provide  solid 
reliability  and  long-lasting  brightness  unprece-
dented  by  conventional  lamp-based  projectors.
Approximately  20,000  hours  of  maintenance-free  operationNo  need  to  replace  the  light  source  or  air  filter,  providing  a dramatic  reduction  in  the  Total  Cost  of  Ownership  (TCO).
Long-lasting  picture  qualityExcellent  picture  quality  and...

Page 3

Portrait  mode  projection
3D  projection
Multi-screen  portrait  projection  with  edge  blending
Expand  projection  capabilities  in  museums, 
digital  signage,  and  more
The  PT-RZ470/RW430  projectors  feature 
enhanced  installation  flexibility  and  various 
projection  capabilities.  By  mounting  the  optional 
ET-PKR100P  bracket,  they  can  project  in  portrait 
orientation.  Multiple  portrait  images  bring  about 
a  strong  new  impact.  Lining  up  several  portrait 

Page 4

The  LED/Laser-Combined  Light  Source 
Enables  Approx.  20,000  Hours  of 
Continuous  Operation
This  new  light  source  requires  no  maintenance 
for  approximately  20,000  hours.  In  many  cases, 
this  means  no  maintenance  until  your  next 
refresh  cycle.  Naturally,  there  are  no  lamp  burn-
out  problems  during  use,  so  reliability  is  further 
increased.  There  is  also  no  filter  to  clean  due  to 
carefully  engineered  sealed  optics.  As  a  conse-
quence,  running  cost...

Page 5

Versatile  First-Time  and  Replacement 
s2x  Zoom  Lens:  For  a  120-inch-diagonal  wide 
screen,  the  projection  distance  extends  from 
approximately  3.9  m  (12.8  ft)  to  approxi-
mately  7.8  m  (25.7  ft).
sHorizontal/Vertical  Lens  Shift:  
The  wide  shift  range  accommodates  various 
room  sizes  and  shapes. 
When  lights  or  ventilation 
holes  are  located  in  the 
ceiling  mounting  site,  you 
can  simply  relocate  the 
projector  to  avoid  them.

Page 6

Flexible  360-Degree  Installation 
The  projectors  can  be 
rotated  vertically.  This 
means  you  can  install 
one  at  any  up-and-down 
angle  you  want,  to 
accommodate  different 
installation  conditions.
Portrait  Mode  Capability
Portrait  mode  allows  the  projector  to  be  mount-
ed  with  its  side  surface  facing  down,*9 for pro-
jecting  onto  a  long,  vertical  screen.  This  pro-
vides  a  fresh  visual  effect  in  museums,  public 
spaces,  shopping  centers,  company...

Page 7

24/7  Operation
Ordinary  lamps  are  not  well  suited  to  continuous 
operation.  Because  the  PT-RZ470/RW430  does 
not  use  a  lamp,  has  efficient  cooling  system  and 
uses  DLP™  chip  that  has  a  long  life,  they  are 
capable  of  24/7  operation.
Scheduling  Function
Scheduled  operation  is  possible  using  the  built-
in  timer  function,  without  having  to  use  a  PC 
and  software. 
Effective  Theft  Prevention  with  the  
Startup  Logo 
You  can  change  the  default  Panasonic...

Page 8

PT-RZ470G1 Printed in Japan.
All information included here is valid as of January 2013.
For more information about Panasonic projectors, please visit :Projector Global Web Site – panasonic.net/avc/projectorFacebook – w w w.facebook.com /panasonicprojectorYo uTu b e   –  w w w.youtube.com /user/ PanasonicProjector
Weights  and  dimensions  shown  are  approximate.  Specifications  and  appearance  are  subject  to change  without  notice.  Product  availability  differs  depending  on  region  and...
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