Panasonic Memory Card Camera Recorder AG-HPX255P AG-HPX255EN Operating Instructions
Panasonic Memory Card Camera Recorder AG-HPX255P AG-HPX255EN Operating Instructions
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Page 141
141 Menu ItemSetting Notes REC FUNCTION Sets special recording modes. NORMAL: The special recording modes are not used. INTERVAL: Sets interval recording. ONE SHOT: Sets one-shot recording. LOOP: Sets loop recording. “Using special recording modes” (Page 43) • This function is always set to NORMAL when the power is turned on. • Not available in the following conditions. · When REC SIGNAL is set to 1394 · When REC FORMAT is set to native recording. · When SYSTEM MODE is set to 1080-...
Page 142
142 RECORDING SETUP screen (continued) ItemSetting Notes TC PRESET Sets the initial time code. • Set the frame value to 0 or multiples of 5 when shooting/ recording is set to 24P, 24PA, or 24PN. If any other value, the recorded time code will mis- match. UB MODE Sets the data recorded in the camera-recorder user bits. USER, TIME, DATE, EXT, TCG, FRM. RATE “Setting user bits” (Page 62) UB PRESET Sets the user information. Select USER in UB MODE. ONE CLIP REC Sets one-clip recording mode. ON, OFF...
Page 143
143 Menu AUDIO SETUP screen ItemSetting Notes LIMITER CH1 Sets the CH1 limiter. ON, OFF • When the AUDIO AUTO/MANU CH1 switch is set to AUTO and auto adjustment mode is active, the limiter is disabled regardless of these settings. LIMITER CH2 Sets the CH2 limiter. ON, OFF • When the AUDIO AUTO/MANU CH2 switch is set to AUTO and auto adjustment mode is active, the limiter is disabled regardless of these settings. LIMITER CH3 Sets the CH3 limiter. ON, OFF • When the AUDIO AUTO/MANU CH3...
Page 144
144 ItemSetting Notes INT MIC Determines whether or not input from the internal microphone is used during recording. ON: Uses internal microphone input. OFF: Does not use internal microphone input. MIC GAIN1 Sets the level of an external microphone connected to the AUDIO INPUT1 terminal. – 40dB, – 50dB, – 60dB MIC GAIN2 Sets the level of an external microphone connected to the AUDIO INPUT2 terminal. – 40dB, – 50dB, – 60dB 1394 AUDIO OUT Selects audio channel output to 1394 OUT in DVCPRO or DV mode....
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145 Menu OUTPUT SEL screen ItemSetting Notes SDI & HDMI SELECT Sets the type for the signal format output from the SDI OUT and HDMI OUT terminals. 1080i/720P : Follows 1080i, 720P settings of SYSTEM MODE. 1080i *1: Outputs at 1080i even when SYSTEM MODE is set to 720P. DOWNCON: Down converts to SD signal and outputs. • Not available when SYSTEM MODE is set to 480-59.94i, 576-50i. SDI & HDMI CHAR Selects whether or not to superimpose characters on images output from the SDI OUT and HDMI OUT...
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146 ItemSetting Notes TC OUT Sets the time code type output when TC IN/OUT connector is connected as TC OUT. TCG: Outputs the time code generator value of the camera- recorder at all times. TCG/TCR: Outputs time code generator value during camera- recorder recording and outputs the played back time code during video playback. • Not available when TC IN/OUT SEL is set to TC IN. TC VIDEO SYNC Sets the delay of time code output when TC IN/OUT connector is connected as TC OUT. RECORDING: Outputs...
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147 Menu ItemSetting Notes EVF PEAK LEVEL Adjusts the peaking level of the viewfinder and the LCD monitor. – 7…0…+ 7 EVF PEAK FREQ Adjusts the peaking frequency of the viewfinder and the LCD monitor. HIGH, LOW EVF SETTING Adjusts viewfinder brightness and contrast on a subscreen. (Subscreen) EVF BRIGHTNESS EVF CONTRAST EVF B. LIGHT Adjusts viewfinder backlight brightness. HIGH, NORMAL, LOW EVF COLOR Selects whether the viewfinder image will be displayed in color or monochrome. ON: Color display...
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148 ItemSetting Notes SAFETY ZONE Sets the safety zone marker displayed in the viewfinder and on the LCD monitor. • HD (1080i, 720P) 90%4 :3 2 :1 14 :9 1.85 :1 2.35 :1 2.39 :1:: : : : : :90 % display at 16:9 100 % display at 14:9 (between 16:9 and 4:3 size) 100 % display at 1.85:1 (American VistaVision range) 100 % display at 2.35:1 (CinemaScope range) 100 % display at 2.39:1 OFF : Safety zone marker not displayed. 100 % display at 2:1 (Scope Size range) 100 % display at 4:3 • SD (480i, 576i)90%4 :3...
Page 149
149 Menu ItemSetting Notes ZOOM·FOCUS Selects the unit of zoom and focus values. OFF, NUMBER , mm/feet, mm/m Use the mm/feet or mm/m display only as a general guideline since it is not entirely accurate. CARD& BATTERY Sets the remaining P2 card capacity and battery charge. ON, OFF P2CARD REMAIN Determines how remaining P2 card capacity is displayed. ONE-CARD: Indicates the remaining capacity of the card that is being recorded. TOTAL: Displays value for both cards. OTHER DISPLAY Sets display of other...
Page 150
150 CARD FUNCTIONS screen ItemSetting Notes SCENE FILE Reads/writes scene files from/onto the SD memory card. FILE SELECT: Selects scene files (1 – 4). READ: Reads the selected scene file (1 – 4) settings stored on the SD memory card. WRITE: Saves the current scene file (1 – 4) settings to the SD memory card. TITLE RELOAD: Reloads title list. • This setting cannot be made when REC SIGNAL is 1394. • Not available when compiling to a clip in one-clip recording mode. USER FILE Reads/writes user...