Panasonic Kx Tgf372 Operating Instructions Manual
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Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en inglés)91 Guía Rápida Española TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 912014/11/28 16:08:44Cómo usar un a udífono Bluet ooth (opciona l) p ara llamadas por la línea t errestre Al em parejar u n au dífono Bluetoot h con la unidad b ase, pod rá te ner co nversaciones inalámbricas a manos libres para llamadas terrestres. LSolo se pueden usar 2 dispositivos Bluetooth con la unidad al mismo tiempo (por ejemplo, 2 líneas celulares o el audífono y 1 línea celular). Cómo emparejar un au dífono con la unidad bas e1Su audífono:C onf igure su a udífo no e n modo de emp arejami ento.LConsulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono. 2Auricular:{MEN U}(621 1 Emp arej e usando el a uricular .2 Emparej amiento 3Si e l NI P de su audífono es “0000”, vaya al paso 4. Si el NIP de su aud ífono es dif erente a “0000”, oprima {BO RRAR} y despué s introduzca el NIP de su audífono. LPo r lo ge neral, el NIP predete rminado e s “0000”. Consulte las instrucciones de operación del audífono. 4Op rima {OK}, y después espere a que se emita un pitido largo. s {OF F} LCuando aparece en la unidad base, el auricular está disponible para usar. Cómo operar un a udífono inal ámbrico con Blue tooth usando una línea terr estreConsulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono para ver cómo funciona.NCómo contes tar lla ma das de la línea t errestre con su a udífonoPara c ontestar u na llamad a de línea te rrestre, oprima el botón del au dífon o (con sulte las instruccione s de operación de su audífono). Cuando termine de hablar, oprima el botón del audífono (consulte las instrucciones de operación de su au dífono). LSi no puede colgar la llamada usando su audífo no, o prima {s} 2 veces en la unidad base.NCómo camb iar en tre la unidad ba se y su au dífono Pued e cambi ar entre la unida d ba se y su aud ífono:durante una llamada por una línea terrestre con el altavoz de la unidad base.durante una llamada de intercomunicador entre la unidad base y el auricular.mientras escucha los mensajes grabados en el contestador de llamadas de la unidad base.Par a c amb iar a su au dífono:Op rima {} en la unidad base.Par a c amb iar a la unidad base : Oprima {s} en la unidad base. Có mo us ar dispos itivos Blueto oth 2 1

92Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en inglés) Guía Rápida Española TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 922014/11/28 16:08:44Preguntas frec uentes PreguntaCausa y solución ¿Por qu é ap arece _?LEl auricular está demasiado lejos de la unidad base. Acérquelo.LEl adaptado r para corr iente de la unidad bas e no está con ectado correctament e. Conec te de nu evo el adaptador para corrien te a la unidad base. LEl au ricular no est á regi strado en la unidad bas e. Regístrelo .1Auricular: {MEN U}(13)2Unida d bas e: Oprima y mantenga oprimido {LOCATOR} dura nte ap roxi madament e 5 segundos . 3Auricular: Op rima {OK}, y después espere hasta que suene un pitido largo. ¿ Por qu é no es p osi ble emp arejar un tel éfono cel ular con la unidad base?LDependien do de la compatibili dad del teléfono celular, es po sible q ue no pueda emp arejarlo c on la un idad base . Para obtene r más info rmac ión, visite LConfirme que la función de Bluetooth de su teléfono celular esté encend ida. Es pos ible que nec esite enc ender esta funció n dependiendo de su teléfono celular. ¿Por qué no se escucha el tono de marcación? (l íne a celul ar)LAsegúrese de que el indicador de CELL se ilumine y de que el teléfono celular esté conectado a la unidad base. LEl t eléfono celu lar no s e h a em parejado con la unidad base. Emparej e el teléfono celular. ¿Có mo s e i n cremen ta el ni vel de volu men del auric ular?LOprima l a tecla de volumen {^} repetidamente mientras habla. ¿Por qu é ha y ruido o se corta la conv ersación?LTrate d e r eubicar l a u n idad b ase de f orma q ue se m inimice l a d istancia a l auri cula r. LSi ocur re el mis mo p rob lema aunque el auricu lar se encuent re en segui da de la un idad bas e, visite: ¿Es p osib le a ñadi r otro auricular accesorio a mi uni dad base ?LSí, pue de añadir hast a 6 a uriculares (incluye ndo los q ue se venden c on su unidad base) a una sola unidad base. LPara adqui rir auric ulares a ccesorio s adici onales (KX-TG FA30), visite: Los usuarios TTY (usuarios con impedimentos auditivos o del habla) pue den llam ar al 1-877-8 33-8855. ¿Es p osib le mantener cargando las baterías todo el tiempo?LPuede dejar el auricular e n la uni dad base o el carg ador en cu alqu ier mom ento. Esto no d aña las bater ías. ¿Có mo s e c onte stan las llamadas en es pera (2a lla mada )?LOprima {CALL W AIT} cuando escuche el tono de llamada en espera.

Customer services For assistance, please visit Appendix TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 932014/11/28 16:08:44Accessories! Customer Services Directory Shop for all your Panasonic gear Go to Get everything you need to get the most out of your Panasonic products Accessories & Parts for your Camera, Phone, A/V products, TV, Computers & Networking, Personal Care, Home Appliances, Headphones, Ba!eries, Backup Chargers & more… For Product Informaon, Operang Assistance, Parts, Owner’s Manuals, Dealer and Service info go to For the hearing or speech impaired TTY: 1- 877-833-885 5

Warranty (For United States and Puerto Rico) 94For assistance, please visit Appendix TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 942014/11/28 16:08:44Limited Warranty Coverage If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor” ) will, for the length of the period indicated on the chart below, which starts wi th the date of original purchase (“Limited Warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your pro duct with new or refurbished parts, or (b) replace it with a new or a refurbished equivalent value product, or (c) refund your purchase price. The decision to repair, replace or re fund will be made by the warrantor. Labor Parts One (1) Year One (1) Year During the “Labor” Limited Warranty period there will be no ch arge for labor. During the “Parts” Limited Warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. You must mail-in your product prepaid during the Limited Warranty period. This Limit ed Warranty excludes both parts and labor for batteries, antennas, and cosmetic parts (cabin et). This Limited Warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the Un ited States or Puerto Rico. This Limited Warranty is extended only to the original purchaser and only covers products purchased as new. Online Repair Request To submit a new repair request and for quick repair status visit o ur web site at When shipping the unit carefully pack in a padded shipping carton, include all accessories, and send it prepaid. Include a letter detailing the complaint, a return address and provide a day time phone number where you can be rea ched. P.O. Boxes are not acceptable. Keep the tracking number for your records. A cop y of valid registered receipt is required under the 1 year parts and labor L imited Warranty. For Limited Warranty service for headsets if a headset is included with this product please follow instructions above. IF REPAIR IS NEEDED DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD THE PURCHASER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FURNISH A SALES RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE INDICATING DATE OF PURCHASE, AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE. CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY UNIT RECEIVED WITHOUT SUCH PROOF OF PURCHASE. Panasonic Telephone Products Limited Warranty Mail-In Service--Online

For assistance, please visit Appendix TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 952014/11/28 16:08:45Limited Warranty Limits And ExclusionsThis Limited Warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The Limited Warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by the warrantor, or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, bug infestation, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God. THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED UNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”. THE WARRANTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. (As examples, this excludes damages for lost time, lost calls or messages, cost of having someone remove or re-install an installed unit if applicable, travel to and from the servicer. The items listed are not exclusive, but are for illustration only.) ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with this product develops during or after the Limited Warranty period, you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to the warrantor’s Consumer Affairs Department at the addresses listed for the warrantor. PARTS AND SERVICE, WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. L Carefully pack your unit, preferably in the original carton. L Attach a letter, detailing the symptom. L Send the unit to Panasonic Exchange Center, prepaid and adequately insured. L Do not send your unit to Panasonic Corporation of North America listed on the back cover or to executive or regional sales offices. These locations do not repair consumer products. When you ship the product

Index #3-way conference: 24, 29 A Additional handset: 53 Alarm: 49 Answering calls: 22, 28 Answering system Call screening: 67 Erasing messages: 63, 64 , 67 Greeting message: 62 Greeting only: 68 Listening to messages: 63, 67 New message alerting: 65 Number of rings: 68 Recording time: 68 Remote access code: 66 Remote operation: 66 Ring count: 68 Toll saver: 68 Turning on/off: 62 Auto intercom: 31 Auto talk: 22, 45 B Baby monitor: 51 Battery: 11, 12 Bluetooth wireless technology Cellular phone (Link to cell): 17 Headset: 60 Phonebook transfer: 57 Booster (Clarity booster): 23 C Call block: 32 One ring for blocked call: 34 Call share: 24, 29 , 46 Call waiting: 23, 28 Call Waiting Caller ID: 23, 28 Caller ID number auto edit: 45, 48 , 55 Caller ID service: 54 Caller list: 54 Caller list edit: 55 Cellular calls: 21, 27 Cellular phone Pairing: 17 Unpairing: 17 Chain dial: 38 CID (Caller ID): 55 Conference calls: 24, 29 Control type: 13, 14 Customer support: 46, 48 D Date and time: 16 Dialing mode: 16 Direct command code: 40 Display Contrast: 45, 48 Language: 16 E Eco mode: 12 Equalizer: 23 Error messages: 72 F Flash: 22, 28 , 46 G Groups: 36 H Handset Deregistration: 53 Name: 53 Registration: 53 Hold: 22, 28 I Intercom: 31 K Key detector: 44, 47 Key tone: 45 L Landline calls: 21, 27 Line mode: 46 Link to cell Alert settings for your DECT phone: 59 Area code: 20 Auto connection: 18 Cellular line only mode: 19 Cellular line selection: 20 Connection: 19 Link to Cell app: 58 Ring as cell mode: 18 Select unit to ring: 18 Text message (SMS: Short Message Service) alert: 59 M Making calls: 21, 27 Missed calls: 54 Mute: 22, 28 N Noise reduction: 23 P Pause: 22, 27 Phonebook: 35 PIN: 20 Power failure (power backup operation): 25 R Redialing: 21, 22 , 27 Ringer ID: 36 Ringer tone: 42, 44 Rotary/pulse service: 23, 29 S Silent mode: 50 Speed dial: 38 SP-PHONE (Speakerphone): 21 T Talking Caller ID: 54 Temporary tone dialing: 23, 29 Time adjustment: 44 96 Index TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 962014/11/28 16:08:45

Transferring calls: 24, 29 Troubleshooting: 73 TTY: 93 V VM (Voicemail): 69 Voice guidance language: 16 Voicemail: 68, 69 Volume Receiver: 21 Ringer (Base unit): 28, 47 , 48 Ringer (Handset): 22, 42 , 44 Speaker: 21, 27 W Wall mounting: 70 97 Index TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 972014/11/28 16:08:45

98 Notes TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 982014/11/28 16:08:45

99 Notes TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 992014/11/28 16:08:45

For your future reference We recommend keeping a record of the following information to assist with any repair under warranty. Serial No. Date of purchase (found on the bottom of the base unit) Name and address of dealer Attach your purchase receipt here. © Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2014 Printed in Malaysia *PNQX6718ZA**PNQX6718ZA* PNQX6718ZA TT1114MG0 TGF37x(en)_1128_ver032.pdf 1002014/11/28 16:08:451 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . Visit our Web site: L FAQ and troubleshooting hints are available. If your product is not working properly. . . IMPORTANT! Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490