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Panasonic GT50 Tv User Manual

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Page 201

Support / FAQ
3D  - Viewing
Why doesnt  my 3D video
source  look 3D?1. Begin playing the 3D video source.
2. Ensure that the Panasonic 3D Eyewear (glasses)
are  on.
3. Press 
 button directly or press  VIERA
TOOLS  button and select 3D .
4. In the 3D  format select  menu, select 3D.
1. 3D Blu -ray discs must be played  with a 3D capable
Blu -ray player.
2. Check with your  Cable or Satellite provider to make
sure  their  supplied box is 3D capable.
3. 3D signal must be...

Page 202

Support / FAQ
3D  - Format
When selecting  some  3D
Video content, why are  there
two pictures  next to each
There are  a few different 3D formats and the
current setting  may not match the incoming  3D signal.
The format should  change automatically, but
depending on the source/connection it may not signal
the TV properly. To manually  select other 3D formats:
1. Press 
3D  button directly or press  VIERA
button on the TVs remote control  and select 3D
2. In the 3D...

Page 203

Support / FAQ
What is the easiest and best
way to connect  a High-
Definition Cable or Satellite
box to the TV?
Use an HDMI cable. It carries  both  digital video and
audio  signal in HD. HDMI cable is the only cable
needed to connect  an HD  device to the TV.
Why does the 
CC  button
not display Closed caption?When viewing TV via an HDMI connected device,
such as a Cable or Satellite box, CC  must be enabled
on the device.
Closed caption is available  only at supported  TV...

Page 204

Support / FAQ
Menu  - Gray-out
Why is the ANT/Cable
option at the top of the
Input select  menu
grayed-out and unable  to be
During   First time  setup , you indicated  in
ANT/Cable setup  that you are  using Cable or
Satellite box and the box is connected to one of the
TVs AV inputs.  In this case, the Antenna/Cable input
is deactivated to prevent unintentional switching into
unused tuner. To re-activate, press  
MENU , select
Setup  and repeat First time  setup .

Page 205

Support / FAQ
Reset to default
How  do I reset my TV to all
factory  defaults  and
settings ?
In the main menu, select Setup . Highlight Reset
to defaults  and press  
. Enter your  password (if
created earlier) or create a temporary  new password.
Select  Yes to reset the TV.

Page 206

Support / FAQ
Care and Cleaning
Display panel
First, unplug the Power  cord  plug from the wall outlet.
Display panel
The front  of the display panel  has been specially treated. Wipe the panel  surface
gently using only a cleaning cloth or a soft, lint-free cloth.
If the surface is particularly dirty, after  cleaning up the dust, soak a soft, lint-free
cloth in diluted  mild liquid dish soap (1 part mild liquid dish soap diluted  by 100
times the amount of water) and then  wring the cloth to remove...

Page 207

Support / FAQ
Care and Cleaning
First, unplug the Power  cord  plug from the wall outlet.
If the cabinet becomes dirty, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth.
If the cabinet is particularly dirty, soak the cloth in a weak mild liquid dish soap and
then  wring the cloth dry. Use this cloth to wipe the cabinet and then  wipe it dry with
a dry cloth.
Do not allow any mild liquid dish soap to come  into direct  contact with the surface
of the TV. If water  droplets get inside the unit, operating...

Page 208

Support / FAQ
Care and Cleaning
Pedestal  /  Power cord
First, unplug the Power  cord  plug from the wall outlet.
Wipe the surfaces with a soft, dry cloth. If the unit is particularly dirty, clean it using
a cloth soaked with water  to which a small amount of mild liquid dish soap has
been added and then  wipe with a dry cloth. Do not use products such as solvents,
thinner, or household wax for cleaning,  as they can damage the surface coating.  (If
using a chemically-treated cloth,...
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