Panasonic Digital Hd Plasma Televison Th 42px500 Operating Instructions
Panasonic Digital Hd Plasma Televison Th 42px500 Operating Instructions
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41 Press to move cursor to desired file in INDEX AREA. Press to display file in full screen size. OKCH VOL CHVOL+- JPEG thumbnail Info Total 8 No. 102-0006 Date 01/01/2000 Pixel 2048x1536 Select SelectOK MENURETURN 102-0002102-0003 102-0004102-0005102-0006 102-0007102-0008 102-0001 OKCH VOL CHVOL+- OKCH VOL CHVOL+- OKCH VOL CHVOL+-JPEG thumbnail Info Total 8 No. 102-0006 Date 01/01/2000 Pixel 2048x1536 Select SelectOK MENURETURN 102-0002102-0003 102-0004102-0005102-0006...
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42 Single 1 Off Single setting Mode Disp. time Repeat Photo Viewer OKCH VOL CHVOL+- OKCH VOL CHVOL+- RETURN ROOT DCIM P1000001.jpg P1000002.jpg P1000003.jpg P1000004.jpg P1010001.jpg P1010002.jpg P1010003.jpg P1010004.jpg 100_PANA 101_PANA Slide Show Mode Press during Single Play Mode. Press to select each item. Press to set each item. Example: If Mode is set to Slide, Disp. time is set to 5 seconds, and Repeat is Off. Displayed 5 secondsDisplayed 5 secondsStop Press OKduring a slide show to stop it. The...
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43 43 SCHEDULE LISTINGS SEARCH SETUPSETUP Guide screens have all or many of the features and controls in common, as shown in the following figure: Highlight - indicates an active tile Picture Audio Timer Lock Memory card TV Guide SetupMUTERECALL FAVORITE MENURETURN VOL VOL+-OK PAGEINFO ASPECT TVGUIDE 123 456 789 CH CH The TV GUIDE button on remote control or TV set may also be pressed to enter the TV GUIDE. Press to select “TV GUIDE”. Press to enter TV GUIDE. OKCH VOL CHVOL+- Press MENU to display the...
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44 MAIN SERVICES The Guide consists of up to 4 main Services: Listings, Search, Schedule, and Setup. With the item highlighted in the service bar, press the Info button to display a Help screen. Press the Info button again to close the screen. Listings is always the first Service displayed in the Guide. Use to move the highlight within Listings to • View show listings for today plus 7 days (8 days total) • Read show descriptions • Tune directly to a show currently airing • Set a show to Remind • Set a...
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45 TV Guide Keyword search lets you enter a word(s) for a particular show title found in the Listings Services. Highlight the Keyword Section Bar, and press OKkey to display the Keyword Search menu. HighlightNew Search, and press OK key. The Search Options menu is displayed. HighlightCategory, and use to select a category to search. When finished, use to highlight Enter Keyword. The keyboard is displayed. Use to highlight a character, and press OKkey to display it. When complete, highlight Done and...
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46 TV Guide SETUP An icon identifies the event type: After you initially complete Guide Setup, you can make changes to existing Guide settings in the following areas: Change System Settings Change System Settings let you change your channel lineup as well as any updates to the information you entered during initial Guide setup. Choose one of the options, press OKkey, and follow the on- screen instructions. Change Channel Display Change Channel Display lets you edit channel information that appears in...
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47 TV Guide Record You can set a show to Record in Listings, Search, and Schedule or change Record settings for a show in Schedule. There are 2 ways to set a show to Record: 1) Using a Panel Menu • Highlight a show, and press the Menu button to display the Episode Options menu. • HighlightSet Recording, and press OK key to display the Record Options menu. • Highlight the item, and use to choose option. When finished, press OK key. 2) Using Manual Recording • Highlight Schedule, and press the Menu...
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48 TV Guide Icon DESCRIPTION Name Info Button Progress Bar HDTV AC3 Dolby Digital New Stereo CC TV Rating Lock/Unlock Description Indicates additional Info box information is available or that the Info box has additional sizes. Indicates additional Info box information is available. Icon only appears for Panel Menus. Indicates how much time has elapsed in current program. Show is presented in High-Definition TV Show is presented with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio, if available. Show is new (not a re-run) Show...
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49 49 Screen 3: Do you have Cable? • If you select Yes, you see Screen 5. • If you select No, you see Screen 4. Screen 2: Enter ZIP or Postal Code Input numbers, and press OK key to display Screen 3. Screen 1: Country Highlight a country, and press OK key to display Screen 2. INITIAL GUIDE SETUP for TV Guide Screen 4: Do you have an antenna connected? If you select Yes, you see Screen 5. Note: If you selected No in Screen 3 then you must select Yes in this screen to receive a channel lineup and...
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50 Screen 11 : Recorder stopped playing? If you select Yes, you see Screen 12. If you select No, a different code is tested in Screen 10. If you select Test this code again, the same code is tested again in Screen 10. INITIAL GUIDE SETUP for TV Guide Screen 8: Recorder Brand Name Select the brand of the recording device, and press OKkey to display Screen 9. Screen 7: Is a Recorder Connected? • “Configuring a VCR” screen will be displayed. Press OK key to display the Recorder Brand name screen. • If you...