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Panasonic Digital Camera Dmc Gx7 Owners Manual For Advanced Features

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Page 271

∫Changing the connection method
To change the connection met hod, press [DISP.], and then 
select the connection method.
On the camera
Select [Via Network] or [Direct], and connect.  (P301)
On your smartphone/tablet
When connecting with [Via Network]:
1Turn on the Wi-Fi function.2Select the wireless access point you want to connect to, and set.3Start “ Image App ”. (P269)
When connecting with [Wi-Fi Direct] or  [WPS Connection] in [Direct]:
Start “ Image App ”.  (P269) 

Page 272

Using the NFC “ Near Field Communication” function, you can easily transfer data 
necessary for a Wi-Fi connection between  this camera and the smartphone/tablet.
1Launch “ Image App ” on your smartphone/tablet.
2While  [ ]  is displayed on the connection 
screen of the “ Image App ”, touch the 
smartphone/tablet to  [ ] of this unit.
It may take time to complete the connection.•When the smartphone/tablet has connected, an 
image of this camera will be displayed on the...

Page 273

•You can register up to 20 smartphones/tablets. When the number exceeds 20, registrations will 
be deleted, starting from the oldest touched one.
•Performing [Reset Wi-Fi Settings] will de lete the smartphone/tablet registration.
•If the camera is not recognized even when touching the smartphone/tablet, change positions 
and try again.
•Do not touch the smartphone/tablet to this camera strongly.
•For information on the operation and settings of NFC-compatible smartphones/tablets, refer to...

Page 274

1Connect to a smartphone/tablet. (P270)
2Select [ ] on the smartphone/tablet.
The recorded images are saved in the camera.
•Motion pictures can also be recorded.•Some settings are not available.•The screen differs  depending on the operatin g system.
1Connect to a smartphone/tablet. (P270)
2Select [ ] on the smartphone/tablet.
3Drag an image to save it.
•If an image is touched, the picture will be played back in an 
enlarged size.
•The function can be assigned to the top, bottom, left or...

Page 275

A Wi-Fi connection using NFC function is possible by touching the smartphone/tablet to 
this unit, and you can easily transfer images displayed on the screen.
An image can be sent on site immediately after  taking it, so you can easily send it to the 
¢ of your family or friend.¢ Installing the “ Image App ” is required for use.
1Play back the picture you want to transfer to the smartphone/tablet in the 
2Launch “ Image App ” on the smartphone/tablet at the...

Page 276

1Connect to a smartphone/tablet. (P270)
2Select [ ] on the smartphone/tablet.
3Drag an image to send it to an SNS, etc.
•The image is sent to a web service such as an SNS.•The function can be assigned to the top, bottom, left or 
right according to your preference.
You can acquire location information from a smartphone/tablet, and write it on images 
afterwards. Refer to P247 for how to write the location information on the images recorded 
by this unit.
Read the [Help] in the “ Image App...

Page 277

∫Methods for sending and images that can be sent
Some images may not be played back or sent depending on the device.•For information on the playback of images, check the operating instructions of the destination 
•For details on how to send images, refer to  P307.
Click the followings to jump to the beginning of each menu.
When sending images on a mobile network, high packet communication fees may be incurred 
depending on the details of your contract.
Sending images to a...

Page 278

1Select the menu.
2Select [Via Network] or [Direct], and connect. (P301)
3Select a device you want to connect.
•When the connection is complete, the screen is displayed. To change the send setting, 
press [DISP.]. (P308)
4Take pictures.
•The pictures are sent automatically after taking them.
•To change the setting or disconnect, press [Wi-Fi].  (P266)
You cannot change the settings while sending pictures. Wait until sending is complete.
Sending an image each time a recording is made ([Send...

Page 279

1Select the menu.
2Select [Via Network] or [Direct], and connect. (P301)
3Select a device you want to connect.
•When the connection is complete, the screen is displayed. To change the send setting, 
press [DISP.]. (P308)
4Select [Single Select] or [Multi Select].
•To change the setting or disconnect, press [Wi-Fi].  (P266)
Sending selected images ([Send Images Stored in the Camera])
[Wi-Fi] >
[New Connection]>[Send Images Stored in the Camera]>[Smartphone]
On your smartphone/tablet

Page 280

Displaying pictures on a TV
1Select the menu.
2Select [Via Network] or [Direct], and connect. (P301)
3Select a device you want to connect.
•When the connection is established, the screen is displayed.
4Take or play back pictures on this unit.
•To change the setting or disconnect, press [Wi-Fi]. (P266)
•When a TV is connected to this unit, the TV screen may temporarily return to the status before 
the connection. Pictures are displayed again when you take or play back pictures.
•[Effect] and...
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