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Panasonic Digital Camera Dmc Gx7 Owners Manual For Advanced Features

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Page 91

Recording Modes
In Program AE Mode, you can change the preset aperture value and shutter speed without 
changing the exposure. This is called Program Shift.
You can make the background more blurred by  decreasing the aperture value or record a 
moving subject more dynamically by slowing the shutter speed when taking a picture in 
Program AE Mode.
∫ Example of Program Shift
[When the interchangeable lens (H-H020A) is used]
(A): Aperture value
(B): Shutter speed
1 Program Shift amount
2 Program Shift...

Page 92

Recording Modes
Taking Pictures by Specifying the Aperture/
Shutter Speed
Recording Mode: 
Set the aperture value to a higher number when you want a sharp focus background. Set 
the aperture value to a lower number when you want a soft focus background.
1Set the mode dial to  [ ].
2Set the aperture value by rotating the rear 
dial or the front dial.
AAperture value
B Exposure meter
•It will switch between aperture setting operation and Exposure Compensation operation 
every time the rear dial is...

Page 93

Recording Modes
When you want to take a sharp picture of a fast moving subject, set with a faster shutter 
speed. When you want to create a trail effect, set to a slower shutter speed.
1Set the mode dial to  [ ].
2Set the shutter speed by rotating the rear dial 
or the front dial.
AShutter speed
B Exposure meter
•It will switch between shutter speed setting operation and Exposure Compensation 
operation every time the rear dial is pressed.
•The effects of the set shutter speed will not  be visible on...

Page 94

Recording Modes
Determine the exposure by manually setting the aperture value and the shutter speed.
The Manual Exposure Assistance appears on the lower portion of the screen to indicate 
the exposure.
1Set the mode dial to [ ].
2Rotate the rear dial to set the shutter speed, 
and rotate the front dial to set the aperture 
AExposure meter
B Aperture value
C Shutter speed
D Manual Exposure Assistance
•The effects of the set aperture value and shutter speed will not be visible on the 

Page 95

Recording Modes
Manual Exposure Assistance
The Manual Exposure Assistance is an approximation. We recommend checking the pictures 
on the playback screen.
∫ About [B] (Bulb)
If you set the shutter speed to [B], the shutter stays open while the shutter button is 
pressed fully (up to about 120 seconds).
The shutter closes if you release the shutter button.
Use this when you want to keep the shutter  open for a long time to take pictures of 
fireworks, a night scene etc.
If you set the shutter speed...

Page 96

Recording Modes
•The brightness of the screen and the recorded pictures may differ. Check the pictures on the 
playback screen.
•Rotate the front/rear dial to display the [Expo.Meter]. Unsuitable areas of the range are 
displayed in red.
•If the exposure is not adequate, the aperture value and the shutter speed turn red and blink 
when the shutter button is pressed halfway.
•We recommend using a tripod when the shutter speed is slow.•The [Sensitivity] is automatically set to [ISO200] when you switch...

Page 97

Recording Modes
Applicable modes: 
The effects of aperture and shutter speed can be checked by using the Preview Mode.
Confirm the effects of aperture:  You can check the depth of field (effective focus range) 
before taking a picture by closing the leaf shutter to the aperture value you set.
•Confirm the effects of shutter speed:  Movement can be confirmed by displaying the actual 
picture that will be taken with that shutter speed. When the shutter speed is set for high speed, 
display in the...

Page 98

Recording Modes
Applicable modes: 
When the exposure setting is too bright or too dark, you can use one push AE to achieve a 
suitable exposure setting.
The exposure meter is displayed, and the aperture and shutter speed are changed to give 
a suitable exposure. Which items of the settings change will depend on the Recording 
•In the following cases, suitable exposure cannot be set. (Exposure meter is displayed)
–When the subject is extremely dark and it is not possible to achieve adequate...

Page 99

Recording Modes
Taking Pictures that match the Scene being 
 (Scene Guide Mode)
Recording Mode: 
If you select a scene to suit the subject and recording conditions with reference to the 
example images, the camera will set optimal exposure, color, and focus, allowing you to 
record in a manner appropriate to the scene.
1Set the mode dial to  [ ].
2Press 2/1 to select the scene.
•The scene can also be selected by dragging an example 
image or the slide bar.
3Press [MENU/SET] to set.

Page 100

Recording Modes
•To change Scene Guide Mode, select the [ ] tab on the menu screen, select [Scene Switch] , 
and then press [MENU/SET]. You can return to step2.•The following items cannot be set in Scene Guide Mode because the camera automatically 
adjusts them to the optimal setting.
–Items other than the picture quality adjustment in [Photo Style]/[Sensitivity]/[Metering Mode]/
[Highlight Shadow]/[HDR]/[Digital Zoom]/[Multi Exp.]
•Although white balance is fixed to [AWB] for certain types of scene,...
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