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Panasonic Digital Camera Dmc Gf3 Owners Manual

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When the screen periphery darkens as a result of the lens characteristics, you can record 
pictures with the brightness of the screen periphery corrected.
Applicable modes: 
This feature may be automatically disabled, depending on the recording conditions.•Noise in the periphery of the picture may stand out with higher ISO sensitivity.•Correction is not possible  in the following cases:–When recording motion pictures.•Depending on the lens used, [SHADING COMP.] may not...

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[]/[ ]/[]Note
Refer to P81  for details.
Set this when you want to correct the color reproduction of the recorded pictures on a PC, 
printer etc.
Applicable modes: 
Depending on the color space setting, the file name of the recorded picture changes as shown.
•Set to sRGB if you are not very familiar with AdobeRGB.•The setting is fixed to [sRGB] when recording motion pictures.
[OFF]/[ ]/ []
Refer to P69  for details.
[sRGB] Color space is set to...

Page 133

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Using the [MOTION PICTURE] Mode Menu
For details on [MOTION PICTURE] Mode menu settings, refer to P57.
are common to both the [REC] Mode menu  and [MOTION PICTURE] Mode menu. Changing 
these settings in one of these menus is reflected in other menu.
–For details, refer to the explanation for the corresponding setting in [REC] Mode menu.
This sets up the data format of motion pictures.
Applicable modes:...

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This sets up the picture quality of motion pictures.
Applicable modes: 
When [AVCHD] is selected
What is bit rate
This is the volume of data for a definite period of time, and the quality becomes higher when the 
number gets bigger. This unit is using the “VBR” recording method. “VBR” is an abbreviation of 
“Variable Bit Rate”, and the bit rate (volume of data for definite period of time) is changed 
automatically depending on the subject to record. Therefore, the recording time is...

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Refer to P44  for details.
Refer to P71  for details.
This reduces the wind noise in the audio recording.
Applicable modes: 
Sound quality will be different than usual when [WIND CUT] is set.•Not available with [MINIATURE EFFECT] in Creative Control Mode.
Set whether or not the mic leve ls are displayed on the screen.
Applicable modes: 
Not available with [MINIATURE EFFECT] in Creative Control...

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Adjust the sound input level to 4 different levels.
Applicable modes: Note
Not available with [MINIATURE EFFECT] in Creative Control Mode.
The shutter speed can be fixed to reduce the flicker or striping in the motion picture.
Applicable modes: 
Shutter speed for recording a motion picture will be fixed to the selected shutter speed when 
settings other than [OFF] are selected.

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Perform these settings if you need to.
Using the [CUSTOM] Menu
For details on how to select the [CUSTOM] menu settings, refer to P57.
Refer to P114  for details.
•Refer to P59 for details.
•Refer to P97 for details.
•When the recorded picture and the hi stogram do not match each other under the 
following conditions, the histogram is displayed in orange.
–When the Manual Exposure Assistance is other than [ n0] during Exposure Compensation or 
in the Manual Exposure Mode
–When the...

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•When you align the subject on the horizontal and vertical guidelines or the cross point of these 
lines, you can take pictures with well-designed composition by viewing the size, the slope and 
the balance of the subject.
•If there are any white saturated areas, we 
recommend compensating the exposure towards 
negative (P76) referring to the histogram  (P137) and 
then taking the picture again. It may result in a better 
quality picture.
•There may be white saturated areas if the...

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•Refer to P98 for details.
•It is recommended that this feature be left on, to minimize the possibility of pictures with poor 
•[FOCUS PRIORITY] is disabled during motion picture recording.
It will set so no picture can be taken when it is out of focus.
[OFF]:This gives priority to the best time to take a picture so 
you can take a picture when the shutter button is 
pressed fully.
[ON]: You cannot take a picture until the subject...

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•The effective range of the AF Assist Lamp is different depending on used lens.–When the interchangeable lens (H-H014) is attached: Approx. 1.0 m (3.28 feet) to 3.5 m 
(11.5 feet)
–When the interchangeable lens (H-FS014042) is attached and at Wide: Approx. 1.0 m 
(3.28 feet) to 3.0 m (9.84 feet)
•The AF Assist Lamp is valid only for the subject in the center of the screen. Use it by 
positioning the subject in the center of the screen.
•Remove the lens hood.•When you do not want to use...
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