Panasonic Color Television Ct 27sx11 Operating Instructions
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20 SPECIAL FEATURES Special Features SET UP Menu Languages In SET UP Menu, select IDIOMA / LANGUE to change menu language to ENGLISH, ESPAÑOL (Spanish), or FRANÇAIS (French). Prog Chan (Program Channels) In SET UP menu under PROG CHAN select: rMODE to select TV (antenna) or CABLE mode depending on the signal source. rAUTO PROGRAM to automatically program all channels with a signal. rMANUAL PROGRAM to manually add or delete channels. (Closed Captioning) This television contains a built-in...
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21 SPECIAL FEATURES Other Adjustments rAUTO POWER ON - Select SET to power up the TV at the same time as the Cable Box or other components or select OFF. rCHANNEL BANNER - Select ON to display onscreen banner when changing channels. rGEOMAGNETIC CORR (CORRECTION) - Adjusts discoloration of the picture due to earth’s magnetic field in the area (for models CT-32SX31/U and CT-36SX31/U). For models CT-27SX11/U and CT-27SX31/U this feature is used to adjust the tilt of the picture due to earth’s magnetic...
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22 SPECIAL FEATURES TIMER Sleep In TIMER menu, select SLEEP to turn TV off in 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Select NO to turn off timer . Timer In TIMER menu, select timer to turn the television on and off at selected times, on selected channels, and on selected days. Note:TIME must be entered in CLOCK SET to operate TIMER features. Turn Off After 90 Minutes The TV automatically turns OFF after 90 minutes when turned on by the TIMER. If the OFF time is selected or if a key is pressed, the automatic OFF...
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23 SPECIAL FEATURES PICTURE Video Adjustments In Picture menu under VIDEO ADJ. select: rCOLOR - Adjust desired color intensity. rTINT - Adjust natural flesh tones. rBRIGHTNESS - Adjust dark areas for crisp detail. rPICTURE - Adjust white areas of picture. rSHARPNESS - Adjust clarity of outline detail. rNORMAL - Reset all picture adjustments to factory default settings. Note: Picture adjustments can be individually set for each video input mode. Other Adjustments In Picture menu under OTHER ADJ. select:...
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24 SPECIAL FEATURES CHANNELS Caption In CHANNELS menu under CAPTION select: rMANUAL CAPTION to enter numbers and captions manually. rINPUT LABEL to label video input connections for onscreen display. Video Input Skip Feature This receiver has a video input skip feature, which will allow the user to skip desired Input modes when pressing TV/VIDEO button. rSelect desired video Input mode (VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, or VIDEO 3.) rPress the volume left button while the first character is highlighted to skip...
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25 SPECIAL FEATURES LOCK MODE To use LOCK options: rENTER CODE FIRST - Use the numeric keypad to enter a four-digit secret code. After entering your secret code for the first time, the onscreen display will change to CHANGE CODE. Note:Use a code that is easy to remember or record it in a safe place. In MODE submenu select: LOCK SET to choose: rOFF - To turn lock function off. rALL - To lock all channels and video inputs. rCHANNEL - To lock up to four channels of your choice. rGAME - To lock...
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26 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART Troubleshooting Chart Before calling for service, determine the symptoms and follow suggested solutions. AUDIOVIDEOSolutions Noisy Audio Snowy Video Adjust Antenna Location and Connection Noisy AudioMultiple Image Adjust Antenna Location and Connection Check Antenna Lead-in Wire Noisy AudioInterference Move TV from Electrical Appliances, Lights, Vehicles, and Medical Equipment No Audio Normal Video Increase Volume Check Mute Check TV SPEAKERS on/off Change Channel Noisy AudioNo...
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28 NOTES Notes Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company, Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 (800) 222-4213 Panasonic de Mexico, S.A, de C.V. Amores No. 1120 Col. Del Valle C.P. 03100 México, D.F. Tel. (915 ó 015) 488-1000 Fax (915 ó 015) 575-6763, 575-6765Panasonic Sales Company, Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico Inc. (“PSC”) Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km 9.5 San Gabriel Industrial Park Carolina, Puerto Rico...
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® ® Color Television Operating Instructions CT-27SX11 CT-27SX11U CT-27SX31 CT-27SX31UCT-32SX31 CT-32SX31U CT-36SX31 CT-32SX31UCT-F2911 CT-F2911X CT-F2921L CT-F2931CT-F2931X CT-F2941L CT-F3431 CT-F3431X CT-F3441L TQB2AA0372 10409 PRINTED IN USA Televisor a color Instrucciones de Operación CT-27SX11 CT-27SX11U CT-27SX31 CT-27SX31UCT-32SX31 CT-32SX31U CT-36SX31 CT-32SX31UCT-F2911 CT-F2911X CT-F2921L CT-F2931CT-F2931X CT-F2941L CT-F3431 CT-F3431X CT-F3441L TQB2AA0372 10409 IMPRESO EN EE.UU. For assistance,...