Security Camera
Panasonic Color CCTV Camera Wv Cw590 Wv Cw594 Installation Guide
Panasonic Color CCTV Camera Wv Cw590 Wv Cw594 Installation Guide
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21 Alarm In/Out Rat\bng\Hs Alarm In : 5 V DC pu\f\f-up input. Drive capacity of at \fease 0.2 mA required. OFF : 4 V to 5 V DC, or open ON : 1 V DC or \fess, or \,short Alarm Out : Open co\f\fector outp\,ut. 16 V DC, maximum drive current: 100 mA OFF : Open ON : 100 mA or \fess Note: • Do not turn off camera power within 30 seconds after turning it on. Doing so can cause pan, ti\ft, zoom, or focus to go out of position. • 24 V AC Power Su\Hpply Connect\bon Recommended wire gauge sizes for \,24 V AC \fine #24 (0.22mm2) Copper wire size (AWG) Length of cab\fe (approx.) #22 (0.33mm2) #20 (0.52mm2) #18 (0.83mm2) (m) 20 304575 Important: • \bhe power supp\fy of 24 V AC sha\f\f be insu\fated against 220 to 240\, V AC.

22 Troubleshooting Before requesting service, \,check the fo\f\fowing \,symptoms to see if\, you can so\fve the \,prob\fem yourse\ff. If the countermeasures described be\fow do not correct the prob\fem, or if the symptoms you are experiencing are not covered here, contact a qua\fit\,y service person or\, system insta\f\fer. Problem Cause and Recommen\Hded Act\bon Reference Pages No p\bcture (dark sc\Hreen) • Is the camera connected correct\fy? Check the operating instructions that come with your system contro\f\fer. — • Is the \fens iris c\f\,osed? Execute the iris reset from the system contro\f\fer you are using.Operat\bng Instruct\bons • Is the camera set \,up for a fixed shu\,tter speed? Operat\bng Instruct\bons Wh\bte p\bcture • I s F I X s e \f e c t e d f o r t h e e \f e c t r o n i c s e n s i t i v i t y enhancement (SENS \,UP) setting?Operat\bng Instruct\bons • Is the \fens iris op\,en? Operat\bng Instruct\bons Out of focus p\bctur\He • Is the dome cover or \fens of the camera dirty? If so, c\fean them. 7 • Is the object one that is not compatib\fe with auto focus? For such ob\,jects, focus manua\f\,\fy. Operat\bng Instruct\bons D\bg\btal no\bse \bn the p\bcture • \b h e s \f i p r i n g m a y b e d i r t y. D o y o u h a v e t h e c\feaning function t\,urned on? Operat\bng Instruct\bons • Is the camera set \,up correct\fy? 10 • Is MANUAL se\fected \,for the auto focus\, mode? Operat\bng Instruct\bons

23 Problem Cause and Recommen\Hded Act\bon Reference Pages Poor p\bcture color \H • Is the dome cover or \fens of the camera dirty? If so, c\fean them. 7 • Use the specia\f setup menu to adjust picture qua\fity.Operat\bng Instruct\bons • Check the white ba\fa\,nce setting. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Image fl\bcker • If Super Dynamic 6 is turned on, turn it off. Operat\bng Instruct\bons After\bmages \bn the p\bcture • Check the DNR sett\,ing. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Black-and-wh\bte p\bct\Hure • \bhe camera has an auto b\fack-and-white switching mode function. Chec\,k the setting of t\,his mode. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Frequent sw\btch\bng between the color and the black-and-wh\bte modes • Adjust the b\fack-and-white mode switching \feve\f, and the duration t\,ime setting. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Wh\bte specks \bn the \H p\bcture • Use the PIX OFF function to per for m b\femish compensation. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Menu does not open\H. • I s t h e c a m e r a c o n n e c t e d c o r re c t \f y ? S e e t h e operating instructions that come with the system contro\f\fer you are using. — • Are camera communication settings configured correct\fy?12-15 20

24 Problem Cause and Recommen\Hded Act\bon Reference Pages Black l\bne appears \H\bn the \bmage • Whether or not the connected system contro\f\fer is set as mu\ftip\fex ver\,tica\f driver (VD2)?\,7 Menu sett\bngs w\bll \Hnot change. • Is the password \fock function tur\,ned on?Operat\bng Instruct\bons I forgot the passwo\Hrd. • Contact a qua\fity s\,ervice person or sy\,stem insta\f\fer. — P\bcture does not sw\btch to black-and-\H wh\bte. • Switching is not performed when the ALARM IN 4 setting is BW. Check the setting\,. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Pan, t\blt, zoom, or\H focus do not work. \H • I s t h e c a m e r a c o n n e c t e d c o r re c t \f y ? S e e t h e operating instructions that come with the system contro\f\fer you are using. — • \bhe camera has a pan \fimit function. Check the PAN LIMI\b settings. \,Operat\bng Instruct\bons • \bhe motor or \fens may be worn. Contact a qua\fity service person or s\,ystem insta\f\fer. — The camera movement\H modes (OFF, SEQ, SORT, AUTOPAN, PATROL, AUTOTRACK) do not work. • Check the se\ff return function. Operat\bng Instruct\bons • Check the ALARM IN\, settings. Operat\bng Instruct\bons • C h e c k t h e re c o v e r t i m e s e t t i n g o f t h e m o t i o n detector. Operat\bng Instruct\bons

25 Problem Cause and Recommen\Hded Act\bon Reference Pages Power cord sheath\bng\H \bs damaged. • \bhe power cord is damaged. Continued use creates the risk of e\fectric shock and fire. Immediate\fy unp\fug the power p\fug and contact a qua\fified\, service person or \,system insta\f\fer fo\,r servicing. Power cord becomes \H hot dur\bng operat\bon\H. Power cord becomes \H warm or hot when \bt \H\bs bent or stretched du\Hr\bng use. ● Per\bod\bcally check the power cord. Camera pos\bt\bon \bs d\bfferent from the \H preset pos\bt\bon set\Ht\bng. • Perform REFRESH from the specia\f setu\,p menu. Operat\bng Instruct\bons P\bcture \bs d\bfferent\H from the pos\bt\bon sett\bng\H. • Adjust the picture using the preset menu and a scene fi\fe. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Upper part of the p\H\bcture \bs black when the camera \bs \bn a hor\bz\Hontal or\bentat\bon. • \bhis is caused by the camera's interna\f cover. It does not indicate \,ma\ffunction. Operat\bng Instruct\bons Camera suddenly st\Harts to pan by \btself. • If the c\feaning function is turned on, this is norma\f d o e s n o t i n d i c a t e m a \f f u n c t i o n . C h e c k t h e CLEANING settings. \,Operat\bng Instruct\bons • I f t h e c \f e a n i n g f u n c t i o n i s n o t t u r n e d o n , t h i s symptom cou\fd be du\,e to noise. 7, 10 Operat\bng Instruct\bons The camera movement\H mode (OFF, SEQ, SORT, AUTOPAN, PATROL, AUTOTRACK) sett\bng changes. • Check the se\ff return function.

26 Panning Range360° end\fess Panning Modes Manua\f, auto, manua\f\, position, sequenti\,a\f position Panning Speed* 2Manua\f: Approx. 0.065 °/s to 12\,0 °/s 8 steps, 16 steps, 64 steps Preset: Approx. 400 °/s \bi\fting Range -5° to 185° (horiz\,onta\f - vertica\f - horizonta\f)\, \bi\fting Modes Manua\f, manua\f posit\,ion, sequentia\f pos\,ition \bi\fting Speed * 3Manua\f: Approx. 0.065 °/s to 12\,0 °/s 8 steps, 16 steps, 64 steps Preset: Approx. 400 °/s Zoom Ratio 36x (Approx. 720x with digita\,\f zoom) Foca\f Length 3.3 mm to 119 mm Maximum Aperture Ratio 1:1.4 (WIDE) to 4.2\, (\bELE) Object Distance 2.0 m Iris Range F1.4 to 22, C\fose Angu\far Fie\fd of View Horizonta\f: 1.7° (\bE\,LE) to 60.2° (WIDE)\, Vertica\f: 1.3° (\bELE) t\,o 46.0° (WIDE) *3 Actua\f speed de\,pends on type of c\,ontro\f\fer being used. ● Lens ● Pan and T\btle ● General WV-CW590 WV-CW594 Power Requirements 220 V - 240 V AC, 5\,0 Hz 24 V AC, 50 Hz Power Consumption 80 W 98 W Pick-up Device 1/4-type inter\fine \,transfer CCD Effective Pixe\fs 976 (H) × 582 (V) Scanning Area 3.66 mm (H) × 2.73 mm (V) Signa\f PAL Synchronization Interna\f (IN\b) Scanning 2:1 inter\face Scanning Frequencies Horizonta\f: 15.625 \,kHz, Vertica\f: 50.00 Hz Video Output VBS: 1.0 V [p-p]/75\, Ω (BNC p\fug) Reso\fution (Center)\, Horizonta\f: 650 \bV \fines typ. (C\,enter) Vertica\f : 400 \bV \fines minimu\,m (Center) Minimum I\f\fuminatio\,n 0.5 \fx (co\for mode) 0.04 \fx (b\fack-and-wh\,ite mode) SENS UP: OFF; AGC:\, HIGH Dynamic Range 54 dB typ. (SUPER-D\,6: ON) S/N Ratio 52 dB minimum (AGC\,: OFF) Ambient Operating \,\bemperature -50 °C to +50 °C; \,Humidity 90 % max. \,(non-condensation)\,* 1 Water Resistance IP66 protection from water jets from a nozz\fe (IEC605\,29) Dimensions 229 mm (D) × 360 mm (H) diamet\,er of the dome: 15\,0 mm Weight Approx. 4.5 kg (inc\fuding front and rear sunshie\fds) Finish Camera: Die cast a\,\fuminium, coated (P\,aint co\for: Natura\f\, si\fver) Sunshie\fd* 2: ASA resin, coated ( Pain\,t co\for: Natura\f si\,\fver) Dome: C\fear po\fycar\,bonate resin *1 When power is o\,n continuous\fy (howe\,ver, the camera's inte\,rior temperature is -10 °C or hig\,her) *2 Sunshie\fd canno\,t removed. Spe\fifi\fations

27 ● Ma\bn Funct\bons Contro\f\fer Interface Coaxia\f Mu\ftip\fex Sy\,stem, RS485 Contro\f Functions Pan and ti\ft, zoom \,and focus, 256 preset positions, hom\,e position, patro\f AGC ON (LOW), ON (MID),\, ON (HIGH), OFF \bit\fe (ID) ON, OFF (Preset ID, camera ID,\, area tit\fe: 16 a\fphan\,umeric characters)\, Zoom Speed around 6.0 seconds (\b\,ELE to WIDE) in ma\,nua\f mode Zoom Limit 1x to 720x (Over 36\,x is digita\f zoom) Password Lock A\f\f menus Auto Focus MANUAL/AU\bO (PAN, \bIL\b, ZOOM \finked) Iris ALC (Adjustab\fe OPE\,N/CLOSE output tar\,get \feve\f)/MANUAL Shutter OFF (1/50), AU\bO, 1/\,120, 1/250, 1/500, 1\,/1000, 1/2000, 1/40\,00, 1/10000 E\fectronic Sensitivity Enhancement 32X max. AU\bO, 512X \,max. FIX Auto Mode OFF, SEQ, SOR\b, AU\bOPAN, PA\bROL, AU\bO\bRACK Auto Pan Key SEQ, SOR\b, AU\bOPAN, PA\bROL, AU\bO\bRACK Digita\f F\fip ON/OFF SUPER-D6 ON/OFF VMD OFF/Motion Det/Sce\,ne Change A\farm Input/Output 4 inputs (ALARM IN\, 1 to ALARM IN 4) 2 outputs (ALARM/A\,UX1, BW/AUX2) B\fack-and-White Mod\,e Switching AU\bO/ON/OFF Privacy Zone ON/OFF (8 zone set\,tings) Patro\f S\bOP/PLAY/LEARN C\feaning ON/OFF Image Ho\fd ON/OFF Auto Image Stabi\fiz\,er ON/OFF Scene Se\fect Settin\,g INDOOR (L) /INDOOR\, (H) /OU\bDOOR (L) /\,OU\bDOOR (H) Language Setting Japanese, Eng\fish, G\,erman, French, Ita\fian, Spani\,sh, Russian, Chines\,e Standard accessor\be\Hs CD-ROM* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pc. Insta\f\fation Guide \,(this book) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pc. *\bhe CD-ROM contain\,s the operating in\,structions (PDF). \bhe fo\f\fowing parts are used during inst\,a\f\fation procedures. Front and rear sunshie\fds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pc. each Front/rear sunshie\fd fixin\,g screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pcs. (inc\f. 1 spa\,re) Opt\bonal accessor\be\Hs Wa\f\f Mount Bracket \, \, \, \, WV-Q122

28 Informat\bon on D\bsp\Hosal for Users of \HWaste Electr\bcal & \HElectron\bc Equ\bpmen\Ht (pr\bvate households) \bhis symbo\f on the products and/or accompanying documents means that used e\fectrica\f and e\fectronic products shou\fd not b\,e mixed with genera\,\f househo\fd waste. For proper treatment, recovery and recyc\fing, p\fease take these products to designated co\f\fection points, where they wi\f\f be accepted on a free of charge basis. A\fternative\fy, in some countries you may be ab\fe to return your products to your \foca\f retai\fer upon the purchase of an equiva\fent new product. Disposing of this product correct\fy wi\f\f he\fp to save va\fuab\fe resources and prevent any potentia\f negative effects on human hea\fth and the environment which cou\fd otherwise arise from inappropriate waste hand\fing. P\fease con\,tact your \foca\f aut\,hority for further detai\fs of you\,r nearest designated co\f\f\,ection point. Pena\fties may be ap\,p\ficab\fe for incorr\,ect disposa\f of thi\,s waste, in accordance with nationa\f \,\fegis\fation. For bus\bness users \b\Hn the European Un\bo\Hn If you wish to discard e\fectrica\f and e\fectronic equipment, p\fease contact your dea\fer or supp\fier for further information. Informat\bon on D\bsp\Hosal \bn other Count\Hr\bes outs\bde the Eur\Hopean Un\bon \bhis symbo\f is on\fy \,va\fid in the European Union. If you wish to discard this product, p\fease contact your \foca\f authorities or dea\fer and ask for the correct method of disposa\f.\,