Panasonic Cf 18fhazxbm Owners Manual
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41 AppendixAppendix A. MEI vous octroie par les présentes le droit et la licence personnels, non cessibles et non exclusifs dutiliser les Logiciels conformément aux termes, clauses et conditions de ce Contrat. Vous reconnaissez ne recevoir quun droit limité dutiliser les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant et vous vous engagez à nobtenir aucun droit de titre, propr iété ni aucun autre droit vis-à-vis des Logiciels et de la documentation les accompagnant ni vis- à-vis des algorithmes, concepts, dessins, configurations et idées représentés par ou incorporés dans les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant, dont les titres, propriété et droits resteront tous à MEI ou à leurs propriétaires. B. Vous ne pouvez utiliser les Logiciels que sur le Produit unique qui est accompagné par les Logiciels. C. Vous et vos employés ou agents êtes requis de protéger la confidentialité des Logiciels. Vous ne pouvez ni distribuer ni mettre les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant à la disposition dun tiers, par partage de temps ou de quelque autre manière que ce soit, sans lautorisation écr ite préalable de MEI. D. Vous ne pouvez ni copier ni reproduire ni per mettre la copie ni la reproduction des Logiciels ni de la documenta- tion les accompagnant pour quelque fin que ce soit, à lexception dune (1) copie des Logiciels à des fins de sauvegarde uniquement pour soutenir votre utilisation des Logiciels sur le Produit unique qui est accompagné par les Logiciels. Vous ne pouvez ni modifier ni tenter de modifier les Logiciels. E. Vous ne pouvez céder les Logiciels et en octroyer la licence à une autre par tie quen rapport avec votre cession du Produit unique qui est accompagné par les Logiciels à cette autre par tie. Au moment de cette cession, vous devez céder également toutes les copies, que ce soit sous forme imprimée ou lisible par la machine, de tous les Logiciels ainsi que de la documentation les accompagnant, à la même par tie ou détruire les copies non cédées. F. Vous ne pouvez retirer aucune marque de droits dauteur, marque ou autre ni aucune identification de produit des Logiciels et vous devez reproduire et inclure toutes ces notices ou identifications de produit sur toutes les copies des Logiciels. Vous ne pouvez assembler en sens inverse, compiler en sens inverse ni retracer les Logiciels ni aucune de leurs copies, de façon électronique ou mécanique, en tout ou en partie. Vous ne pouvez utiliser, copier, modifier, altérer ni céder les Logiciels ni aucune de leurs copies, en tout ou en par tie, à lexception de ce qui est expressément stipulé dans ce contrat. Si vous cédez la possession de toute copie ou de tout Logiciel à une autre partie, à lexception de ce qui est autor isé au paragraphe E ci-dessus, votre licence est automatiquement résiliée.Licence Termes, clauses et conditions Cette licence nest effective que pour la durée de possession ou de crédit-bail du Produit, à moins dune résiliation antér ieure. Vous pouvez résilier cette licence à tout moment en détruisant, à vos frais, les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant avec toutes leurs copies, sous quelque forme que ce soit. Cette licence sera également résiliée, avec application immédiate, si les conditions de résiliation définies ailleurs dans ce contrat se sont réalisées ou si vous ne respectez pas les termes, clauses et conditions qui y sont contenues. Au moment de la résiliation, vous acceptez de détr uire, à vos frais, les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant avec toutes leurs copies, sous quelque forme que ce soit. Vous reconnaissez avoir lu ce contrat, en avoir compris toute la substance et avoir accepté de respecter ses termes, clauses et conditions. Vous reconnaissez en outre quils sont la description complète et exclusive du contrat conclu entre nous, contrat qui remplace et annule toute proposition ou contrat précédent, écr it ou oral, et toute autre communication entre nous, relativement à lobjet du présent contrat. Le(s) logiciel(s) (les Logiciels) fournis avec ce produit Panasonic ® (le Produit) sont exclusivement concédés en licence à lutilisateur ultime (vous), et ils ne peuvent être utilisés que conformément aux clauses contractuelles ci- dessous. En utilisant les logiciels, vous vous engagez de manière définitive à respecter les ter mes, clauses et conditions des présentes. Matsushita Electr ic Industrial Co., Ltd. (MEI) a mis au point ou obtenu les Logiciels et vous en concède lutilisation par les présentes. Vous assumez lentière responsabilité du choix de ce Produit (y compris des Logiciels associés) pour obtenir les résultats escomptés, ainsi que de linstallation, de lutilisation et des résultats obtenus. Contrat de licence dusage limité

42 Appendix Hard Disk Backup Function The hard disk backup function creates a backup area (storage area) on the hard disk. This area is to back up (store) hard disk contents or restore backed up contents to their original locations. By backing up the data on your hard disk to a backup area, you can protect your data from loss or damage resulting from operational errors or other factors. Also, you can back up or restore hard disk contents using this computer alone, without having to use other media or peripheral devices. At the time of purchase, the hard disk backup function is disabled. If you follow the procedure below to create a backup area, the hard disk backup function will be enabled, and you will be able to back up your data. Note, that once the backup function has been enabled, you will have to perform the reinstallation procedure to disable it again ( page 38). Disconnect or remove all peripheral devices (except for the CD/DVD drive), as the backup area may not be created properly while these devices are connected. Be sure the AC adaptor is connected to the computer. A backup area cannot be created if the hard disk is already divided into several partitions. Return the computer to its condition at the time of purchase (one partition only), and create the backup area. To divide the partition, make the selection when the backup area is created ( page 43 step 8). If the partition configuration is changed (partitions created, size changed, etc.) after the backup area has been created, it will no longer be possible to execute the backup function. To change the configuration, it is necessary to return the computer to its condition at the time of purchase, and then create the backup area again. The hard disk backup function will only work for the internal hard disk. This function does not work with an external hard disk. Backup and restore functions will not operate if the hard disk has been damaged. Do not use the NTFS file system compression function, as this may result in insufficient capacity of the backup area. If the hard disk malfunctions, it will be impossible to read the data stored on it. We recommend that you also back up important data to a location other than the hard disk (an external hard disk or other media). Execute a disk error check using the following procedure. 1Select [start] - [My Computer], and select [Local Disk(C:)] with the right button. 2Select [Properties]. 3Select [Check Now] from [Tools]. 4In [Check Disk], select [Start] without adding a check mark beside any of the items. If a message is displayed indicating that there is an error in the disk, display [Check Disk], and add a check mark for [Automatically fix file system errors] and [Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors], select [Start], and check for disk errors again. The hard disk backup function does not accommodate dynamic disks. Do not convert the hard disk to a dynamic disk. The hard disk backup function cannot back up or restore data properly if there is a problem with the hard disk when the data is backed up or restored. Note that if an error occurs while data is being restored, whether as a result of an unexpected malfunction, incorrect operation, or other reason, the data in the hard disk (data before restoration) may be lost. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. will bear no responsibility for any damages suffered by the user (including loss of data) as a result of the use of this function. Before Using a Hard Disk Backup Function Preparing Product Recovery CD-ROM (included) Panasonic USB CD/DVD drive (optional: CF-VDRRT1M or CF-VDRRT2W )

43 AppendixAppendix 1Turn off the computer and connect the CD/DVD drive to the USB port. 2 Turn on the computer, and press F2 while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed. The Setup Utility will then start. If a password has been set, enter the Supervisor Password. You cannot register [Boot] menu with a User Password. 3 Select [Boot] menu, then select [USB CD/DVD Drive] and press F6 until [USB CD/DVD Drive] is at the top of the [Boot] menu. 4Place disc number one of the recovery CDs into the CD/DVD drive. 5 Press F10 . At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter . The computer will restart. If [Enter Password] is displayed during the following procedures, input the Supervisor Password or the User Password. This screen should appear. 6 Press 3 to execute [3.[Backup]]. Regarding backup area • Requires availability of at least half of the entire hard disk. Without sufficient space available, the backup area cannot be created. • When the backup area is created, the usable hard disk capacity will be reduced to less than half. • The backup area cannot be accessed from Windows. For this reason, backed up data cannot be copied to CD-R or other removable disk media. • When the hard disk backup function is executed, data in the backup area will be over- written. If newly created or edited data is backed up later, data stored previously in the backup area will be lost. NOTE Create a Backup Area When dividing the hard disk into partitions Do not execute [1. Recovery] to divide the hard disk into partitions. The hard disk backup function cannot be enabled after the hard disk has been partitioned. Use procedure 8 to divide the hard disk. CAUTION The usable hard disk area [At the time of purchase] [After the backup area is created] The backup area Cannot be accessed from Windows.Can be accessed from Windows (One partition). 7At the confirmation message, press Y . 8Select how to divide the hard disk from the menu. Select [1]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Select a number---------------------------------------------------------------------1. [ Recovery ] Reinstall Windows. 2. [ Erase HDD ]Erase the whole data on HDD for security. 3. [ Backup ]Enable the Backup function. 0. [ Cancel ] Cancel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

44 Appendix 9When the confirmation message is displayed, press Y . The backup area is then created. 10When the message [You must reboot in order to enable the Backup function] appears, remove the recovery CD, and press any key to restart the computer. The computer is restarted, then the backup process will begin. 11 When the message [[Backup] is complete] appears, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart the computer. Do not press Ctrl + Alt + Del until the message is displayed. CAUTION The [Boot] menu in the Setup Utility is set to start up from the CD/DVD drive. Change this setting if necessary. The next time the backup or restore functions are executed, follow the procedure for [Backing Up and Restoring Data] ( below). NOTE 1Turn the computer on, and press F2 while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed. The Setup Utility will start up. If a password has been set, enter the Supervisor Password or the User Password. 2 Select [Exit] menu, then select [Hard Disk Backup / Restore] and press çEnter . At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press çEnter . Backing Up and Restoring Data Before executing the backup function, execute a disk error check ( page 42). Do not interrupt the backup or restore functions before completion, for example by turning off the power or pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del , as this may prevent Windows from starting up, or may cause data to be lost so that the backup and restore functions cannot be executed. CAUTION 12After logging on to Windows, a message will appear advising that a new device has been in- stalled and that the computer must be restarted to enable the settings. Select [Yes] to restart the computer. Select [2], enter the partition size (GB), and press Enter . • You can cancel this operation by pressing 0 . • The data partition size will be the maximum settable size less the number entered above. The maximum settable size will differ depending on models. The usable hard disk area [At the time of purchase] [After the backup area is created] The backup area Cannot be accessed from Windows.Can be accessed from Windows (Two partitions). Hard Disk Backup Function

45 AppendixAppendix To disable the hard disk backup function Perform the reinstallation procedure. All data in the backup area and the hard disk will be erased. Conduct steps 1-8 for [Reinstalling Software] ( page 38). Select [1] or [2] to execute the reinstallation at the screen for executing the reinstallation. • When [1] is selected, the hard disk backup function can be disabled. • When [2] is selected, the hard disk backup function can be disabled, but in this case, because the hard disk has been divided into partitions, the hard disk backup function cannot be re-enabled ( page 29). • When [3] is selected, the hard disk backup function cannot be disabled. CAUTION When the hard disk backup function has been enabled, the backed up data will not be erased even if a commercial data erasing utility or similar software is used to erase all data from user-accessible area. You can use the hard disk data erase utility included in this computer ( page 46) to erase all data on the hard disk, including backed up data. Use this hard disk data erase utility before disposing of or transferring ownership of this computer. Occasionally, the message [#1805 cannot write image file] will be displayed, and the backup function will be interrupted. If this error occurs, execute the backup function again. After this, if the backup function is completed properly, then there is no problem in the hard disk. 4When the message [[Backup] is complete] or [[Restore] is complete] is displayed, press çCtrlçç ò òò ò òçAltçç ò òò ò òççDel ç to restart the computer. • If the backup or restore process was interrupted before completion, for example if the power was turned off, execute the process again. • After logging on to Windows, when a new device is installed and a message appears advising that the computer must be restarted to enable the settings, select [Yes] to restart the computer. 3Select the operation to be executed from the menu. 1 Press ç1ççto execute [1. [Backup]]. (When dividing the hard disk into two partitions, select the backup method at next screen.) 2 At the confirmation message, press Y . The backup process will begin. 1 Press ç2ççto execute [2. [Restore]]. (When data is backed up in two partitions, select the restore method at next screen.) 2 At the confirmation message, press Y . The restore process will begin. The time required to complete the backup or restore process differs depending on the data volume. NOTE

46 Appendix Hard Disk Data Erase Utility 1Turn off the computer and connect the CD/DVD drive to the USB port. 2 Turn the computer on, and press F2 while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed. The Setup Utility will start up. If the password has been set, enter the Supervisor Password. 3Select [Boot] menu, then select [USB CD/DVD Drive] and press F6 until [USB CD/DVD Drive] is at the top of the [Boot] menu. 4Place disc number one of the recovery CDs into the CD/ DVD drive. 5 Press F10 . At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter . The computer will restart, and this screen should appear. This computer is equipped with a utility for erasing hard disk data. When disposing of or transferring ownership of this device, erase all data on the hard disk in order to prevent the theft of hard disk data by following the steps below. The hard disk data erase utility erases data using an “overwriting” method, but there is a possibility that due to malfunctions or other operational errors, data may not be completely erased. There are also specialized devices that may be able to read data that has been erased using this method. If you need to erase highly confidential data, we recommend that you contact a company that specializes in this process. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. will bear no responsibility for losses or damages suffered as a result of the use of this utility. NOTE Be sure the AC adaptor is connected until the procedure is completed. This utility can only be used for internal hard disk. It cannot be used to erase data from external hard disks. This utility cannot erase data from damaged disk. This utility cannot erase data for specific partitions. After executing this utility, the computer cannot be booted from the hard disk. The backup area and the data in the backup area will be erased. Product Recovery CD-ROM (included) Panasonic USB CD/DVD drive (optional: USB CD/DVD drive (optional: CF-VDRRT1M or CF-VDRRT2W ) 6 Press 2 to execute [2. [Erase HDD]]. (You can cancel this operation by pressing 0 .) When the message [The Backup function has been enabled. If [Erase HDD] is executed, the Backup function will be disabled, and your Backup data will be lost.] appears, press Y . When the message [Computer must be rebooted in order to execute [Erase HDD.]] appears, press R . 7 At the confirmation message, press Y . 8 When [] is displayed, press Enter . 9The approximate time required for erasing data will be dis- played. Press Space . 10 At the confirmation message, press Enter . The operation of erasing the hard disk will start. (If necessary, the “hard disk data erase” operation can be cancelled after it has begun by pressing Ctrl + C . If the operation is cancelled before being completed, a part of the data will not be erased.) 11After the operation is complete: Under normal conditions, the message [Hard disk data has been deleted.] will be displayed. If a problem occurred during the operation, an error message will be displayed. 12Remove the recovery CD, and then press any key to turn off the computer. Preparing Procedure When the message [The Backup function has been enabled. If [Recovery] or [Erase HDD] is executed, the Backup func- tion will be disabled, and your Backup data will be lost.] appears, press Y . ---------------------------------------------------------------------Select a number---------------------------------------------------------------------1. [ Recovery ] Reinstall Windows. 2. [ Erase HDD ]Erase the whole data on HDD for security. 3. [ Backup ]Enable the Backup function. 0. [ Cancel ] Cancel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

47 AppendixAppendix Specifications CF-18FHAZXBM CF-18GHAZXBM CF-18FHHZXBM CF-18GHHZXBM Intel® Pentium® M Processor 733 (1.10 GHz, 2 MB*1 L2 cache, 400 MHz FSB) 256 MB*1 (1280 MB*1 Max.)512 MB*1 (1536 MB*1 Max.) UMA (64 MB*1 Max.)*2 10.4 type (TFT) 65,536/16,777,216 colors (800 x 600 dots/1024 x 768 dots) 65,536/16,777,216 colors (800 x 600 dots/1024 x 768 dots/1280 x 1024 dots)*4 40 GB*560 GB*5 Windows keyboard (82 keys) Touch Pad Touchscreen (Anti-Reflection, Stylus (included) touch capable) Two Type I or Type II, or one Type III 3.3 V: 400 mA, 5 V: 400 mA 200-pin, 2.5 V, SO-DIMM, DDR-SDRAM, PC2100 Compliant Dsub 9-pin Male Miniature jack, 3.5 DIA Miniature jack, 3.5 DIA 4-pin x 2, USB2.0 RJ-11 Data:56 kbps (V.92 & K56flex*8) FAX:14.4 kbps RJ 45 IEEE 802.3 10Base-T, IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX Built-in page 48 — Built-in page 48 — Dedicated 100-pin female Dedicated 50 Ω coaxial connector x 2 Monaural Speaker AC ’97 2.1 Compatible, 18 bits full duplex stereo Li-ion 7.4 V, 7.05 Ah Approx. 4.5 hours - 8.5 hours*10 (Approx. 6.5 hours*11) Approx. 7 h Approx. 4 h Coin type lithium batter y 3.0 V Input : 100 V - 240 V AC, 50 Hz / 60 HzOutput : 16.0 V DC, 2.5 A Approx. 18 W*14 / Approx. 41 W (maximum when recharging in the ON state) 5 °C to 35 °C {41 °F to 95 °F} 30% to 80% RH (No condensation) -20 °C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F} 30% to 90% RH (No condensation) 271 mm X 49 mm X 216 mm {10.7 X 1.93 X 8.5 } Approx. 2.1 kg {Approx. 4.5 lb.} Model No. CPU Memory Video Memory LCD Type Displayed Colors*3 External Display Hard Disk Drive Keyboard Pointing Device PC Card Slot Allowable current (total for two slots) RAM Module Slot*6 Serial Port Microphone Jack*7 Interface Headphone Jack USB Port Modem LAN Wireless LAN Expansion Bus Connector External Antenna Connector Speaker Sound Battery Pack Operating Time*9 Charging Time*9Power On Power Off Clock Battery AC Adaptor*12 Power Consumption*13 EnvironmentOperation Temperature Humidity Storage Temperature Humidity Physical Dimensions*15 (W X H X D) Weight*15 *11 MB = 1,048,576 bytes *2A segment of the main memor y is allotted automatically depending on the computer’s operating status. The size of the Video Memory cannot be set by the user. * 3A 16,777,216 color display is achieved by using the dithering function. *4Maximum resolution depends on the specifications of the external display. *51GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Your operating system or some application software will report as fewer GB. *6Only a RAM card designed for PC2100 can be added. *7Use only a monaural condenser microphone. *8The settings for the K56flex modem need to be changed according to the AT command. *9Varies depending on the usage conditions, CPU speed, etc. *10Measured using Batter yMarkTM Version 4.0.1 (LCD brightness: Maximum - Minimum) *11Measured using MobileMarkTM 2002 (LCD brightness: 60 cd/m2) *12 The AC adaptor is compatible with power sources up to 240 V AC adaptor. The computer is supplied with a 125 V AC compatible AC cord. * 13Approx. 1.0 W when the battery pack is fully charged (or not being charged) and the computer is off. Approx. 1.5 W when the Wake up from LAN function has been enabled. * 14Rated power consumption. *15The dimensions and weight do not include the hand strap. Main Specifications

48 Appendix Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Tech- nologies (NTFS File System) Setup Utility DMI Viewer Adobe Reader Intel ® PROSet/Wireless Software*16 Panasonic Hand Writing Software Keyboard Display Rotation Tool PC Information Viewer Hard Disk Backup Utility* 17 Hard Disk Data Erase Utility*17 Icon Enlarger Loupe Utility Hotkey Settings Software Operating System Utility Programs *16 Only for models with wireless LAN. *17 The Product Recover y CD-ROM is required. Data transfer rates Standards supported Transmission method Wireless channels used RF frequency bandIEEE802.11a: 54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6 Mbps (automatically switched) IEEE802.11b: 11/5.5/2/1 Mbps (automatically switched) IEEE802.11g: 54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6 Mbps (automatically switched) IEEE802.11a/IEEE802.11b/IEEE802.11g OFDM system, DSSS system IEEE802.11a: Channels 36 to 64, 149 to 165 IEEE802.11b/IEEE802.11g: Channels 1 to 11 IEEE802.11a: 5.18~5.32 GHz, 5.725~5.825 GHz IEEE802.11b/IEEE802.11g: 2412~2462 MHz Wireless LAN (only for models with wireless LAN) Specifications

49 AppendixAppendix LIMITED WARRANTY PANASONIC PERSONAL COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS LIMITED WARRANTY Panasonic Computer Solutions Company (referred to as “Panasonic”) will repair this product (other than software, which is covered by a separate warranty) with new or rebuilt parts, free of charge in the U.S.A. for three (3) years from the date of original purchase in the event of a defect in materials or workmanship. This warranty includes the AC adaptor but excludes the batteries and all other options and accessories which are covered for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. This warranty is extended solely to the original purchaser. A purchase receipt or other proof of date of original purchase will be required before warranty performance is rendered. This warranty only covers failures due to defects in materials or wor kmanship which occur during normal use. It does not cover damage which occurs in shipment or failures which are caused by products not supplied by Panasonic, or failures which result from alteration, accident, misuse, introduction of liquid or other foreign matter into the unit, abuse, neglect, installation, maladjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, modification or service by anyone other than a Factory Ser vice Center or authorized Panasonic Ser vice Dealer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God. Limits and Exclusions: There are no other express warranties except as listed below. PANASONIC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF DATA OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with your product develops during or after the warranty period, you may contact our representatives at 1-800-LAPTOP5. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to the Consumer Affairs Division at the address indicated below. SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY Panasonic Computer Solutions Company (referred to as “Panasonic”) warrants to you only that the disk(s) or other media on which the Programs are furnished will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under nor mal use for a per iod of sixty (60) days from the date of deliver y thereof to you, as evidenced by your purchase receipt. This is the only warranty Panasonic makes to you. Panasonic does not warrant that the functions contained in the Programs will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Programs will be uninterr upted or error free. Panasonic’s entire liability, and your exclusive remedy under this warranty shall be limited to the replacement, in the United States, of any defective disk or other media which is returned to Panasonic’s Authorized Ser vice Center, together with a copy of the purchase receipt, within the aforesaid warranty period. Anything in the foregoing to the contrar y notwithstanding, Panasonic shall have no obligation for an y defects in the disk(s) or other media on which the Programs are furnished resulting from your stor age thereof, or for defects that have been caused by oper ation of the disk(s) or other media otherwise than on the Product or in environmental conditions other than those specified by Panasonic by alteration, accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, installation, maladjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, modification of damage that is attributable to acts of God. In addition, Panasonic shall have no obligation for any defects in the disk(s) or other media if you have modified, or attempted to modify any Program. DURATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, IF ANY, IS LIMITED TO SIXTY (60) DAYS. PANASONIC ASSUMES NO RISK OF AND SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING FROM BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, NEG- LIGENCE OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF GOODWILL, PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE OF THE PROGRAMS OR PRODUCTS OR ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, COST OF CAPITAL, COST OF ANY SUBSTITUTE EQUIP- MENT, FACILITIES, SERVICES, DOWNTIME COSTS, OR CLAIMS OF ANY PARTY DEALING WITH YOU FOR SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other r ights which var y from state to state. This Limited Warranty will be gover ned by the laws the State of New York, without regard to its conflict-of-laws rules. * * * To obtain ser vice or technical assistance within the continental U.S.A. and Alaska. DIAL TOLL FREE: 1-800-LAPTOP5 Correspondence requesting product infor mation should be sent to: Panasonic Computer Solutions Company, 50 Meadowlands Parkway, Panazip 2F-5, Secaucus, NJ 07094 For U.S.A.

50 Appendix PANASONIC COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS LIMITED WARRANTY Coverage – Panasonic Canada Inc. (“PCI”) warrants to you, the first end user customer, this computer product (excluding software media), when purchased from PCI or from a PCI author ized reseller, to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use, subject to the terms set for th belo w, dur ing the period of warranty coverage specified. Remedy – In the event of a warranty claim, contact PCI’s representatives within the applicable warranty period, identifying the nature of the defect claimed, at 1-800-668-8386 between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Easter n Time Zone, Mon. – Fri. (excluding holidays) for instructions on how to obtain ser vice. A purchase receipt or other proof of date of original purchase is required before warranty service is performed. Defective par ts covered by this Limited Warranty will be repaired or replaced with new or comparable rebuilt par ts on an exchange basis. Warranty replacement or repair is subject to the ter ms of this Limited Warranty for the balance of the original period of warranty coverage. No Coverage – This Limited Warranty does not cover products purchased outside Canada. Neither does it cover damage to, failure of, or defects in a product or accessor y through mishandling, improper installation, abnormal use, misuse, neglect, accident, introduction of liquid or other foreign matter into the product, alteration or ser vicing by anyone not author ized b y PCI, or act of God. IF YOU SHIP THE PRODUCT FOR WARRANTY SERVICE Carefully pack the product, preferably in the original carton. Include details of defect claimed and proof of date of original purchase. No liability is assumed for loss or damage to the product while in transit, if you chose your own transpor tation carrier. SOFTWARE MEDIA LIMITED WARRANTY Coverage – Panasonic Canada Inc. (“PCI”) warrants to you, the first end user customer, that the disk(s) or other media on which softw are program(s) is/are supplied will be free from defects in mater ials and workmanship under normal use in Canada for a period of sixty (60) days from date of receipt as evidenced by your purchase receipt for your Panasonic Computer product. THIS IS THE ONLY WARRANTY THAT PCI MAKES RESPECTING THE SOFTWARE MEDIA. PCI does not warrant the software. Please refer to the software licensor’s written warranty (accompanying the copy of the software) for any software w arranty claim. Claim Procedure – In the event of a defect in mater ial or workmanship in the media dur ing the sixty (60) day warranty period, and you retur n it, transpor tation costs prepaid, to Panasonic Canada Inc., Computer Products Marketing, at the above address, within the warranty period, together with a copy of your purchase receipt, and an explanation of the suspected defect, PCI will replace in Canada the defective disk(s) or other media. Remedy – PCI’s entire liability, and your only remedy for any breach of this software media warranty is limited to replacement of the media only. It does not cover any other damages, including, but not limited to, loss of use or profit loss, or special, indirect or consequential damages, or other claims, whether or not of similar character. No Coverage – This limited warranty does not apply if the disk(s) or other media has been used in other than a Panasonic product, or in environ- mental conditions other than those specified by PCI or the manufacturer, or if subjected to misuse, neglect, mishandling, modification or attempted modification of the program, or if damaged by accident or act of God. PCI is not responsible for damage to or loss of any program, data or removable storage media. GENERAL NO OTHER WARRANTIES – PCI DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, SOFTWARE MEDIA, COMPUTER PRODUCT, OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES – IN NO EVENT SHALL PCI BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUEN- TIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY BREACH OF THE LIMITED WARRANTIES SET OUT IN THIS DOCUMENT, OR FROM THE USE OF THE COMPUTER PRODUCT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS, PROFIT OR GOODWILL. IN ANY EVENT, PCI’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR THE COMPUTER PRODUCT. NO ACTION, REGARDLESS OF ITS BASIS, MAY BE BEGUN AGAINST PCI MORE THAN TWO (2) YEARS AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION AROSE. Statutory Warranties – Some jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions, so they may not apply to you. Scope of Coverage Whole Product (except Batteries), AC adaptor and CD-ROM (if factory installed) Batteries, CD-ROM (unless factor y installed), Por t Replicator, Extra Memory Modules and all other Per ipherals, Options and AccessoriesPeriod of Coverage Three (3) Years from Date of Or iginal End User Customer Purchase One (1) Year from Date of Original End User Customer PurchaseType of Failure Coverage Defective Materials or Workmanship Defective Materials or Workmanship For Canada LIMITED WARRANTY