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Panasonic Admin Console Wjmpu955a Operating Instructions

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    Have a look at the manual Panasonic Admin Console Wjmpu955a Operating Instructions online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 10737 Panasonic manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    General Index 
    AC Log...................................... 127, 133 
    Contents ........................................ 133 
    Filtering......................................... 134 
    Purpose.......................................... 127 
    Account Manager .............................. 127 
    Access Level Privileges ................ 138 
    Definition ...................................... 137 
    Purpose.......................................... 127 
    Acronyms .......................................... 152 
    Admin Console 
    adding / removing cameras ............. 87 
    Modes.......................................... 84 
    Alarm I/O 
    Configuration .................................. 89 
    Definition ........................................ 89 
    Other Tab ........................................ 91 
    Permissions – Controller ................. 91 
    Permissions – Copy......................... 91 
    Permissions - Modify ...................... 91 
    Alarm Log 
    Contents ........................................ 129 
    Filtering......................................... 132 
    Alarm Target 
    Assign an available target ............... 59 
    Other Tab ........................................ 54 
    Setup (create) an available target .... 52 
    Alarm Actions ................................. 58 
    Configuration .................................. 51 
    Definition ........................................ 55 
    Modes Tab ...................................... 62 
    Permissions ..................................... 61 
    Target Assignment .......................... 59 
    Select ............................................. 135 C Cameras 
    Configuration .................................. 63 
    Definition ........................................ 63 
    Other Tab ........................................ 72 
    Permissions ..................................... 67 
    Permissions – Cam Ctrl .................. 67 
    Permissions – Cam View ................ 70 
    Permissions – Copy......................... 69 
    Permissions – Monitor .................... 70 
    Privileges – CAM Lock .................. 99 
    Privileges – CAM Lock Override ... 99 
    Recorder .......................................... 73 
    Replicate (copy) .............................. 66 
    For worksheet tasks........................... 8 
    For worksheet tasks....................... 163 
    Class Setup 
    Choosing privileges ........................ 99 
    Creating a Class .............................. 98 
    Alarm I/O ........................................ 89 
    Alarms ............................................. 51 
    Cameras........................................... 63 
    Digital Recorders ............................ 79 
    Monitors .......................................... 92 
    Operators ......................................... 98 
    System Controllers .......................... 74 
    Configuring a System 
    Overview ......................................... 40 
    Configuring a System 
    Alarm I/O ........................................ 89 
    Alarms ............................................. 51 
    Cameras........................................... 63 
    Components .................................... 50 
    Digital Recorders ............................ 79 
    Group Sequences .......................... 118 
    Monitors .......................................... 92 
    Operators ......................................... 98  
    158  System Controllers .......................... 74 
    Worksheet tasks ................................ 7 
    Enhanced ......................................... 12 
    High Speed ...................................... 13 
    Redundant CPU Control ................. 37 
    Resetting the main CPU ............ 35, 36 
    Setup ............................................... 10 
    CPU Setup 
    Choosing an configuration size....... 11 
    Entering IPA (IP address)............... 11 
    Scheduled Modes ............................ 13 
    CPU System File 
    File Transfer .................................... 28 
    Database Management ........................ 16 
    Archive............................................ 16 
    At Installation/Startup ..................... 16 
    Backup ............................................ 22 
    Create .............................................. 17 
    Delete .............................................. 21 
    Load to CPU ................................... 26 
    Rename ........................................... 20 
    Restore ............................................ 23 
    Retrieve from CPU ......................... 25 
    Select ............................................... 18 
    System File...................................... 28 
    Database Manager............................... 16 
    Digital Recorders 
    Adding/Removing Cameras......... 87 
    Channels.......................................... 81 
    Configuration .................................. 79 
    Permissions – Channels .................. 81 
    Permissions – Controllers ............... 85 
    Viewing/Programming Modes ........ 84 
    Entering Admin Console 
    Login ................................................. 9 
    Event Scheduler 
    Delete an Event ............................. 126 
    Edit an Event ................................. 126 Schedule an Event ......................... 124 
    First Time Operation - CPU Setup...... 10 
    Get Current Database .......................... 25 
    Acronyms ...................................... 152 
    Terms ............................................ 153 
    Group Presets 
    Add................................................ 114 
    Add a Camera ............................... 114 
    Add a Camera Preset (CPreset)..... 114 
    Add a Monitor ............................... 114 
    Definition ...................................... 112 
    Other Tab ...................................... 117 
    Replicate (copy) ............................ 116 
    Group Sequences 
    Add a Dwell Time......................... 121 
    Add a Group Preset ....................... 120 
    Add, Edit, Delete................... 115, 120 
    Configuration ................................ 118 
    Definition ...................................... 118 
    Delete a Step ................................. 121 
    Insert a Step................................... 121 
    Permissions ................................... 123 
    Replicate (copy) ............................ 122 
    GX Device 
    Add.................................................. 42 
    Definition ........................................ 41 
    Delete .............................................. 43 
    Edit .................................................. 42 
    Help ................................................... 140 
    Database Manager........................... 17  
    159  L 
    Load a Database .................................. 26 
    Log Manager ............................. 127, 128 
    Login ..................................................... 9 
    Alarm Log ..................................... 129 
    Operator ........................................ 129 
    Replication Activity Log................. 67 
    Switching ...................................... 130 
    Video Loss..................................... 129 
    Modes...................See Scheduled Modes 
    Configuration .................................. 92 
    Definition ........................................ 92 
    Other Tab ........................................ 97 
    Permissions ..................................... 96 
    Permissions – Camera ..................... 96 
    Permissions – Copy......................... 96 
    Permissions – Modify ..................... 96 
    Permissions – System Controller .... 96 
    Replicate (copy) .............................. 95 
    On-line help ...................................... 140 
    Operator Log 
    Contents ........................................ 129 
    Filtering......................................... 132 
    Class Setup - Choosing Privileges .. 99 
    Class Setup - Creating a Class ........ 98 
    Configuration .................................. 98 
    Definition ...................................... 101 
    Modes Tab .................................... 104 
    Permissions ........................... 104, 123 
    Permissions – Controller ............... 104 
    Permissions – Copy....................... 104 
    Permissions – Modify ................... 104 
    Replicate (copy) ............................ 103 P 
    Default............................................... 9 
    Redundant CPU Control 
    Get CPU Status ............................... 38 
    Switching CPU Modes.................... 39 
    Replication Activity Log..................... 66 
    Replication Summary.......................... 66 
    Scheduled Modes 
    Enabling .......................................... 13 
    Viewing and Programming ............. 14 
    Group Sequences .......................... 118 
    First Time Operation....................... 10 
    Switching Log 
    Contents ........................................ 130 
    SX650 Switch Node 
    Add.................................................. 48 
    Definition ........................................ 47 
    Delete .............................................. 49 
    Edit .................................................. 49 
    SX850 Matrix Frame 
    Add.................................................. 45 
    Definition ........................................ 44 
    Delete .............................................. 46 
    Edit .................................................. 46 
    System Configuration 
    Archive............................................ 31 
    Restore ............................................ 32 
    Wizard ............................................. 33 
    System Controllers 
    Definition ........................................ 74 
    Permissions ..................................... 77 
    Permissions – Alarm ....................... 78 
    Permissions – Alarm I/O................. 78 
    Permissions – Cam Ctrl .................. 77 
    Permissions – Cam View ................ 78  
    160  Permissions – Copy......................... 77 
    Permissions – Group Seq ................ 78 
    Permissions – Modify ..................... 77 
    Permissions – Monitor .................... 78 
    Permissions – Recorder................... 78 
    Terms ................................................ 153 
    Tour Sequences 
    Add a Step ..................................... 109 
    Add a Tour .................................... 108 
    Add Cameras................................. 108 
    Add Dwell Times .......................... 108 
    Add Presets ................................... 108 
    Delete a Step ................................. 109 
    Other Tab ...................................... 111 
    Replicate (copy) ............................ 110 
    Default............................................... 9 
    Wizard ................................................. 33 
    Alarm ............................................ 164 
    Alarm I/O ...................................... 165 
    Alarm Target ................................. 167 
    Alarm Target Assignment ............. 166 
    Camera .......................................... 168 Camera Preset ............................... 169 
    Checklist ................................... 8, 163 
    Controller ...................................... 170 
    CPU Setup..................................... 171 
    Digital Recorder ............................ 172 
    Event Scheduler ............................ 173 
    Group Preset.................................. 174 
    Group Sequence ............................ 175 
    GX Nodes...................................... 176 
    Instructions................................ 8, 162 
    Monitors ........................................ 179 
    Operators ....................................... 180 
    Permissions, Camera-Monitor ...... 181 
    Permissions, Controller –Alarm.... 182 
    Permissions, Controller –Alarm I/O
    ................................................... 183 
    Permissions, Controller -CamControl
    ................................................... 184 
    Permissions, Controller -CamView
    ................................................... 185 
    Permissions, Controller –Digital 
    Recorder .................................... 186 
    Permissions, Controller -Group 
    Sequence ................................... 187 
    Permissions, Controller -Monitor . 188 
    Permissions, Digital Recorder -
    Controller .................................. 189 
    Permissions, Operator - Controller 190 
    SX650 Nodes ................................ 178 
    SX850 Nodes ................................ 177 
    Teamwork ..................................... 163 
    Tour Sequence .............................. 191 
    Perhaps the surveillance system you are working with is small enough for you to collect 
    the necessary information, and input those values directly into MPU955A Admin 
    It is best, though, to gather information for the initial configuration of MPU955A Admin 
    Console, and to record it on the following worksheets.  Then, if settings need to be 
    modified or updated in the future because of a change in surveillance needs or changes 
    made in the system’s components, those worksheets can be used to track revisions to 
    your system.  
    As with any system configuration, it is wise to keep all preliminary and revised 
    worksheets on file, being sure to date them, just in case there is ever a need to re-input 
    those values or to troubleshoot the system.  The worksheets make tracking past, current, 
    and future configurations very easy, regardless of the size of your system. 
    The title of each worksheet is the same as the title of the MPU955A Admin Console 
    window it supports.  For example, the “Operators” worksheet supports the “Operators” 
    window.  The rows, columns, and fields of the worksheets are arranged to closely match 
    the MPU955A Admin Console’s configuration requirements. 
    1. Reproduce the worksheets 
    You may only need a few copies of certain worksheets, but dozens of copies of others.  
    The number of copies of each would depend on the component mix and size of your 
    surveillance system. 
    2. Reproduce instructions for the configuration windows the same way 
    The definition sections of the configuration portion of this manual can be copied and 
    attached to the worksheets they correspond to in order clarify their requirements. 
    3. To assist in record keeping of the initial and any subsequent configurations 
    of the system, use the “Date Completed” portion on the top left corner of 
    each sheet 
    Worksheets are arranged alphabetically on the following pages, to make them easy to 
    For a team approach to information collection, use best judgment to decide how to 
    distribute worksheets/tasks among several individuals. 
    It is recommended that the worksheets be completed in the following sequence:  
    ‰ CPU Setup 
    ‰ GX Device Definition (GX encoder or decoder) 
    ‰ Camera Definition 
    ‰ Controller Definition 
    ‰ Monitor Definition 
    ‰ Operator Definition 
    ‰ Digital Recorder Definition 
    ‰ Alarm I/O Definition 
    ‰ Tour Sequences 
    ‰ Camera Presets 
    ‰ Group Presets 
    ‰ Group Sequences 
    ‰ Alarm Definition(s) 
    ‰ Alarm Target Definition(s) 
    ‰ Alarm Target Assignment(s) 
    ‰ Camera -to- Monitor Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller -to-Camera View Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller -to-Camera Control Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller –to- Digital Recorder Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller -to-Monitor Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller -to-Group Sequence Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller -to- Alarm IO Permission(s) 
    ‰ Controller -to- Alarm Permission(s) 
    ‰ Digital Recorder –to-Controller Permission(s) 
    ‰ Operator -to- Controller Permission(s) 
    ‰ Event Scheduler  
    							Panasonic MPU955 Admin Console Worksheet -- Date completed ___/___/___ 
     Alarm Definition 
    Source Acknowledge Action  ID Prior Loc  OSD Text 
    Type ID Enable  Auto Arm Allow Disarm One State
    Mode Delay Type ID Pre Dwell Name
    							Panasonic MPU955 Admin Console Worksheet -- Date completed ___/___/___ 
     Alarm I/O Definition 
    Type ID Logical 
    Number Switch Node
    Input Output DwellBank I/O 
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32     
    							Panasonic MPU955 Admin Console Worksheet -- Date completed ___/___/___ 
    Alarm # __________ 
    Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
    Alarm Target Assignment 
    							Panasonic MPU955 Admin Console Worksheet -- Date completed ___/___/___ 
    Target # _________ 
     Alarm Target Definition 
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
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