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Panasonic Admin Console Wj Mpu955 Users Guide

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Page 61

56  Permissions 
The permission tabs allow an administrator to easily permit or deny components access to 
other components. 
By default, all components are allowed to access all other components.  An administrator 
must deny permissions. 
1. Highlight a camera and click on the Cam Ctrl permission tab 
The Cam Ctrl permission tab allows an administrator to permit or deny a system 
controller to control specific cameras.  The Modes section of this tab is described on page...

Page 62

57  Cameras are displayed in the list on the left by ID number, but can also be viewed by 
logical number, control port, or video port.  The grid on the right represents the 
First row = controller IDs 0-9, second row = controller IDs 10-19, etc. 
Green blocks indicate an allowed permission, and white blocks indicate that permission is 
2.  Double-click on a specific controller to invert or alternate between permit or 
Be sure to click the save button...

Page 63

58  [2] If permission already exists for a Camera that falls within the Target range, that 
original permission will be overwritten. 
8.  Click Yes to continue or No to cancel 
The copy source is the highlighted camera ID from where the Cam Ctrl permissions will 
be copied. 
9.  Enter the Target ID range of camera ID numbers, with the beginning 
number in the START box, and the ending number in the END box 
Permissions existing for cameras within the specified range will...

Page 64

59  This button is available: 1) on each of the permission tabs for each component; 2) on the 
Other tab in the Cameras window; and 3) on the Areas window. 
12. Click on the “x” in the upper right corner to close. 
The Other tab shows which other NSS components or sequences are configured to 
include the highlighted camera. 
This section is informational only.  Changes cannot be made to other components or 
sequences from this window.  Changes must be made from...

Page 65

Camera Positions (not currently supported) 
An operator, from a system controller, can control each camera in the system that 
supports Presets by pressing the Camera Position button on the controller.  The operator 
cannot define positions, but rather, can only recall positions (which are a combination of 
Camera ID and CPreset numbers) that have already been defined.  
The Camera Positions setting in MPU955 Admin Console allows administrators to define 
and consolidate...

Page 66

The Position ID is automatically inserted and incremented by the application. 
1.  Enter a Logical number for the position record you are creating 
2.  Click in the Camera field, and a list of available cameras that support Presets 
will appear on the right of this window 
3.  Choose the desired camera by double-clicking on its ID number 
4.  Click in the CPreset field and type in the desired preset number 
5.  Click in the Scene field and enter a description of the...

Page 67

System Controllers 
A system controller is a device used by an operator to control specific components within 
the NSS, such as: cameras, monitors, alarms, alarm outputs, etc.  Controllers are 
generally identified to an operator using their ID number, but can be viewed in MPU955 
Admin Console by ID, IPA, EA, or Area. 
1.  Select the Controllers command from the Component menu 
Add, edit, or delete controller records as necessary using the three icons...

Page 68

Field Data 
ID Unique record ID assigned by MPU955 Admin Console as a system controller is added, in order to 
identify one controller to the system. 
MPU955 Admin Console automatically generates this number in consecutive order.  Upon adding 
controllers, the system will automatically assign the next available number. 
Component ID and sequence ID numbers are used primarily in the permission tabs to identify one 
component or sequence from...

Page 69

Field Data 
IPA Unique Internet Protocol Address assigned by the system administrator.  Dotted decimal, 15 
characters.  Example:  Each of the four groups of numbers with values between 0 
and 255. 
Depending on the model number chosen, the following will apply: 
WV-CU350:  If this controller is not connected to an RS485 Expander Unit, use the default IPA.  If 
this controller is connected to an RS485 Expander Unit, enter the IPA...

Page 70

65  The permission grid’s dimensions are based on the maximum capacity for the 
chosen CPU size, not on physically installed components already in the 
The Cam View permission tab allows an administrator to permit or deny a controller to 
view specific cameras.       
Copying Cam View permissions to other system controllers will also copy 
Cam Ctrl permissions to the specified controllers. 
Denying a system controller to view a certain camera will automatically deny 
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