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Panasonic 8420 Reference Guide

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Page 51

51 Managing Print Jobs
Using Fiery WebDownloader
Using Fiery WebDownloader, you can send PostScript or text files to the 
KX-P8420 without first opening the file in an application. 
•Fiery WebDownloader cannot be used on Macintosh computers.
A downloaded file can be sent to the Direct connection or to the Print or 
Hold queues. 
•The Direct connection can be used on printers without a hard disk drive or 
additional memory; however use of the Print and Hold queues requires a 
printer with a...

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52 Managing Print Jobs
Downloading a file to the printer:
1Specify a file to download to the printer: 
Enter a path to the file you want to download to the printer in the 
Source File text field. Or click Browse to navigate to the file you want 
to download.
2From the Print Connection menu, select the connection 
to which you want to download.
If your printer does not have an optional hard disk drive, Print and 
Hold Queue options are dimmed in the Print Connection menu.
3Click the Send file button. 

Page 53

Chapter 5
53Working with Color
This chapter introduces concepts that are basic to color theory. You will 
encounter some of these concepts (such as hue, saturation, and 
brightness) when you work with color in applications; others provide useful 
background information. 
Color is a complex topic, so consider this a starting 
point for experimentation and further research.
The properties of color
What we call “color” is really a perceptual ability unique to humans and a 
small number of animal species....

Page 54

Working with Color
In the 1930s, the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) defined a 
standard color space, a way of defining colors in mathematical terms, to 
help in the communication of color information. This color space is based on 
research on the nature of color perception. 
By mixing any two spectral colors in different proportions, we can create all 
the colors found between them. For example, it is possible to create the 
same gray by mixing blue-green and red light or by mixing...

Page 55

55 Working with Color
Color devices used in desktop publishing and printing simulate the range of 
visible colors using a set of primary colors that are combined to create other 
colors. There are two methods of creating a range of colors from a set of 
primary colors. Computer monitors and scanners use the additive color 
model. Printing technologies, including KX-P8420 print devices and offset 
presses, use the subtractive color model.
n Additive (RGB) color
Color devices that use the additive color...

Page 56

Working with Color
Different color reproduction techniques have different color capabilities, or 
gamuts. Color transparency films have comparatively large gamuts, as do 
color monitors. The color gamut that can be produced using CMYK toners 
on paper is smaller. This is why some colors that can be displayed on a 
color monitor, especially bright saturated colors, cannot be reproduced 
exactly by your KX-P8420 print device—nor, for that matter, can they be 
reproduced on press using process colors....

Page 57

57 Working with Color
Controlling printed color
When working with color materials, whether they be presentations, 
illustrations, or complicated page designs, you make aesthetic decisions 
about the colors you use. Once you have decided on your goal, you then 
need to realize it in print. Your color printing system becomes an ally in this 
creative process to the extent that you can get results that are 
•If you have designed a brochure to print on the KX-P8420, you want the 
printed colors...

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Working with Color
Using color effectively
The ability to print in color can greatly increase the effectiveness of your 
message, whether you are printing a presentation or a newsletter, or 
proofing an ad concept that will later be printed on press. Some potential 
benefits of using color include:
•Conveying information rapidly by using color cues
•Making use of the emotive aspects of different colors
•Increasing impact and message retention 
Color can also be a source of distraction and discord if...

Page 59

59 Working with Color
A color wheel is a helpful tool for understanding the interrelation of colors. 
The colors on one side of the color wheel, from magenta to yellow, appear 
to most people to be warm colors, while those on the other side, from green 
to blue, appear to be cool. The distance between two colors on the color 
wheel can help predict how they will appear when seen side by side. Colors 
opposite one another on the wheel are called complements, and create a 
striking contrast side by side....

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Working with Color
It is not a coincidence that the overwhelming majority of text you see is 
printed in black toner on white paper. Text in black on white is highly legible 
and is not fatiguing to read for extended periods. For many color materials, 
using black text on a white background and confining color to graphic 
elements and headings is a good choice.
Color text can add flair to documents printed on paper when used skillfully, 
and is widely used in presentations. When using color text,...
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