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Optoma Tl30w Projector User Manual

Here you can view all the pages of manual Optoma Tl30w Projector User Manual. The Optoma manuals for Projector are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.

Page 11

Viewing Photos from the Internal Memory, MicroSD Card, or External Source
hoW t o vIe W ph o t o S - So u r c e: In t e r n a l me m o r y / mIc r oSD ca r D / ex t e r n a l So u r c e
If an external source (USB) is inserted, the external memory is read first. If you want to read data from the microSD card or internal memory, press  in the appropriate screen to change the data source. See steps below.
Full screen mode (see page 12)
Video Music Photo
Input Office Viewer...

Page 12

hoW t o vIe W ph o t o S - fu l l Sc r e e n moDe / SlI D eSh o W moDe
To change slideshow interval settings and enable/disable background music, see Slideshow • Settings below.Make sure that background music setting is "On" to enable this feature.• Save the music files (*.mp3 format) under the "Slideshow Music" folder in the internal • memory.Only music files stored in the internal memory "Slideshow Music" folder can be played as • background music.
The button guide...

Page 13

Viewing Documents from the Internal Memory, MicroSD Card, or External Source
hoW t o vIe W Do c u m e n t S - So u r c e: In t e r n a l me m o r y / mIc r oSD ca r D / ex t e r n a l So u r c e
If an external source (USB) is inserted, the external memory is read first. If you want to read data from the microSD card or internal memory, press  in the appropriate screen to change the data source. See steps below.
Office ViewerExternal
1/1Summer.doc 128 KB
Rainbow.ptt 1,211 KB
Blue.xls 143 KB...

Page 14

hoW t o vIe W Do c u m e n t S - vIe W mo De
LED Mode Color Mode Back
Aspect Ratio Gamma Projection
Display Setting
VideoMusic Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directlyVideo SettingM usic SettingBack
Display Setting Slideshow System
DI Sp l a y Se t t In g S
The button guide disappears when the keypad is not used for 3 seconds.To display the button guide, press any key except .
in iH
I m
icr oU
Zoom in 1x ~ 4x 
Pan up, down,...

Page 15

Se l e c t me n u la n g u a g e
VideoMusic Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directlyVideo SettingM usic SettingBack
Display Setting Slideshow System
Select your preferred menu language.  Options are: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Greek, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish
vIe W pr o j e c t o r In f o r m a t Io n
Video Music Photo
Input Office...

Page 16

up g r aDe fIr m Wa r e
Video Music Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directlyVideo SettingM usic SettingBack
Display Setting Slideshow System
New firm ware 1. 2 found.  
Upgrade the firm ware?
Software updates can be obtained from the OPTOMA website  (www.optoma.com / www.optoma.eu /www.optoma.com.tw).
1.  On your computer, create a folder named "upgrade".2. Download the latest firmware from www.optoma.com and save it in the...

Page 17

uS In g Ke y St o n e
Auto Image Adjust
Manual Keystone
Video Music Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directlyVideo SettingM usic SettingBack
Display Setting Slideshow System
1. select "setup"2. select "system"3.  select "Keystone"
4. select "Auto image Adjust"
VideoMusic Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directlyVideo SettingM usic SettingBack
Display Setting Slideshow...

Page 18

reSe t t h e SySt e m
When the system is reset, all files stored in the internal memory will be deleted. Ensure all files are backed up before resetting.
Resetting the System by Reset Menu
Video Music Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directlyVideo SettingM usic SettingBack
Display Setting Slideshow System
Reboot the projector
1. select "setup"2. select "system"
4. Confirm Reset3. select "Reset"
VideoMusic Photo

Page 19

hoW t o uSe ex t e r n a l In p u t So u r c e: vga/co m p o S It e/av/hDmI/uSB DI Sp l a y/WIfI DI Sp l a y
Video Music Photo
Input Office Viewer Setup
Press matched symbol to enter specific function directly
800 x 600 60 Hz
USB Display
WiFi Display
Return to Home menu
The signal message box briefly appears on screen; its label varies depending on the selected input signal.
Display  button guide
Display mode
To exit display mode
If more than one external devices are...

Page 20

Adjusting Contrast Settings
In p u t So u r c e Se t tIn g S
Display mode
Display  button guide
Scroll option
Scroll option
When no key is pressed within 10 seconds, the aspect ratio icon automatically disappears and its setting is applied.
Changing Aspect Ratio Settings
Display mode
Display  button guide
When no key is pressed within 10 seconds, the contrast icon automatically disappears and its setting is applied.
Exit contrast settings
Scroll other settings: Sharpness, Color, LED,...
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