Optoma Hd7100 Projector User Manual
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12 n o i t c u d o r t n I Using the Remote Control Available Range of the Remote Control Theremotecontrolcanbeusedtocontrolthe projector within the ranges shown in the illustration. When using the remote control: •Do not drop it, or expose it to moisture or high temperature. •The remote control may not function correctly under fluorescent lamps. Operate the projector away from fluorescent lamps. Inser ting the Batteries The batteries (two AA) are included in the package. Note •The signal from the remote control can be reflected by the screen. You can control the projector when it is behind you by bouncing the signal off the screen. 1Press down the tab on the cover and pull the cover towards the direction of the arrow. 2Insert the included batteries. Make sure the polarities correctly match the and marks inside the battery compartment. 3Insert the lower tab of the cover into the opening, and press down the cover until it clicks in place. 30° 45°45° 23(7 m) 30°30°23(7 m)

14 Connections and Setup Connecting the Projecto r to Other Devices Before Setting Up Note •Before connecting, turn off both the projector andthe devices to be connected. After making all connections, turn on the projector first and then the other devices. When connecting a computer, be sure that the comp uter is the last device turned on, after all connections are made. •Read the operation manuals of the devices to beconnected before making connections. This projector can be connected to Video equipment: A VCR, Laser disc player or other video equipment.A DVD player or DTV* decoder. *DTV is the umbrella term used to describe the new digital television system. A computer, using: A HD 15-pin VGA to HD 15-pin VGA cable (sold separately), or A DVI-D to DVI-D cable (sold separately), orAn RS-232C cable. Connecting the Power Cord Plug the supplied power cord into the AC socket on the rear of the projector. Supplied accessoryPower cord S -V ID E O V ID E OPr/Cr P b /Cb YPr /Cr Pb /C bYPCDVI WARNINGv Do not disass emble any componentsexcep tthe lampchassiscov e r while replacing the lamp . v Do not touchventilation sl ots,lamp and objects next t o them untilthey haves uf ficiently cooled down. v Never insert any objects through vent ilat ionholes . v Donotuset his unit ne arwater or in a rainy/moist environment. v Keepat least 0.3foot(10 cm)of space between ventilationslots and nearest object or wall. Made in Ta iwanR S-2 32

Connections and Setup 15 Connecting to Video Equipment Using an S-video or a Composite Video Cable (INPUT 3) Using an S-video or a composite video cable, a VCR, laser disc player or other video equipment can be connected to the INPUT 3 terminals. Notes •The INPUT 3 (S-VIDEO) terminal uses a video signal system in which the picture is separated into color and luminance signals to give a higher-quality image. To view the higher-quality image, use a commercially available S-video cable to connect the INPUT 3 terminal on the projector and the S-video output terminal on the video equipment. RS -232 R S- 2 3 2S-VID E O V I DEOPr/Cr Pb /Cb YP r/ Cr Pb /CbYPCD VI WAR NINGv Do no td is ass emb l ea n yc o m p on en t sexc e p tt he l am p ch a ssis c o e r w h iler e p l ac i n g thela m p. v D ono tt ou c h en til ati o n s l ot s,l am pa n d ob j ec tsn e xt to the mu n ti l th e yh a e s u ffi c i e ntl y co ol e dd o wn . v ee ri n s e rta n yob j ec ts thr o u gh e nt il a ti onh o le s . v D o n ot use th i sun it nea rwat er o r in ar a i ny mo i ste n ir o nm e n t. v ee p a t le ast 0.3 f o o t(0 c m )o fs pa ce b et we e ne n t il ati o n slo t sa n d nea r es to b j ect or w a l l .M a d e inTa iw a n S-VIDEO VIDEOPr/Cr Pb/Cb YPr/Cr Pb/CbY PC W ARNINGv Do not disassemble anycomponents except the lamp chassis co erwhile rep l acing the lamp. v Do not touch entilati on slots, lamp and objec ts next to themuntil th ey ha e suf ficiently cooled down. v e er insert any objects through entilationholes. v Do not use this unit near wa ter or in a rai ny moist en ironment. v eep at least 0.3 foot (0cm) of space between entilationslots and n earest object or wall. Made in Taiwan To S-video output terminal To Video output terminal VCR or other video equipment Composite video cable S-video cable (sold separately)

16 Connections and Setup Connecting to Component Video Equipment Using a Component Cable (INPUT 1 or 2) Use a component cable when connecting component video equipment such as DVD players and DTV* decoders to the INPUT 1 or 2 terminals. *DTV is an umbrella term used to describe the new digital television system. The device’s component jacks may be labeled Y, CB and CR. Connect each jack as shown below. Note •When connecting the projector to video equipment in this way, set “Input Source” to “Component 1 or 2” in the “Main” menu. Connecting Using the DVI Cable Use the DVI cable when connecting video equipment with DVI output such as DVD players and DTV* decoders to the INPUT 4 terminal. Note •Select the input signal type of the video equipment. S -V I DE O VI D EOPr/ Cr Pb /C b YPr / Cr Pb / CbYPCDV I WAR N INGv D on ot d isa s se mble an yco m po ne nt se xcep t th el am pch assis coe rw hile re pl acin gth el am p . v Do not t ou ch en t il at ion sl ot s, lam pa n do bj ec t sne xt t othe mu nt il th ey haes uff ic ie nt lyco ol eddow n. v eer i ns ert a nyo bje ct sth rou g hen ti la ti onho l es. v Do no tuset hi sun itne a rw at ero ri na rain ymoi s teni ron me nt . v e ep at l e ast0 .3fo ot ( 0c m)of s p ac eb et wee n en t il a ti onsl ot sandne ar es tob je ct orwa ll .Ma de in Tai wa n R S-232 S-V ID EO E OPr/Cr Pb/Cb YPr/Cr Pb/CbYPCDVI WA RNIN Gv Do not disassemble any components except the lamp chassis co er while replacing the lamp . v Do not touch entilationslots, lamp and object s next to them until they ha e suff iciently cooled down. v e er insert any objects through entilation holes. v Do not use this unit nearwater orina rainy moist en ironment . tl east 0.3foot ( 0 cm) of space between enti lation slots and nearest object orwal l. Made in Taiwan R S-2 3 2 DVD player or DTV* decoder To analog component output terminal Component cable Projector Y YPB CB PR CR DVD player or DTV decoder S-VI DE O V I DEOPr /Cr Pb/ Cb YPr/Cr Pb /CbYPCDV I WAR NINGv Do n o td isa ss e m bl ea nyc om p o ne nt se xc e p tthe l amp ch a ss isc o e rw hi le r e pl ac ingth e la mp . v D o no t to u c he n til at io n sl o ts ,l am p an d ob j ect sn e x tto t hemu nt il th ey ha e suf fic i en tly c o ol e d d o wn . v e e ri nse r ta n y ob j ec ts t hr o ugh e nt ila ti on hol e s. v Do n otu se t his un it n e a r wat er o r in ara in ym o i ste n i r onm en t. v ee pa t le a s t0 .3 foo t (0 cm)o fsp a ce be tw e ene n til ati on sl ot sa n dn e a r e s to b j e ct orw a ll.Ma d e i nT a iwa n Pr/Cr Pb/CbYP CD VI c ha s sis co er w hile replac i n gth e la m p . t o t h em until they hae su f f iciently cooled down. ironment. ilation slots and nearest object or w all .MadeinTa iwa n RS - 232 Optional accessoryDVI-D cable DVD player or DTV* decoder DVI-D cable (sold separately)

Connections and Setup 17 Connecting Using a DVI-D to HDMI Cable Use a DVI to HDMI cable when connecting HDMI video equipment such as DVD players to the INPUT 4!terminal.! 1Connect a DVI-D to HDMI cable to the projector. •Secure the connectors by tightening the thumbscrews. 2Connect the above cable to the video equipment. Note •Select the input signal type of the video equipment. Optional accessoryDVI-D to HDMI cable S-V IDE O VI D EOPr/C r P b/ Cb YPr/ Cr Pb/ CbYPCD VI WARN ING• Do n o td is a s se m bl e a n yc o m p o n e nt se xc e p tt h e lam p ch a s si sco ve r w h ile re p la cin g th e la m p . • D o n ot t ou c h v e n til a tio n s lo ts, la m p a n d o b je cts n e xtto t h emu n til th e yh a ve s u ffi cie n tl yco o le d do w n. • Ne ve rin s e r ta n yo b j e c tst h ro u g h ve n ti lat io n h o le s . • Do n o tu se th is u ni tn e a r wa te r or in a r a i ny /m oi s te n vi r o n m e n t. • Ke e p a t le a st 0 .3 fo o t( 1 0 c m)o f s p a ce b e twe e nve n ti la tio n slo tsa n d n e a re sto b je c to r wa l l.M a d e i nT aiw a n Pr/Cr Pb/CbYPCDVI p chassis cover while replacing the lam p. t to them until they h ave sufficiently cooled d own. nvironm ent. tilation slots and neare st object or w all.M ade in T aiwan R S -2 3 2 DVD player or DTV* decoderDVI-D to HDMI cable (sold separately) To HDMI output terminal

18 Connections and Setup Connecting the Projector to a Computer Connect the projector to the computer using an HD 15-pin VGA cable. •Secure the cable connectors by tightening the screws on both sides of the plug. Notes •See page 60 “Computer Compatibility Chart” for a list of computer signals compatible with the projector. Using computer signals other than those listed may cause some of the functions not to work. •When connecting the projector to a computer using an HD 15-pin VGA cable, set the “Input Source” to “PC” in the “Main” menu, or select RGB mode by pressing the DVI/PC button on the remote control. •A Macintosh adaptor may be required for use with some Macintosh computers. Contact your nearest authorized service center or dealer. •Depending on the computer you are using, an image may not be projected unless the signal output setting of the computer is switched to the external output. Refer to the computer operation manual for switching the computer signal output settings. S -V IDE O VI D EOP r/C r Pb/C b YP r/C rP b/CbYP CD V I WAR NI NG• Do not disa ssemble a ny co mponents exc ept the lam p c hassis co ver wh ile rep lacin g the lam p. • Do not tou ch ve nti lation slots, l amp and objects ne xt to th e m until they have suff icie n tly co oled dow n. • Nev er insert a nyobj ects through venti lation hole s. • D o not u se th is u n it n ear wat e r or in a rainy/moi st envir onm ent. • K eep at least 0.3 foot (10 cm) of spacebetw een v ent ilatio n slots and nearest objec t or w all.M ade inT aiwa n Pr/Cr Pb/CbYPCDVI chassis cover while replacing the lam p. tothem until they have sufficiently cooled do w n. viro n m ent. ilation slots and nea rest o bject or w all. M ade in T ai wan RS-232 Optional accessoryHD 15-pin VGA cable To VGA output terminal Notebook ComputerHD 15-pin VGA cable (sold separately) HD 15-pin VGA cable (commercially available)

Connections and Setup 19 Connecting the Cables „Connect the cable making sure that it fits correctly into the terminal. Secure the connectors by tightening the screws on both sides of the plug. „Do not remove the ferrite cores attached to the cable. “Plug and Play” Function „This projector is compatible with VESA-standard DDC 1/DDC 2B. The projector and a VESA DDC compatible computer automatically send settings, allowing for quick and easy setup. „Before using the “Plug and Play” function, be sure to turn on the projector first and the computer last. Connect the projector to the computer using a DVI-D cable (sold separately). Note •Select the input signal type of the video equipment. Note •The DDC “Plug and Play” function of this projector operates only when used in conjunction with a VESA DDC compatible computer. S -VID EO R S-2 3 2 V I DE OPr/Cr Pb/ Cb YPr/ Cr Pb / CbYPCDV I WAR N ING• Do n o td i s a s se m b lea n yco m p o n e nt se x ce p tt h e la m p c h a s si sc o ve r w h ile r ep l a c in g t h e la m p . • Do n o t to u ch ve n til at io n slo ts,la m p a n d ob je ctsn e xtt o th e m u ntil t he y h a ve s u ffic ie n tl yco o led do w n. • N e v er in se r t an yo b je c tsth r o u g h v e n ti la ti on ho le s. • Don o t us e th isu n it n e a r wa te r o r in a r a in y / mo i s te n v i r on m e n t. • Ke e p a tl ea st 0 .3 fo o t ( 10 c m)o fs p a c e b e tw e env e n til a tio n s lo ts an dn e a r e s t ob j e cto r w a ll.M a d e inTa iwa n YPr/Cr Pb/CbYPCDVI the lamp c hassis cover while replacing the lamp. ects next to them until they have suff iciently cooled down. h oles. moist environment. w een ventilatio n slots and ne arest object or wall.Made in T aiwan Optional accessoryDVI-D cable To DVI Digital output terminalDesktop Computer DVI-D cable (sold separately) Pr/Cr Pb/CbYPCDVI mpch as s is co v e r w hile r e pla c ing th e lamp .xt t o t he mu n til th e y h av e s u f fic i e ntl y co o le d dow n.en v ir on me n t. n tila tion slo ts a n d n e a res t o b ject or w a ll. Ma d e inT aiw a n Ferrite cores

20 Connections and Setup Using the Adjustment Feet Use the adjustment feet to level the projector when it is placed on an uneven surface or when the screen is slanted. The projection can be made higher by adjusting the projector when it is in a location lower than the screen. 1Press the foot releases and lift the projector to the desired angle. 2Remove your hands from the foot releases. When the adjustment feet have locked in position, place the projector down. •If the screen is at an angle, the adjustment feet can be used to adjust the angle of the image. Notes •The projector is adjustable up to approximately 11 degrees from the standard position. •When the height of the projector is adjusted, the image may become distorted (keystoned), depending on the relative positions of the projector and the screen. See page 44 for details on keystone correction. Info •When lowering the projector, be careful not to catch your fingers in the area between the adjustment foot and the projector. Foot releases Adjustment feet