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Olympus Camera Tg 620 Ihs Instruction Manual

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Page 71

 CAUTION • Stop using the camera immediately if you notice any unusual odors, noise, or smoke around it.  
• Never remove the batteries with bare hands, which may 
cause a fi  re or burn your hands.
 • Do not leave the camera in places where it may be subject  to extremely high temperatures.  
• Doing so may cause parts to deteriorate and, in some 
circumstances, cause the camera to catch  fi re. Do not use 
the charger or USB-AC adapter if it is covered (such as a 
blanket). This could cause...

Page 72

Caution for Usage EnvironmentCaution for Usage Environment 
• To protect the high-precision technology contained in this 
product, never leave the camera in the places listed below, no 
matter if in use or storage:
• Places where temperatures and/or humidity are high or go 
through extreme changes. Direct sunlight, beaches, locked cars, 
or near other heat sources (stove, radiator, etc.) or humidi fi ers.
• In sandy or dusty environments.
• Near fl  ammable items or explosives.
• In wet...

Page 73

Legal and Other NoticesLegal and Other Notices 
• Olympus makes no representations or warranties regarding 
any damages, or bene fi t expected by using this unit lawfully, 
or any request from a third person, which are caused by the 
inappropriate use of this product.
• Olympus makes no representations or warranties regarding 
any damages or any bene fi t expected by using this unit 
lawfully which are caused by erasing picture data.
Disclaimer of WarrantyDisclaimer of Warranty 
• Olympus makes no...

Page 74

For customers in North and South AmericaFor customers in North and South America
For customers in USADeclaration of Conformity
Model Number:  TG-820, TG-620
Trade Name:  OLYMPUS
Responsible Party:
Address:  3500 Corporate Parkway, P.O. Box 610, Center Valley, PA 18034-0610, U.S.A.
Telephone Number:  484-896-5000
Tested To Comply With FCC Standards
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is 
subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not...

Page 75

Excluded from this limited warranty and not warranted by 
Olympus in any fashion, either express, implied, or by statute, 
(a)  products and accessories not manufactured by Olympus and/or not bearing the “OLYMPUS” brand label (the 
warranty coverage for products and accessories of other 
manufacturers, which may be distributed by Olympus, is the 
responsibility of the manufacturers of such products and 
accessories in accordance with the terms and...

Page 76

Representations and warranties made by any person, including 
but not limited to dealers, representatives, salespersons, or 
agents of Olympus, which are inconsistent or in confl ict with 
or in addition to the terms of this limited warranty, shall not be 
binding upon Olympus unless reduced to writing and approved 
by an expressly authorized of fi cer of Olympus.
This limited warranty is the complete and exclusive statement of 
warranty which Olympus agrees to provide with respect to the 

Page 77

Provisions of warranty1 If this product proves to be defective, although it has been 
used properly (in accordance with the written Handling 
Care and Operating instructions supplied with it), during the 
applicable national warranty period and has been purchased 
from an authorized Olympus distributor within the business 
area of Olympus Europa Holding GmbH as stipulated on 
the website: http://www.olympus.com this product will be 
repaired, or at Olympus’s option replaced, free of charge. To...

Page 78

For customers in AsiaFor customers in Asia
Provisions of warranty1 lf this product proves to be defective, although it has been 
used properly (in accordance with the written Handling Care 
and Operating instructions supplied with it), during a period 
of up to one year from the date of purchase this product 
will be repaired, or at Olympus’s option replaced, free of 
charge. To claim under warranty the customer must take the 
product and this Warranty certi fi cate before the end of the 
one year...

Page 79

• IBM is a registered trademark of International Business 
Machines Corporation.
• Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft 
• Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Inc.
• The SDHC/SDXC logo is a trademark.
• Eye-Fi is a registered trademark of Eye-Fi, Inc.
• All other company and product names are registered 
trademarks and/or trademarks of their respective owners.
• The standards for camera fi  le systems referred to in this 
manual are...

Page 80

CameraCameraProduct type:Digital camera (for shooting and displaying)
Recording system Still pictures : Digital recording, JPEG (in accordance with Design rule for Camera File\
 system (DCF))
standards :
Exif 2.3, Digital Print Order Format (DPOF), PRINT Image Matching III, PictBridge
3D still image : MP format
Sound with still 
pictures :
Wave format
Movie :MOV H.264 linear PCM
Memory : Internal memory
SD/SDHC/SDXC/Eye-Fi card
No. of effective pixels : 12,000,000 pixels...
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