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OKI B4350nPS User Manual

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Page 51

4. If you have changed some printing preferences before and saved 
them as a set, you can recall them to avoid having to set them 
individually each time you need them.
5. A single on-screen button restores the default settings.
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Page 52

Job Options tab
1. The output resolution of the printed page can be set as follows.
> The highest quality setting prints at 600 x 1200dpi. This 
option requires the most printer memory and takes the 
longest to print.
> The normal setting prints at 600 x 600dpi and is adequate 
for all but the most discerning applications.
> The fast setting prints at 300 x 300dpi and is suitable for 
draft documents, where print quality is less critical.
2. Page orientation can be set to either portrait...

Page 53

5. You can set a degree of toner saving for particular print jobs.
6. You can select up to 999 copies to print consecutively, although 
you will need to reload the paper tray during such a long print run.
7. Your printed pages can be scaled to fit larger or smaller stationery.
8. A single on-screen button restores the default settings.
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Page 54

Image tab
1. Dithering produces an intermediate greyscale by adjusting the 
combination of dots used in printing. Selecting a setting 
determines the degree of detail with which a graphics image will 
be printed. Mesh determines that a screen of dots is used for 
dithering while Line Art determines that an array of lines is used 
for dithering.
2. Select dithering texture by setting the size of dots used in the 
halftone screen.
3. Set this control to print greyscale effects in black...

Page 55

PS emulation
For B4350 and B4350n printers with the PostScript 3 option installed.
The tabs available are the Layout Tab, the Paper/Quality Tab and the Job 
Options Tab.
Layout tab
1. Page orientation can be set to portrait (tall), landscape (wide) or 
landscape rotated by 180 degrees.
2. Printed page order can be set as front to back or back to front of 
the document.
3. Set the number of pages to be printed on a single sheet.
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Page 56

4. Click the Advanced button to be able to set further document 
options as follows:
1. Select the required printed paper size.
2. You can substitute another font for TrueType Font.
3. You can set other document options as required, including 
PostScript options and printer features.
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Page 57

Paper/Quality tab
You can set the paper source or leave it as automatic selection and by 
using the Advanced button you have access to the same set of options as 
described above for the Layout Tab.
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Page 58

Job Options tab
1. The output resolution of the printed page can be set as follows.
> The highest Fine setting prints at 600 x 1200dpi. This 
option requires the most printer memory and takes the 
longest to print.
> The Normal setting prints at 600 x 600dpi and is adequate 
for all but the most discerning applications.
> The Fast setting prints at 300 x 300dpi and is suitable for 
draft documents, where print quality is less critical.
2. You can print watermark text behind the main page...

Page 59

When you open the driver properties window directly from Windows, 
rather than from within an application program, a somewhat more 
extensive range of settings is provided. Changes made here will generally 
affect all documents you print from Windows applications, and will be 
remembered from one Windows session to the next.
PCL emulation
The main tabs are the General Tab, Advanced Tab and Device Options 
General tab
1. This area lists some of the...

Page 60

3. This button prints a test page to ensure that your printer is 
The above features are provided by the Windows 2000 operating system and 
will vary with other operating systems.
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