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Nokia 1680c 2 Manual

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Page 51

●Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong
detergents to clean the device.
●Do not paint the device. Paint can clog the moving parts
and prevent proper operation.
●Use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean any lenses, such as
camera, proximity sensor, and light sensor lenses.
●Use only the supplied or an approved replacement
antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or
attachments could damage the device and may violate
regulations governing radio devices.
●Use chargers indoors.

Page 52

The crossed-out wheeled-bin symbol on your
product, literature, or packaging reminds you that in
the European Union all electrical and electronic
products, batteries, and accumulators must be taken
to separate collection at the end of their working life. Do
not dispose of these products as unsorted municipal waste.
Return the products to collection to prevent possible harm
to the environment or human health from uncontrolled
waste disposal and to promote the sustainable reuse of

Page 53

positioned at least 2.2 centimeters (7/8 inches) away from
the body. When a carry case, belt clip, or holder is used for
body-worn operation, it should not contain metal and
should position the device the above-stated distance from
your body.
To transmit data files or messages, this device requires a
quality connection to the network. In some cases,
transmission of data files or messages may be delayed until
such a connection is available. Ensure the above separation
distance instructions are followed...

Page 54

Implanted medical devices
Manufacturers of medical devices recommend that a
minimum separation of 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) should
be maintained between a wireless device and an
implanted medical device, such as a pacemaker or
implanted cardioverter defibrillator, to avoid potential
interference with the medical device. Persons who have
such devices should:
●Always keep the wireless device more than 15.3
centimeters (6 inches) from the medical device when
the wireless device is turned on.
●Not carry...

Page 55

RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately
shielded electronic systems in motor vehicles such as
electronic fuel injection systems, electronic antiskid
(antilock) braking systems, electronic speed control
systems, and air bag systems. For more information, check
with the manufacturer, or its representative, of your
vehicle or any equipment that has been added.
Only qualified personnel should service the device or install
the device in a vehicle. Faulty installation or service...

Page 56

the operation of the aircraft, disrupt the wireless
telephone network, and may be illegal.
Potentially explosive environments
Switch off your device when in any area with a potentially
explosive atmosphere, and obey all signs and instructions.
Potentially explosive atmospheres include areas where
you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle
engine. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or
fire resulting in bodily injury or even death. Switch off the
device at refuelling points such as...

Page 57

networks, and user-programmed functions. Because of
this, connections in all conditions cannot be guaranteed.
You should never rely solely on any wireless device for
essential communications like medical emergencies.
To make an emergency call:
1. If the device is not on, switch it on. Check for adequate
signal strength.
Some networks may require that a valid SIM card is
properly inserted in the device.
2. Press the end key as many times as needed to clear the
display and ready the device for calls.

Page 58

This mobile device meets guidelines for exposure to
radio waves.
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is
designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio
waves recommended by international guidelines. These
guidelines were developed by the independent scientific
organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed
to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age
and health.
The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unit...

Page 59

national reporting and testing requirements and the
network band. Additional SAR information may be
provided under product information at www.nokia.com.
Additional safety information
© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved. 59 

Page 60

access code 12
applications 39
audio messages 27
battery 45
charging 15
browser 41
cache memory 43
call log 30
calls 19
configuration 35
contact information 13
cookies 43
customer service 13
display 32
e-mail 25
enhancements 35
flash messages 27
games 39
IM 27
instant messaging 27
internet 41
keyguard 18
keypad lock 18
message centre
number 23
settings 28
audio messages 27
© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved. 60 
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