Nikon Coolpix S5 Users Manual
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81 Technical Notes Display Problem Solution CARD IS NOT FORMATTED Format No M emory card has not been formatted for use in camera. H ighlight FORMAT and press but- t on to format card, or turn camera off and replace card.12 IMAGE CANNOT BE SAVED or Error occurred while re- cording picture.Fo rmat internal memory or memory ca rd.76 Camera has run out of fi le numbers.• Insert new memory card. • Select Reset all after either inserting new memory card or formatting in- te rnal memory or memory card.12 76 Cannot create cropped, D- lighting, or small copy.Select picture that supports crop, D-lighting, or small picture.89 Pi cture cannot be used f or welcome screen.Choose picture 640 × 480 pixels or larger.— Cannot copy picture.D elete pictures from destination.68 Image has already been modifi ed. D-Lighting cannot be used.Original does not support D-lighting.D -lighting can not be used with cop- ies.89 SOUND FILE CAN NOT BE SAVED or Camera has run out of fi le numbers.Select Reset all after either inserting new memory card or formatting inter- nal memory or memory card.76 CANNOT RECORD MOVIE Time out error while re- cording movie. Choose memory card with faster write speed.77 OUT OF MEMORY or M emory card is full. • Choose smaller image size. • Delete pictures or voice recordings. • Insert new memory card. • Remove memory card and use inter- nal memory. 61 40, 68 12 13 CARD CONTAINS NO IMAGES No pictures available for playback. — NO SOUND FILENo sound fi le available for playback.— FILE CONTAINS NO IMAGE DATA F ile not created with C OOLPIX S5. Vi ew fi le on computer or other de- vice. —THIS FILE CANNOT BE PLAYED BACK. ALL IMAGES ARE HIDDEN No pictures available for welcome screen or slide show. — PICTMOTION CANNOT BE CREATED No pictures selected for Pi ctmotion movie. Select pictures. 49 PICTMOTION CANNOT BE PLAYED BACK Pi ctmotion fi les have been deleted or moved. D elete aff ected Pictmotion movie. 51 THIS IMAGE CANNOT BE DELETED Pi cture is protected. Remove protection.68 Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

82 Technical Notes Display Problem Solution NEW CITY IS IN THE CURRENT TIME ZONE D estination in same time zone as home. No need to change time zones if desti- nation is in same time zone as home.72 INITIALIZING LENS CANNOT FOCUSCamera cannot focus. W ait until message has cleared from display and camera has zoomed all the way out.— LENS ERROR Lens error. Tu rn camera off and then on again. If error persists, contact retailer or Nikon r epresentative.14 LENS COVER ERROR F inger or other obstruc- tion prevents lens cover from opening. Tu rn camera off and remove obstruc- tion.2, 14 C OMMUNICATIONS ERROR USB cable disconnected during transfer or print- ing. If Pi ctureProject displays error, click OK to exit. Resume operation after turning camera off and reconnecting cable. 52–53, 56 USB option incorrect. Choose correct USB option.54 PictureProject did not start. See the PictureProject reference man- ual (on CD) for more information. — NO IMAGES ARE MARKED FOR TRANSFER No pictures selected for transfer. Select pictures for transfer and try again. 68 TRANSFER ERROR T ransfer error. • Check battery level. • Check that USB cable is connected.14 52–53 SYSTEM ERROR Error has occurred in camera’s internal cir- cuitry. Tu rn camera off , remove and reinsert batteries, and turn camera on. If error persists, contact retailer or Nikon rep- r esentative.10 PRINTER ERROR CHECK PRINTER STATUS Pr inter error. Check printer. To resume, highlight Resume (if available) and press button. — In extremely rare instances, unusual characters may appear in the monitor and the cam- era may stop functioning. In most cases, this phenomenon is caused by a strong external static charge. Turn the camera off , remove and replace the batteries, and then turn the camera on again. In the event of continued malfunction, contact your retailer or Nikon r epresentative. Note that disconnecting the power source as described above may result in the loss of any data not recorded to internal memory or the memory card at the time the problem occurred. Data already recorded will not be aff ected. Electronically Controlled Cameras Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

83 Technical Notes Troubleshooting If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems below before consulting your retailer or Nikon representative. Refer to the page numbers in the right-most column for more information. Problem Solution Camera turns off without warning • Battery is low. • Camera has turned off automatically to save power. • Battery is cold.14 14 93 M onitor is blank • Camera is off . • Battery is exhausted. • Standby mode: monitor turns on when controls are used. • Flash lamp blinks red: wait until fl ash has charged. • USB cable is connected. • A/V cable is connected. • Time lapse or interval timer photography in progress: mon- itor turns off automatically between shots 14 14 14 20 53, 56 52 36, 64 No indicators appear in monitor Hide info is selected for Photo info. Select Show info .73 Monitor is hard to read • Monitor has dimmed to save power: monitor brightens when controls are used. • Adjust monitor brightness. • Monitor is dirty: clean monitor.14 73 79 Camera clock is not correct Check camera clock regularly against more accurate time- pieces and reset as required.71 Camera settings reset Clock battery exhausted: recharge clock battery. Pictures r ecorded before clock has been set will have time stamp of “00.00.0000 00:00”; movies will be dated “01.01.2006 00:00.”71 No picture taken when shutter-release button is pressed • Camera is in playback mode: press button. • Menus are displayed: press button. • Battery is exhausted.41 17 14 Camera can not focus using autofocus • Subject is low in contrast, dominated by repeating geomet- ric patterns, covers too small an area of the frame, or con- tains many fi ne details, objects of sharply diff ering bright- ness, or objects at diff erent distances from the camera. Use f ocus lock to focus on another subject at same distance. • Off is selected for AF assist option in camera setup menu. • Focus error. Turn camera off and then on again. 66 75 14 Pi ctures are blurred • Use fl ash. • Use BSS. • Use tripod and self-timer. 20 65 3, 22 Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

84 Technical Notes Problem Solution Pic tures are too dark (underexposed) • Flash is off . • Flash window is blocked. • Subject is outside range of fl ash. • Exposure compensation is too low. • Subject is backlit: select (scene mode) or use fi ll fl ash. 20 18 20 25, 31, 63 20, 28 Pi ctures are too bright (overexposed) Exposure compensation is too high. 25, 31, 63 R andomly-spaced bright pixels (“noise”) appear in image Shutter speed too slow. Noise can be reduced by: • Using fl ash • Setting Sensitivity to 50 • Choosing scene mode option with noise reduction 20 65 28, 34 Pi ctures are smeared Lens is dirty. Clean lens. 79 C olors are unnatural White balance does not match light source. 62 F lash does not fi re F lash is off . Note that fl ash turns off automatically in mode ( T ime lapse movie excepted) and some scene modes or when option other than Single or Intvl timer shooting is selected for Continuous or BSS is on. 20, 26, 35, 63, 65 AF-assist illuminator does not light • Off is selected for AF assist option in camera setup menu. • AF assist illumination turns off automatically in (POR- TRAIT excepted), , , (NIGHT PORTRAIT excepted), ,, , and modes. 75 26 Bright specks in pic- tures taken with fl ash F lash is refl ecting from particles in air. Turn fl ash off .20 Blur warning is not displayed • Off is selected for Blur warning in camera setup menu. • Blur warning is not displayed in self-timer, , , , , or mode or when option other than Single is selected for Co ntinuous or BSS is on. 75 22, 26, 35, 63, 65 No sound when shutter is released Sound is not played when Off selected for Sound settings > Shutter sound , BSS on, option other than Single selected f or Co ntinuous , or or mode is selected. 34, 35, 63, 65, 75 Optical zoom cannot be used Optical zoom cannot be used while shooting movies. 35 Digital zoom cannot be used Digital zoom is not available when Multi shot 16 is selected f or Co ntinuous . 63 Unexpected results when fl ash set to (auto with red-eye reduction). In -camera red-eye fi x may, in very rare cases, be applied to areas not aff ected by red-eye. Set fl ash to (auto) or (fi ll-fl ash) and try again. Note that red-eye reduction is the default setting for one-touch portrait, , and modes. 20, 24, 33, 34 Image mode not a vailable Image mode cannot be adjusted when Multi shot 16 is selected for Continuous or “Sports composite” is selected in scene mode. 34, 63 Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

85 Technical Notes Problem Solution Date imprint not a vailable Camera clock has not been set. 71 Date not appearing on pictures Date does not appear on movies or pictures taken using , , ( Sports composite excepted), Continuous , or BSS. 26, 35, 63, 65 Pi ctures cannot be played back • Time lapse or interval timer photography in progress: pic- tures can not be played back until recording is complete. • File has been overwritten or renamed by computer or oth- er make of camera. 36, 64 — Cannot zoom in on picture Pl ayback zoom cannot be used with movies, small pictures, or pictures that have been cropped to below 320 × 240. 37, 42, 69 Cannot record voice memo V oice memos cannot be appended to movies. 37 Cannot use crop, D -lighting, or small picture options These options cannot be used with movies and may not be a vailable with pictures created with other cameras. Select picture that supports crop, D-lighting, or small picture. 89 Cannot create new Pi ctmotion movie Camera may be unable to create Pictmotion movies using pictures recorded with other cameras. Other cameras may be unable to play Pictmotion movies created with COOLPIX S5. 48 Cannot mark pictures for transfer No more than 999 pictures can be marked for transfer. Use Pi ctureProject Transfer button to transfer pictures. 53 T ransfer marking does not appear Pi ctures were marked for transfer using another model of camera. Mark pictures for transfer using S5. 68 Pi ctureProject does not start when cam- era is connected • Camera is off . • Battery is exhausted. • USB cable is not correctly connected. • Appropriate USB option is not selected. • Computer can not detect camera. See the PictureProject reference manual (on CD) for further information. 14 14 53 54 — Cannot transfer pictures button can not be used to transfer pictures from inter- nal memory when Mass Storage is selected for USB or if memory card is locked. Transfer pictures using PictureProject transfer button. 53, 54 Pi ctures not displayed on television • Choose correct video mode. • USB cable is connected: disconnect USB cable 52 8 F ormat card > For- mat option not avail- able Batteries are low. 14 Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

86 Technical Notes Appendix O pera tio n F lo w ch artOperation Flowchart The following fl owchart illustrates basic camera operations. S u p porte d S ta n d ard sSupported Standards • DCF : D esign Rule for Camera File System (DCF) is standard widely used in the digital camera industry to ensure compatibility among diff erent makes of camera. • DPOF: D igital Print Order Format (DPOF) is an industry-wide standard that allows pictures to be printed from print orders stored on the memory card. • Exif version 2.2 : This camera supports Exif ( Exchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still Cameras) ver sion 2.2, a stan dard that al lows in for ma tion stored with pho to graphs to be used for optimal color re pro duc tion when im ag es are output on Exif-compliant print ers. • Pi ctBridge : A standard developed by in cooperation with the digital camera and printer industries, allowing photographs to be output directly to a printer without connecting the camera to a computer. • ImageLink : The ImageLink standard allows pictures taken with a digital camera to be print- ed directly on a household printer, without using a computer. The camera can be connect- ed directly to any ImageLink-compatible printer for one-touch picture printing. MenusShooting Press to select (auto) mode ( 18) Scene mode ( 26) Scene assist modes ( 32) V oice recording mode ( 38) One-touch portrait mode ( 24) Playback Press to select Pl ayback mode ( 41) Pi ctmotion mode ( 48) Calendar mode ( 45) List-by-date mode ( 46) D -lighting ( 43) Voice recording playback ( 39) Shooting menu ( 61) Scene menu ( 26) Mo vie menu ( 36) One-touch portrait menu ( 25) Playback menu ( 67) Pi ctmotion menu ( 50) Calendar menu ( 45) List by date menu ( 46) Setup menu ( 70) Co py sound fi les menu ( 40) Voice recording menu ( 39) Setup menu ( 70) Mo vie mode ( 35) Framing assist menu ( 32) Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

87 Technical Notes Defa u lt s (Defaults ( 6 1, 6 7, 7 0, 7 6) 61, 67, 70, 76) Choosing Reset for Reset all restores the following default settings: Option Default Shooting mode ( 18–25) Flash mode Auto S elf timer Off Macro close-up Off On e-touch portrait Exposure compensation 0 Po rtrait eff ect Normal Sc ene mode ( 26–34) Party/Indoor mode framing assist PORTRAIT mode framing assistLANDSCAPE mode framing assist SPORTS mode framing assistNIGHT PORTRAIT Exposure compensation 0 Movie menu ( 36–37) Movie options Small size 320 Set interval time 30 s Auto-focus mode Single AF Electronic VROff Pictmotion settings ( 50) Music Pachelbel Kanon S tyle Motion Playback order Random F it to length Repeat photos Auto select 10 pictures Shooting menu ( 61–66) Image mode Normal (2816) White balance Auto Exp. +/– 0 Continuous Single Interval timer 30 s Option Default Shooting menu (continued) BSS Off Exposure BSS Highlight BSS S ensitivity Auto Color options Standard color AF-area mode Center Playback menu ( 67–69) Slide showFrame intvl 3 s S etup menu ( 70–76) Menus Te x t Q uick startup On W elcome screen Animation Monitor settings Photo info Show info Brightness 4 Da te imprint Off AF assist Auto S ound settings Button sound On S hutter sound 1 V olume Normal Blur warning On Auto off 1 min. Auto transfer On Mi scellaneous Sound quality ( 39) High P aper size ( 57, 58) Default Choosing Reset also clears the current fi le number ( 89) from memory. Numbering will con- tinue from the lowest number available (to reset fi le numbering to 0001, delete all pictures before selecting Reset). All other settings are unaff ected, including Date ( 71), Date counter ( 74), Language ( 76), USB ( 76), and Video mode ( 76). Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

88 Technical Notes Im ag e M od e (I mage Mode ( 6 1), M ovie O ptio n s ( 61), Movie Options ( 3 6), a n d S o u n d Q ualit y ( 36), and Sound Quality ( 3 9) 39) The following table lists the number of pictures, maximum length per movie, or maximum to- tal voice recording length that can be recorded to internal memory or a 256 MB memory card, t ogether with the size of still pictures printed at 300 dpi. S etting Internal memory (21 MB) 256 MB memory card Print size (cm / in.) Image modeHigh (2816★) 7 85 24 × 18 / 9½ × 7 Normal (2816) 14 165 24 × 18 / 9½ × 7 Normal (2048) 26 305 17 × 13 / 7 × 5 PC screen (1024) 90 1045 9 × 7 / 3½ × 2½ TV screen (640) 193 2245 5 × 4 / 2 × 1½ Movie optionsTV movie 640★19 s 3 min. 40 s — Small size 320★38 s 7 min. 20 s — Small size 320 1 min. 14 s 14 min. 30 s — Pictmotion 320 1 min. 1 min. — Smaller size 160 4 min. 7 s 48 min. 5 s — Time lapse movie★225 frames 1800 frames —Sound qualityNormal 46 min. 8 s 5 hr. — High16 min. 43 s 3 hr. 15 min. 55 s — * All fi gures are approximate. Actual capacity varies with make of memory card and, in the case of JPEG images, with the type of scene recorded. If memory remains for more than 9999 pictures, exposure count display will show 9999. Restr ic tio n s o n C am era S ettin g s (Restrictions on Camera Settings ( 6 1) 61) Restrictions apply to the following settings in mode: Flash mode Flash turns off at Co ntinuous settings of Continuous or Multi-shot 16 or when BSS is on. Original mode is restored when Single or Intvl timer shoot- ing is selected or BSS is turned off . S elf timer If self-timer is on, only one shot will be taken when shutter is released, regardless of settings chosen for Continuous and BSS. Original Continuous and BSS set- tings are restored when picture is taken or self-timer is turned off . Continuous Selecting Continuous or Multi-shot 16 turns BSS off . Original BSS setting is not restored when Single is selected. BSS Continuous is set to Single when BSS is on. Original setting is not restored when BSS is turned off . White balance White balance is set to Auto and can not be adjusted when Black and white, S epia , or Cyanotype is selected for Color options . Original white balance is r estored when Standard color or Vivid color is selected. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

89 Technical Notes Im ag e F il e a n d F o ld er N am esImage File and Folder Names Pi ctures, movies, and voice memos are assigned fi le names with three parts: a four letter iden- tifi er, a four-digit fi le number assigned automatically by the camera in ascending order, and a three-letter extension (e.g., “DSCN0001.JPG”). O riginals Identifi er Extension Still picture DSCN .JPG Mo vie DSCN .MOV Time-lapse movie INTN .MOV V oice recording DSCN .WAV V oice memo Same as picture .WAVCopies Identifi er Extension Cropped copy RSCN .JPG Small copy SSCN .JPG D -lighting copy FSCN .JPG Pi ctures and sound fi les are stored in folders named with a three-digit folder number followed by a fi ve-character identifi er: “P_” plus a three-digit sequence number for pictures taken us- ing panorama assist (e.g, “101P_001”; 29–30), “INTVL” for interval timer photography (e.g., “101INTVL”; 64), “SOUND” or “SOUNE” for voice recordings (e.g., “101SOUND”; 38), and “NIKON” for all other pictures (e.g, “100NIKON”). Folders can hold up to 200 pictures; if a picture is taken when the current folder contains 200 pictures, a new folder will be created by adding one to the current folder number. If a picture is taken when the current folder is numbered 999 and contains 200 pictures or a picture numbered 9999, no further pictures can be taken until the medium is formatted ( 76) or a new memory card inserted. F iles copied using Copy > Selected images or COPY SOUND FILES > Selected fi les are cop- ied to the current folder, where they are assigned new fi le numbers in ascending order start- ing from the largest fi le number in memory. Copy > All images and COPY SOUND FILES > Co py all fi les copy all folders from the source device; fi le names do not change but new f older numbers are assigned in ascending order starting from the largest folder number on the destination device ( 40, 69). Pi ctmotion movies ( 48) are stored under the “NKSS” folder in folders named with a three- digit folder number followed by “PRJCT” (e.g., “101PRJCT”). Each folder contains the picture and sound fi les for a single Pictmotion movie. C op ie s (C opies ( 4 2, 4 3, 6 9) 42, 43, 69) C opies created using crop ( 42), D-Lighting ( 43), and small picture ( 69) have the same transfer marking as the original but are not marked for printing or protection. Copies created using Copy ( 69) have the same protection marking as the original but are not marked for printing or transfer. The crop and small picture options can not be used with copies created with crop or small picture; D-lighting is not available with copies created with crop, D-light- ing, or small picture. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

90 Technical Notes GMT +/– Location –11 Midway, Samoa –10 Hawaii, Tahiti–9 Alaska, Anchorage –8 PST (PDT ): Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver –7 MST (MDT ): Denver, Phoenix, La Paz –6 CST (CDT ): Chicago, Houston, Mexico City –5 EST (EDT ): New York, Toronto, Lima –4 Caracas, Manaus –3 Buenos Aires, São Paulo –2 Fernando de Noronha –1 Azores ±0 London, CasablancaGMT +/– Location +1 Madrid, Paris, Berlin +2 Athens, Helsinki +3 Moscow, Nairobi +4 Abu Dhabi, Dubai +5 Islamabad, Karachi +6 Colombo, Dhaka +7 Bangkok, Jakarta +8 Beijing, Hong Kong (HK), Singapore +9 Tokyo, Seoul +10 Sydney, Guam +11 New Caledonia +12 Auckland, Fiji T im e Z o n es (T ime Zones ( 7 1–7 2) 71–72) The camera supports the time zones listed below. Increments of less than one hour are not supported; when travelling to or from destinations at half- or quarter-hour increments from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT ), such as Afghanistan, Central Australia, India, Iran, Nepal, or New- f oundland, set the camera clock to local time ( 71–72). Downloaded From Nikon Manuals