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Nikon Coolpix S5 Users Manual

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Page 41

Scene and Scene Assist Modes
Using Exposure Compensation in Scene Mode
Exposure compensation is used to alter exposure from the value selected by the 
camera.  Choose from values between –2.0 EV and +2.0 EV.  Negative values pro-
duce darker pictures, positive values brighter pictures.  To choose a value for expo-
sure compensation, select a scene (
 27–29) and follow the steps below.
Display scene menu.
Highlight  (Exp. +/– ).
Display exposure compensation menu.
Choose value for exposure...

Page 42

Scene and Scene Assist Modes
Sc ene Assist Mode
Compose pictures with the help of framing guides displayed in the monitor.
H ighlight composition type. *
Select and return to shooting mode.
Display shooting mode menu.
H ighlight , , , or . 
Select and exit to selected mode.
7Take pictures.  If framing guides are dis-
played, position subject in guides before 
* :   camera setup ( 70); : select image-mode ( 61); : adjust exposure ( 31)
Display framing assist menu.
Downloaded From...

Page 43

Scene and Scene Assist Modes
 Po rtrait Assist : Use for smooth, natural-looking portraits.
PORTRAIT No guides are displayed.  Camera sets focus 
and exposure for subject in center focus area.
rtrait Left
Compose shot with subject in left or right half 
of frame. 
†Po rtrait Right
Po rtrait Close-up Compose shot with face in top half of frame. 
Po rtrait Couple C
ompose shot with two subjects side-by-
Po rtrait Figure C
ompose shot in “tall” orientation. 
*  AF-assist available in...

Page 44

Scene and Scene Assist Modes
SPORTS While shutter-release button is held down, camera shoots about 2.2 frames 
per second (fps) until  
icon is displayed.  Camera focuses continuously 
even when shutter-release button is not pressed.
Spectator As
 above, except that camera focuses at about 4.5 m/15 ft. (6 m/20 ft. at maxi-
mum zoom) to infi nity for improved shutter response.
C omposite Each time shutter-release button is pressed, camera takes 
16 shots in about 2 seconds and arranges them...

Page 45

Recording Movies
To shoot movies with sound recorded via the built-in microphone, select shooting 
mode and follow the steps below (no sound is recorded for time-lapse movies).  
Mo vies recorded to internal memory at the default setting of  Small Size 320 can 
be up to 1 minute 14 seconds long; a 256 MB memory card can hold up to 14 min-
utes 30 seconds.
Display shooting mode menu.
H ighlight .
4Pr ess shutter-release button all the way 
down to start recording.  Progress bar shows...

Page 46

3Press shutter-release button all the way 
down to start recording.    Camera will take 
pictures at specifi  ed interval until shutter-
r elease button is pressed again, memory 
is full, or 1800 frames have been recorded.  
M onitor turns off   and indicator lamp blinks 
gr een between shots.
Choose interval between shots.
Select and exit to movie options menu.  
Press  button to exit menu.
Th e Movie Menu
Pressing the  button in movie mode displays the movie menu.  Options chosen 
in this...

Page 47

MoviesTo play a movie, display it in full-frame playback and 
press the 
  button.  Playback controls appear at the 
t op of the display; press the rotary multi selector left or 
r ight to highlight a control, then press the 
 button to 
perform the selected operation.
Control Description
Mo vie rewinds while  button is pressed.
Movie advances while  button is pressed.
Pause playback.  Rotate rotary multi selector for single-frame advance or rewind.
Go ahead one frame.  Advance continues while  button...

Page 48

Voice Recordings
Vo ice Recordings
Audio voice recordings can be recorded over the built-in microphone and played 
back over the built-in speaker.
Making a Voice Recording
To  make a voice recording, select shooting mode and follow these steps:
Display shooting mode menu.
Highlight .
3Select and exit to voice recording mode.  
Display shows length of recording that can 
be made.
*  Camera enters stand-by mode (
 14) and indicator lamp turns green.  Press  to reacti-
vate display.  To pause...

Page 49

Voice Recordings
The Voice Recording Menu
Pr essing the 
 button in voice recording mode displays the following options.  
The option selected for  Sound quality  is restored the next time voice recording 
mode is selected.
O ption Description
SET UP Display setup menu ( 70).
Sound quality Select High for high quality,  Normal for reduced fi le size.
Playing Voice Recordings
To play voice recordings back, select playback mode and follow these steps.
Select recording.
Display playback mode menu.

Page 50

Voice Recordings
Co pying Voice Recordings
To  copy voice recordings between internal memory and a memory card, display 
the voice recording list shown in Step 3 on the preceding page and press the 
button.  This option is available only when a memory card is inserted.
1H ighlight option:
• : Copy recordings from internal mem-
ory to memory card
• : Copy recordings from memory card 
to  internal memory
Highlight  Selected fi  les . *
Display menu of copy options.
* To copy all voice recordings,...
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