NEC Vt480 Projector User Manual
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Page 11
3 1. Introduction Part Names of the Projector Front/Top M E NUSELE C TLA M P S T A T U S P O W E RO N/S TAND BYS O URC EAUTO ADJ. EN TE RE XIT F O CU SZO O M FO C U S M E N US ELE C T L A M P S TA TU S P O W ERO N/S TA ND B Y S O UR CE A UTO A DJ.E N T E RE XI T Z O OM Zoom Lever (VT580/VT480/VT58) Digital Zoom Button (VT48) ( → page 23) Controls (→ page 5) Lens Lens Cap Built-in Security Slot ( )* Focus Ring (→ page 23) Adjustable Tilt Foot Button (→ page 22) Adjustable Tilt Foot ( → page 22)...
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4 1. Introduction Adjustable Tilt Foot(→ page 22) Rear Foot (Left / Right) (→ page 22) Adjustable Tilt Foot Button ( → page 22) Lamp Cover (→ page 51) Carrying handle Screw Phillips-head screwdriver (not supplied) Attaching the supplied carrying handle You can carry the projector by attaching the supplied carrying handle sec\ urely to the projector. To attach the supplied carrying handle, use a Phillips-head screwdriver a\ nd the supplied two screws. Place a soft cloth on the working surface before...
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5 1. Introduction Top Features SELECT MENU ENTERE XITLAMP STATUS POWER ON/STAND BY AUTO ADJ. SOURCE 4 7 83 1 29 10 56 1. LAMP Indicator (→ page 51,54 ) 2. STATUS Indicator (→ page 54) 3. POWER Indicator (→ page 19,27 ,54 ) 4. POWER Button (ON / STAND BY) ( ) ( → page 19,27 ) 5. SOURCE Button 6. AUTO ADJ. Button (→ page 26) 7. MENU Button 8. SELECT / Volume Buttons / Keystone Buttons 9. ENTER Button 10. EXIT Button
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6 1. Introduction AUDIO OUT AUDIO IN COMPUTER 2 IN COMPUTER 1 INMONITOR OUT(COMP 1) AUDIO IN S-VIDEOIN VIDEO IN PC CONTROL L R LCOMPUTER INMONITOR OUT AUDIO INVIDEO IN PC CONTROLR S-VIDEO IN 14852 376 76 1485 Terminal Panel Features 1. COMPUTER 1 and 2 IN/ Component Input Connector (Mini D-Sub 15 Pin) (VT580/VT480) ( →page 13,14 ,16 ) COMPUTER IN/ Component Input Connector (Mini D-Sub 15 Pin) (VT58/VT48) ( →page 13,14 ,16 ) 2. AUDIO IN Mini Jack (Stereo Mini) (→ page 13,15 ,16 ) (Not available on...
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7 1. Introduction Part Names of the Remote Control 1. Infrared Transmitter (→ page 8) 2. POWER ON Button (→ page 19) 3. POWER OFF Button (→ page 27) 4. MAGNIFY (+)(–) Button (→ page 29) 5. PIC-MUTE Button (→ page 29) 6. PAGE UP/DOWN Button* (Not available on VT58 and VT48) (→ page 33,34 ) 7. MENU Button 8. SELECT Button 9. ENTER Button 10. EXIT Button 11. MOUSE L-CLICK Button* (Not available on VT58 and VT48) (→ page 33,34 ) VOLUMEL-CLICK ENTEREXIT MENU UP MAGNIFY PAGE OFF POWER ON...
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8 1. Introduction Remote Control Precautions •Handle the remote control carefully. • If the remote control gets wet, wipe it dry immediately. • Avoid excessive heat and humidity. • Do not heat, take apart, or throw batteries into fire. • If you will not be using the remote control for a long time, remove the \ batteries. • Ensure that you have the batteries ’ polarity (+/-) aligned correctly. • Do not use new and old batteries together, or use different types of batteries together. • Dispose of used...
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9 2. Installation and Connections To the wall outlet. 300 240 200180 150 120 100 60 403021 80 D is ta n ce (U n it: m /in c h ) Screen Size (Unit: cm/inch) Screen Size Lens center 609.6(W)457.2(H) / 240(W) 180(H) 487.7(W) 365.8(H) / 192(W) 144(H) 406.4(W) 304.8(H) / 160(W) 120(H) 365.8(W) 274.3(H) / 144(W) 108(H) 304.8(W) 228.6(H) / 120(W) 90(H) 243.8(W) 182.9(H) / 96(W) 72(H) 203.2(W) 152.4(H) / 80(W) 60(H) 162.6(W) 121.9(H) / 64(W) 48(H) 121.9(W) 91.4(H) / 48(W) 36(H) 81.3(W)...
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10 2. Installation and Connections Selecting a Location (VT48) The further your projector is from the screen or wall, the larger the im\ age. The minimum size the image can be is approximately 25 (0.64 m) measured diagonally when the projector is r\ oughly 35 inches (0.9 m) from the wall or screen. The largest the image can be is 300 (7.6 m) when the projector is abo\ ut 434 inches (11.0 m) from the wall or screen. Use the drawing below as a guide. 25 300 240 200180 150120100 6040 80 Distance (Unit:...
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11 2. Installation and Connections Screen bottom Projector bottom C α B D Lens centerScreen center Throw Distance and Screen Size The following shows the proper relative positions of the projector and s\ creen. Refer to the table to determine the position of installation. Distance Chart B = Vertical distance between lens center and screen center C = Throw distance D = Vertical distance between lens center and screen bottom (top of screen for ceiling application) α = Throw angle NOTE: Distances may vary...
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12 2. Installation and Connections WARNING * Installing your projector on the ceiling must be done by a qualified technician. Contact your NEC dealer for more information. * Do not attempt to install the projector yourself. • Only use your projector on a solid, level surface. If the projector falls to the ground, you can be injured and the projector severely damaged. • Do not use the projector where temperatures vary greatly. The projector must be used at temperatures between 41 ˚F (5 ˚C) and 104 ˚F (40...