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NEC Projector VE282X User Manual

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Page 61

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting the Vertical Position of Image [POSITION]
(only	when	[16:9],	[15:9],	or	[16:10]	is	selected	for	[ASPECT	RATIO])
When	[16:9],	[15:9], 	or 	[16:10] 	is 	selected 	in 	[ASPECT 	RATIO], 	the 	image 	is 	displayed 	with 	black 	borders 	on 	the 	top 	
and bottom.
You	can	adjust	the	vertical	position	from	the	top	to	the	bottom	of	the	black	area.
Turning on Noise Reduction [NOISE REDUCTION]
This	function	allows	you	to	select	the	level	of	noise	reduction.
The	projector	is...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
 Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
Correcting Vertical Keystone Distortion Manually [KEYSTONE]
You	can	correct	vertical	distortion	manually.	(→	page	23)
Using the Wall Color Correction [WALL COLOR]
This	function	allows	for	quick	adaptive	color	correction	in	applications	where	the	screen	material	is	not	white.
•	 Selecting	color	options	other	than	[OFF]	will	reduce	brightness.
•	 When	the	3D	mode	is	enabled,	the	[WALL	COLOR]	item	is	not	available. 

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Setting Eco Mode [ECO MODE]
This	feature	turns 	on 	or 	off 	the 	ECO 	mode. 	The 	lamp 	life 	can 	be 	extended 	by 	selecting 	[ON]. 	Selecting 	[ON] 	also 	
decreases	fan	noise	when	compared	to	[OFF]	mode.
ECO	MODEDescriptionStatus	of	LAMP	indicator
OFFThis	is	the	Default	setting
(100%	Brightness).Off
Select	this 	mode 	to 	increase 	the 	lamp 	life 	
(approx.	80%	Brightness.)Steady	Green	light
•	 The	[LAMP	HOURS	USED]	can	be	checked	in	[USAGE	TIME].	Select	[INFO.]...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Turning On / Off Eco Message [ECO MESSAGE]
This	option	turns	on	or	off	the	following	messages	when	the	projector	is	turned	on.	
The	Eco	Message 	prompts 	the 	user 	to 	save 	energy. 	When 	[OFF] 	is 	selected 	for 	[ECO 	MODE], 	you 	will 	get 	a 	message 	
to	prompt	you	to	select	[ON]	for	[ECO	MODE].
When	[ON]	is	selected	for	[ECO	MODE]
To	close	the 	message, 	press 	the 	ENTER 	or 	the 	EXIT 	button. 	The 	message 	will 	disappear 	if 	no 	button 	operation 	is 	

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Projector Orientation [ORIENTATION]
This	reorients	your 	image 	for 	your 	type 	of 	projection. 	The 	options 	are: 	desktop 	front 	projection, 	ceiling 	rear 	projection, 	
desktop	rear	projection,	and	ceiling	front	projection.
Disabling the Cabinet Buttons [CONTROL PANEL LOCK]
This	option	turns	on	or	off	the	CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK	function.
•	 This...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Fan Mode [FAN MODE]
This	option	allows	you	to	select	three	modes	for	fan	speed:	Auto	mode,	High	speed	mode,	and	High	Altitude	mode.
AUTO ���������������������The built-in fans automatically run at a variable speed according to the internal temperature�
HIGH ����������������������The built-in fans run at high speed�
HIGH ALTITUDE �����The built-in fans run at a high speed� Select this option when using the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Enabling or Disabling WXGA Mode [WXGA MODE]
Selecting	[ON]	will	give	priority	to	a	WXGA	(1280	x	768)	signal	in	recognizing	an	input	signal.
When	[WXGA	MODE]	is	set	to	[ON],	an	XGA	(1024	x	768)	signal	may	not	be	recognized.	In	this	case,	select	[OFF].
Enabling Key Sound and Error Sound [BEEP]
This	feature	turns	on	or	off	the	button	sound	or	alarm	when	the	following	operations	are	performed.
-	Displaying	the	main	menu	
-	Switching	sources
-	Pressing	POWER	ON	or	POWER	OFF	button...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Power-saving in [STANDBY MODE]
The	projector	has	two	standby	modes:	[NORMAL]	and	[POWER-SAVING].
The	POWER-SAVING	mode 	is 	the 	mode 	that 	allows 	you 	to 	put 	the 	projector 	in 	the 	power-saving 	condition 	which 	
consumes	less	power	than	the	NORMAL	mode.	The	projector	is	preset	for	NORMAL	mode	at	the	factory.
NORMAL ����������������Power indicator: Orange light/STATUS indicator: Green light
 ����Power indicator: Red light/STATUS...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Turning On the Projector By Applying Computer Signal [AUTO POWER ON(COMP.)]
When	the	projec tor 	is 	in 	Standby 	mode, 	applying 	a 	computer 	signal 	from 	a 	computer 	connected 	to 	the 	COMPUTER 	
IN	input	will	power	on	the	projector	and	simultaneously	project	the	computer’s	image.
This	functionality	eliminates 	the 	need 	to 	always 	use 	the 	POWER 	button 	on 	the 	remote 	control 	or 	the 	projector 	cabinet 	
to	power	on	the	projector.
•	 Disconnecting	a...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting  input  connected  to  a  source  of  3D  images  [COMPUTER]  (VE280X/VE280)/[COMPUTER/HDMI] 
This	function	switches	the	3D	mode	between	ON	and	OFF	for	each	input.
ON �������������������������Turns on the 3D mode for the selected input�
To	confirm	that	the	supported	3D	signal	is	accepted,	use	either	way	of	the	following:
-	 Make	sure	that	[3D]	is	displayed	in	the	top	right	of	the...
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