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NEC Projector Ve281x User Manual

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    4. Convenient Features
    Operating your computer’s mouse from the remote control
    You	can	operate	your	computer’s	mouse	from	the	remote	control.
    PAGE		Button:	 scrolls	t he 	viewing 	area 	of	t he 	window 	or 	t o 	move 	t o 	t he 	previous 	or 	next	slide 	in 	PowerPoint	
    on	your	computer.
    	Buttons:	 moves	the	mouse	cursor	on	your	computer.
    MOUSE	L-CLICK	Button:	 works	as	the	mouse	left	button.
    MOUSE	R-CLICK	Button:	works	as	the	mouse	right	button.
    •	 When	you	operate 	the 	computer 	using 	the 	 or  button with the menu displayed, both the menu and the mouse pointer 
    will be affected. Close the menu and perform the mouse operation.
    The	PAGE  and  buttons do not work with PowerPoint for Macintosh.
    About Drag Mode:
    By	pressing 	the 	MOUSE 	L-CLICK 	or 	R-CLICK 	button 	for 	2 	or 	3 	seconds 	then 	releasing, 	the 	drag 	mode 	is 	set 	and 	the 	
    drag	operation	can 	be 	performed	simply 	by 	pressing 	the 		button.	To 	drop 	the 	item, 	press 	the 	MOUSE 	L-CLICK 	
    (or	R-CLICK)	button.	To	cancel	it,	press	the	MOUSE	R-CLICK	(or	L-CLICK)	button.
    TIP:	You	can 	change 	the 	Pointer 	speed 	on 	the 	Mouse 	Properties 	dialog 	box 	on 	the 	Windows. 	For 	more 	information, 	see 	the 	user 	
    documentation or online help supplied with your computer. 
    4. Convenient Features
     Using the Computer Cable (VGA) to Operate the Projector 
    (Virtual Remote Tool)
    Using	the	utility 	software 	“Virtual 	Remote 	Tool” 	included 	on 	the 	companion 	NEC 	Projector 	CD-ROM, 	Virtual 	Remote 	
    screen	(or	toolbar)	can	be	displayed	on	your	computer	screen.
    This	will	help 	you 	perform 	operations 	such 	as 	projector’s 	power 	on 	or 	off 	and 	signal 	selection 	via 	the 	computer 	cable 	
    (VGA),	serial	cable,	or	USB	connection.
    Virtual	Remote	screenToolbar
    This	section	provides	an	outline	of	preparation	for	use	of	Virtual	Remote	Tool.
    For	information	on	how	to	use	Virtual	Remote	Tool,	see	Help	of	Virtual	Remote	Tool.	(→	page	38)
    Step	1:	Install	Virtual	Remote	Tool	on	the	computer.	(→	page	34)
    Step	2:	Connect	the	projector	to	the	computer.	(→	page	36)
    Step	3:	Start	Virtual	Remote	Tool.	(→	page	37)
    •	 When	[COMPUTER 	] 	is 	selected 	from 	your 	source 	selection, 	the 	Virtual 	Remote 	screen 	or 	the 	toolbar 	will 	be 	displayed 	as 	well 	as 	
    your computer screen.
    •	 Use	the	supplied 	computer 	cable 	(VGA) 	to 	connect 	the 	COMPUTER 	IN 	connector 	directly 	with 	the 	monitor 	output 	connector 	of 	
    the	computer	to	use	Virtual	Remote	Tool.
    	 Using	a	switcher	or	other	cables	than	the	supplied	computer	cable	(VGA)	may	cause	failure	in	signal	communication.
    	 VGA	cable	connector:
    	 Pin	Nos.	12	and	15	are	required	for	DDC/CI.
    •	 Virtual	Remote	Tool	may	not	work	depending	on	your	computer’s	specifications	and	version	of	graphic	adapters	or	drivers.
    •	 The	LOGO	transfer	function	is	not	available	on	this	series	of	projectors.	
    •	 The	projector’s	COMPUTER 	IN 	connector 	supports 	DDC/CI 	(Display 	Data 	Channel 	Command 	Interface). 	DDC/CI 	is 	a 	standard 	
    interface	for	bidirectional	communication	between	display/projector	and	computer.
    •	 Virtual	Remote	Tool	can	be	used	with	a	USB	connection.
    	 Virtual	Remote	Tool	will	support	the	control	via	a	USB	cable	in	October	2012.
    	 Updated	Virtual	Remote	Tool	can	be	downloaded	from	our	website:
     URL:	http://www.nec-display.com/dl/en/pj_soft/lineup.html   
    4. Convenient Features
    Step 1: Install Virtual Remote Tool on the computer
    Supported OS
    Virtual	Remote	Tool	will	run	on	the	following	operating	systems.
    Windows	7	Home	Basic,	Windows	7	Home	Premium,	Windows	7	Professional,	Windows	7	Ultimate,	 
    Windows	7	Enterprise,	Windows	Vista	Home	Basic,	Windows	Vista	Home	Premium,	 
    Windows	Vista	Business,	Windows	Vista	Enterprise,	Windows	Vista	Ultimate
    Windows	XP	Home	Edition	*1,	Windows	XP	Professional	*1
    *1:		To	run 	Virtual 	 Remote 	 Tool, 	“Microsoft 	.NET 	Framework 	 Version 	 2.0 	or 	later” 	is 	required. 	 The 	Microsoft 	.NET 	
    Framework	Version	2.0 	or 	later 	is 	available 	from 	Microsoft’s 	web 	page. 	Install 	the 	Microsoft 	.NET 	Framework 	
    Version	2.0	or	later	on	your	computer.
    •	 To	install	Virtual 	Remote 	Tool, 	the 	Windows 	user 	account 	must 	have 	“Administrator” 	privilege 	(Windows 	7, 	Windows 	Vista 	and 	
    Windows	XP).	
    •	 Exit	all	running	p rograms	b efore	in stalling	Vir tual 	R emote	T ool.	I f	a nother	p rogram	is	r unning,	t he	in stallation	m ay	n ot	b e	c ompleted.	
    1 Insert the accompanying NEC Projector CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
     The folders in NEC Projector CD-ROM will be displayed. If the folders are not displayed, right-click the CD/DVD 
    drive icon in Windows’ “Computer” (or “My Computer”) an\
    d select “Open”.
    2 Double-click "Software", "Virtual Remote Tool" and then "32bit" or "64bit".
     The "VRT.exe" icon will be dis played.
    3 Double-click the "VRT.exe" icon.
     The Installer will start and the Wizard screen will appear. 
    4. Convenient Features
    4 Click “Next”.
     “END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT” screen will be displayed.
     Read “END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT” carefully.
    5 If you agree, click “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and then click “Next”.
    • Follow the instructions on the installer screens to complete the installation. 
    4. Convenient Features
    Uninstalling Virtual Remote Tool
    Exit	Virtual	Remote 	Tool 	before 	uninstalling. 	To 	uninstall 	Virtual 	Remote 	Tool, 	the 	Windows 	user 	account 	must 	have 	
    “Administrator”	privilege	(Windows	7	and	Windows	Vista)	or	“Computer	Administrator”	privilege	(Windows	XP).
    • For Windows 7/Windows Vista
    1 Click “Start” and then “Control Panel”.
     The Control Panel window will be displayed.
    2 Click “Uninstall a program” under “Programs”
     The “Programs and Features” window will be displayed.
    3 Select Virtual Remote Tool and click it.
    4 Click “Uninstall/Change” or “Uninstall”.
     • When the “User Account Control” windows is displayed, click  “Continue”.
     Follow the instructions on the screens to complete the uninstallation.
    • For Windows XP
    1 Click “Start” and then “Control Panel”.
     The Control Panel window will be displayed.
    2 Double-click “Add / Remove Programs”.
     The Add / Remove Programs window will be displayed.
    3 Click Virtual Remote Tool from the list and then click “Remove”.
     Follow the instructions on the screens to complete the uninstallation.
    Step 2: Connect the projector to the computer
    1 Use the supplied computer cable (VGA) to connect the COMPUTER IN connector of the projector directly 
    with the monitor output connector of the computer.
    2 Connect the supplied power cord to the AC IN of the projector and the wall outlet.
     The projector is in the standby condition.
    •	 When	Virtual	Remote	Tool	starts	for	the	first	time,	“Easy	Setup”	window	will	be	displayed	to	navigate	your	connections.
    Supplied computer cable (VGA)
    To wall outlet
    Power cord (supplied) 
    4. Convenient Features
    Step 3: Start Virtual Remote Tool
    Start using the shortcut icon
    • Double-click the shortcut icon  on the Windows Desktop.
    Start from the Start menu
    • Click [Start] → [All Programs] or [Programs] → [NEC Projector User Supportware]  → [Virtual Remote Tool] 
    → [Virtual Remote Tool].
     When Virtual Remote Tool starts for the first time, “Easy Setup ” window will be displayed.
     Follow the instructions on the screens
     When “Easy Setup” is completed, the Virtual Remote Tool screen will be displayed.
    •	 When	[POWER-SAVING]	is 	select ed 	for 	[STANDBY 	MODE] 	from 	the 	menu, 	the 	projector 	cannot 	be 	turned 	on 	via 	the 	computer 	
    cable	(VGA)	connection	and	USB	connection(VE282X/VE282).
    •	 The	Virtual	Remote	Tool	screen	(or	Toolbar)	can	be	displayed	without	displaying	“Easy	Setup”	window.
    	 To	do	so,	click	to	place	a	check	mark	for	“		Do	not	use	Easy	Setup	next	time”	on	the	screen	at	Step	6	in	“Easy	Setup”. 
    4. Convenient Features
    Exiting Virtual Remote Tool
    1 Click the Virtual Remote Tool icon  on the Taskbar.
     The pop-up menu will be disp layed.
    2 Click “Exit”.
     The Virtual Remote Tool will be closed.
    Viewing the help file of Virtual Remote Tool
    • Displaying the help file using the taskbar
    1 Click the Virtual Remote Tool icon  on the taskbar when Virtual Remote Tool is running.
     The pop-up menu will be disp layed.
    2. Click “Help”.
     The Help screen will be displa yed.
    • Displaying the help file using the Start Menu.
    1. Click “Start”. “All programs” or “Programs”. “NEC Projector User Supportware”. “Virtual Remote Tool”. and 
    then “Virtual Remote Tool Help” in this order.
     The Help screen will be displayed. 
    4. Convenient Features
     Viewing 3D Images
    The	projector	provides	3D	images	to	a	user	wearing	optional	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses	(NP02GL)
    Health precautions
    Before	viewing,	be 	sure 	to 	read 	health 	care 	precautions 	that 	may 	be 	found 	in 	the 	user’s 	manual 	included 	with 	your	
    LCD	shutter	eyeglasses 	or 	your 	3D 	compatible 	content 	such 	as 	DVDs, 	video 	games, 	computer's 	video 	files 	and	
    the	like.
    To	avoid	any	adverse	symptoms,	heed	the	following:
    -	 Do	not	use	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses	for	viewing	any	material	other	than	3D	images.
    -	 Allow	a	distance 	of 	2 	m/7 	feet 	or 	greater 	between 	the 	screen 	and 	a 	user. 	Viewing 	3D 	images 	from 	too 	close 	a 	
    distance	can	strain	your	eyes.
    -	 Avoid	viewing 	3D 	images 	for 	a 	prolonged 	period 	of 	time. 	Take 	a 	break 	of 	15 	minutes 	or 	longer 	after 	every 	hour 	
    of	viewing.
    -	 If	you	or 	any 	member 	of 	your 	family 	has 	a 	history 	of 	light-sensitive 	seizures, 	consult 	a 	doctor 	before 	viewing 	3D 	
    -	 While	viewing 	3D 	images, 	if 	you 	get 	sick 	such 	as 	nausea, 	dizziness, 	queasiness, 	headache, 	eyestrain, 	blurry 	
    vision,	convulsions,	and	numbness,	stop	viewing	them.	If	symptoms	still	persist,	consult	a	doctor.	
    -	 View	3D	images	from	the	front	of	the	screen.	Viewing	from	an	angle	may	cause	fatigue	or	eyestrain.	
    LCD shutter eyeglasses (recommended)
    •	 Optional	eyeglasses	(NP02GL)
    You	can	also	use	commercially	available	DLP®	Link	compatible	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses.
    Steps for viewing 3D images on the projector
    1. Connect the projector to your video equipment. 
    2. Turn on the projector, display the on-screen menu, and then select [ON] for the 3D mode.
     For the operating procedure to turn on the 3D mode, refer to "On-screen menu for 3D images" on the following 
    3. Play your 3D compatible content and use the projector to display the image.
    4. Put on your LCD shutter eyeglasses to view 3D images.
     Also refer to the user's manua l accompanied with your LCD shutter eyeglasses for more information. 
    4. Convenient Features
    On-screen menu for 3D images
    Follow	the	steps	to	display	the	3D	menu.
    1. Press the MENU button. 
     The On-screen menu will be d isplayed.
    2. Press the  button twice, and then press the  button.
     The [SETUP] menu will be displayed.
    3. Press the  button five times.
     The [3D] menu will be displayed
    4. Press the  button to select a signal and press the ENTER button.
    5. Press the  button to select [ON].
     The menu wil l disappear. 
    4. Convenient Features
    Selecting  input  connected  to  a  source  of  3D  images  [COMPUTER]  (VE280X/VE280)/[COMPUTER/HDMI] 
    This	function	switches	the	3D	mode	between	ON	and	OFF	for	each	input.
    To	confirm	that	the	supported	3D	signal	is	accepted,	use	either	way	of	the	following:
    -	 Make	sure	that	[3D]	is	displayed	in	the	top	right	of	the	screen	after	the	source	is	selected.
    -	 Display	[INFO.]	→	[SOURCE	(2)]	→	[3D	SIGNAL]	and	make	sure	that	"SUPPORTED"	is	displayed.
    •	 The	maximum	distance	for	viewing	3D	images	is	15	m/590	inches	from	the	lens	surface	under	the	following	restrictions:
    -	Brightness	on	the	projector:	2000	lumens	or	greater
    -	Screen	gain:	1
    -	Viewing	position:	Facing	straight	towards	the	screen	center
    - Outside light: None
    -	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses:	Using	the	optional	3D	Goggles	(NP02GL)
    •	 If	3D	content 	is 	played 	back 	on 	your 	computer 	and 	the 	performance 	is 	poor 	it 	may 	be 	caused 	by 	the 	CPU 	or 	graphics 	chip. 	In 	this 	
    case	you	may 	have 	difficulty 	seeing 	the 	3D 	images 	as 	they 	were 	intended. 	Check 	to 	see 	if 	your 	computer 	meets 	the 	requirements 	
    provided	in	your	user's	manual	included	with	your	3D	content.
    •	 The	DLP®	Link	compatible 	LCD 	shutter 	eyeglasses 	allow 	you 	to 	view 	3D 	images 	by 	receiving 	synch 	signals, 	which 	are 	included 	in 	
    left	eye	and 	right 	eye 	images, 	reflected 	from 	the 	screen. 	Depending 	on 	environments 	or 	conditions 	such 	as 	the 	ambient 	brightness,	
    screen	size	or	viewing	distance,	the	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses	may	fail	to	receive	synch	signals,	causing	poor	3D	images.
    •	 When	the	3D	mode	is	enabled,	the	Keystone	correction	range	will	be	narrower.
    •	 When	the	3D	mode	is	enabled,	the	following	settings	are	invalid.
    •	 Refer	to	the	[SOURCE]	screen	under	the	[INFO.]	menu	for	information	on	whether	the	input	signal	is	3D	compatible.
    •	 Signals	other	than	those	listed	in	"Compatible	Input	Signal	List"	on	page	74	will	be	out	of	range	or	will	be	displayed	in	2D. 
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