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NEC Projector Ve281 User Manual

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Page 11

1. Introduction
 Introduction to the Projector
This	section	introduces	you	to	your	new	projector	and	describes	the	features	and	controls.
Congratulations on Your Purchase of the Projector
This	DLP®	projector	is 	one 	of 	the 	very 	best 	projectors 	available 	today. 	The 	projector 	enables 	you 	to 	project 	precise 	
images	up	to 	300 	inches 	(measured 	diagonally) 	from 	your 	PC 	or 	Macintosh 	computer 	(desktop 	or 	notebook), 	VCR, 	
DVD	player	or	document	camera.
You	can	use	 the 	 projector...

Page 12

1. Introduction
•	Preventing unauthorized use of the projector
	 Enhanced	smart 	security 	settings 	for 	cabinet 	control 	panel 	lock, 	security 	slot 	to 	help 	prevent 	unauthorized 	access, 	
adjustments	and	theft	deterrence.
•	3D images supported
	 The	projector	provides	3D	images	to	a	user	wearing	optional	DLP®	Link	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses,	NP02GL
About this user's manual
The	fastest 	way 	to 	get 	started 	is 	to 	take 	your 	time 	and 	do 	everything 	right 	the 	first 	time. 	Take 	a 	few...

Page 13

1. Introduction
 Part Names of the Projector
Zoom Lever
(→ page 22)
(→ page 5)
Built-in Security Slot ( 
Adjustable Tilt Foot (→ page 21)
Remote Sensor
(→ page 8)
AC Input
Connect the supplied power 
cord's three-pin plug here, and 
plug the other end into an active 
wall outlet. (→ page 16)
* This security slot supports the MicroSaver ® Security System. Terminal Panel
(→ page 6)
Exhaust VentHeated air is 
exhausted from here.
Exhaust Vent
Focus Ring
(→ page 22)...

Page 14

1. Introduction
Top Features
1.	 POWER	Button 	(ON 	/ 	STAND 	BY) 	() (→	page	17, 
2.	 POWER	Indicator	(→	page	16, 17, 26, 67)
3.	 STATUS	Indicator	(→	page	67)
4.	 LAMP	Indicator	(→	page	66, 67)
5.	 AUTO	ADJ.	Button	(→	page	25)
6.	 SOURCE	Button	(→	page	19)
5 6 1 23 4 

Page 15

1. Introduction
Terminal Panel Features
1.	 COMPUTER	IN/ 	Component	Input 	Connector 	(Mini 	
D-Sub	15	Pin)	(→	page	12, 13)
2.	 PC	CONTROL	Port	(D-Sub	9	Pin)	(→	page	75)
	 Use	this	port 	to 	conn ect 	a 	PC 	or 	contro l 	syste m.	
This	enables	you 	to 	control 	the 	projector 	using 	serial 	
communication	protocol.	If 	you 	are 	writing 	your 	own 	
program,	typical	PC	control	codes	are	on	page	75.
1.	 COMPUTER	IN/	Component	Input 	Connector 	(Mini 	
D-Sub	15	Pin)	(→	page	12, 13)
2.	 PC	CONTROL	Port...

Page 16

1. Introduction
 Part Names of the Remote Control
1.	 Infrared	Transmitter
 (→	page	8)
2.	 POWER	ON	Button
 (→	page	17)
3.	 POWER	OFF	Button
 (→	page	26)
4.	 COMPUTER	1	Button
 (→	page	19) 
5.	 COMPUTER	2	Button
	 (not	available	on 	 this 	 series 	 of 	 projectors.)
6.	 COMPUTER	3	Button
	 (not	available	on 	 this 	 series 	 of 	 projectors.)
7.	 AUTO	ADJ.	Button
 (→	page	25)
8.	 VIDEO	Button
 (→	page	19)
9.	 S-VIDEO	Button
	 (not	available	on 	 this 	 series 	 of 	 projectors.)
10.	HDMI	Button

Page 17

1. Introduction
30° 30°30°
Remote Control Precautions
•	 Handle	the	remote	control	carefully.
•	 If	the	remote 	 control 	 gets 	 wet, 	 wipe 	 it 	 dry 	 immediately.
•	 Avoid	excessive	heat	and	humidity.
•	 Do	not	heat,	take	apart,	or	throw	batteries	into	fire.
•	 If	you	will	not	be	using	the	remote	control	for	a	long	time,	remove	the	batteries.
•	 Ensure	that	you	have	the	batteries’	polarity	(+/−)	aligned	correctly.
•	 Do	not	use	new	and	old	batteries	together,	or	use	different	types	of...

Page 18

2. Installation and Connections
This	section	describes	how	to	set	up	your	projector	and	how	to	connect	video	and	audio	sources.
Your	projector	is	simple	to	set	up	and	use.	But	before	you	get	started,	you	must	first:
 Setting Up the Screen and the Projector
Selecting a Location 
The	further	your 	projector 	is 	from 	the 	screen 	or 	wall, 	the 	larger 	the 	image. 	The 	minimum 	size 	the 	image 	can 	be 	is 	30" 	
(0.76	m)	measured 	diagonally 	when 	the 	projector 	is 	roughly 	49 	inches...

Page 19

2. Installation and Connections
Throw Distance and Screen Size
The	following 	shows 	the 	proper 	relative 	positions 	of 	the 	projecto r 	and 	screen. 	Refer 	to 	the 	table 	to 	determine 	the 	
position	of	installation.
Distance Chart
Screen center
Lens center
Screen bottom
2.9"/73 mm
Installation surface
Screen Size BC
Diagonal WidthHeight Wide-Tele Wide-Tele
inch mminch mminch mminch mminch mm-inch mminch mmdegree -degree
30 762 24610 18457 12297  46 1180 - 52 1320  3 69...

Page 20

2. Installation and Connections
*	 Installing	your	projector 	on 	the 	ceiling 	must 	be 	done 	
by	a	qualified 	technician. 	Contact 	your 	NEC 	dealer 	
for	more	information.
*	 Do	not	attempt	to	install	the	projector	yourself.
•	 Only	use	your 	projector 	on 	a 	solid, 	level 	surface. 	If 	
the	projector	 falls 	 to 	 the 	ground, 	you 	can 	be 	injured 	
and	the	projector	severely	damaged.
•	 Do	not	use 	the 	projector 	where 	temperatures 	vary 	
greatly.	The	projector 	must 	be 	used...
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