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NEC Projector V300w User Manual

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Page 61

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting	Horizontal/Vertical	Position	[HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL]
Adjusts	the	image	location	horizontally	and	vertically.
-	 An	image	can	be	distorted	during	the	adjustment	of	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE]. 	This	is	not	a	malfunction.
-	 Your	 manual	 adjustments	 for	[CLOCK],	 [PHASE],	[HORIZONTAL],	 and	[VERTICAL]	 will	be	stored	 in	memory	 for	
the	 current	 signal.	The	 next	 time	 you	project	 the	signal	 with	the	same	 resolution,	 horizontal	and	vertical	 frequency, 	
its adjustments...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
NATIVEThe projector displays the current image in its true resolution when the incoming computer 
signal has a lower resolution than the projector’s native resolution.
[Example	 1] When the incoming sig-
nal	 with	 the	resolution	 of	800	 x	600	 is	
displayed	on	the	 V260/V230:
[Example	2]  When  the  incoming 
signal 	with 	the 	resolution 	of 	800 	x 	600	
is	 displayed	 on	the	 V300X/V260X/
•	 When	a	non-computer	signal	is	displayed,	the	[NATIVE]	is	not...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Turning	on	Noise	Reduction	[NOISE	REDUCTION]
This function allows you to select the level of noise reduction.
The	projector	is	set	to	the	optimized	level	for	each	signal	at	the	factory.
Select your preference item for your signal when video noise is noticeable.
The	options	are	[OFF],	[LOW],	[MEDIUM],	and	[HIGH].
NOTE:	This	feature	 is	not	 available	 for	the	 RGB	 signal.	 Noise	reduction	 set	to	off	 gives	 best	image	 quality	 by	way	 of	higher	 bandwidth.	
Noise reduction...

Page 64

5. Using On-Screen Menu
 Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
Correcting	Vertical	Keystone	Distortion	Manually	[KEYSTONE]
You can correct vertical distortion manually. (→ page 24)
TIP:	When	this	option	is	highlighted,	pressing	the	ENTER	button	will	display	its	slide	bar	for	adjustment.
Saving	Vertical	Keystone	Correction	[KEYSTONE	SAVE]
This option enables you to save your current keystone settings.
OFF ........................ Does  not  save  current  keystone  correction  settings.  It...

Page 65

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Setting	Eco	Mode	[ECO	MODE]
This	feature	 turns	on	or	off	 the	 ECO	 mode. 	The	 lamp	 life	can	 be	extended	 by	selecting	 [ON].	Selecting	 [ON]	also	
decreases	fan	noise	when	compared	to	[OFF]	mode.
ECO MODE Description Status of LAMP indicator
OFF This is the Default setting
(100% Brightness). Off
ON Select this mode to increase the lamp life 
(approx. 90% Brightness.) Steady Green light
•	 The	 [LAMP	 LIFE	REMAINING]	 and	[LAMP	 HOURS	 USED]	can	be	checked	 in	[USAGE...

Page 66

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Menu	Color	[COLOR	SELECT]
You can choose between two options for menu color: COLOR and MONOCHROME.
Turning	On	/	Off	Source	Display	[SOURCE	DISPLAY]
This option turns on or off input name display such as COMPUTER, VIDEO, S-VIDEO and No Input to be displayed 
on the top right of the screen.
When	[ON]	is	selected,	the	following	will	be	displayed:
-	 An	input	name	display	such	as	[COMPUTER]	will	be	shown	immediately	after	source	selection.
-	 [NO	INPUT]	will	be...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Menu	Display	Time	[DISPLAY	TIME]
This option allows you to select how long the projector waits after the last touch of a button to turn off the menu. The 
preset	choices	 are	[MANUAL],	 [AUTO	5	SEC],	 [AUTO	 15	SEC],	 and	[AUTO	 45	SEC]. 	The	 [AUTO	 45	SEC]	 is	the	 fac-
tory preset.
Selecting	a	Color	or	Logo	for	Background	[BACKGROUND]
Use  this  feature  to  display  a  blue/black  screen  or  logo  when  no  signal  is  available.  The  default  background  is...

Page 68

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Projector	Orientation	[ORIENTATION]
This reorients your image for your type of projection. The options are: desktop front projection, ceiling rear projection, 
desktop rear projection, and ceiling front projection.
Disabling	the	Cabinet	Buttons	[CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK]
This option turns on or off the CONTROL PANEL LOCK function.
•	 This	CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK	does	not	affect	the	remote	control...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Communication	Speed	[COMMUNICATION	SPEED]
This	feature	 sets	the	baud	 rate	of	the	 PC	Control	 port	(D-Sub	 9P).	It	 supports	 data	rates	 from	4800	 to	38400	 bps.	The	
default	 is	38400	 bps.	Select	 the	appropriate	 baud	rate	for	your	 equipment	 to	be	 connected	 (depending	 on	the	 equip-
ment, a lower baud rate may be recommended for long cable runs).
NOTE:	Your	selected	communication	speed	will	not	be	affected	even	when	[RESET]	is	done	from	the	menu.

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Fan	Mode	[FAN	MODE]
This option allows you to select three modes for fan speed: Auto mode, High speed mode, and High Altitude mode.AUTO ..................... The built-in fans automatically run at a variable speed according to the\
 internal temperature.
HIGH ...................... The built-in fans run at high speed.
HIGH ALTITUDE ..... The built-in fans run at a high speed. Select this option when using the projector at altitudes approximately 
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