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NEC Projector Um280x User Manual

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Page 21

1. Introduction
 Operating Environment for Software Included on CD-ROM
Names	and	Features	of	Bundled	Software	Programs
Name	of	software	programFeatures
Virtual	Remote	Tool
(Windows	only)
This	is	a	software	 program	used	to	control	 the	power	 ON/OFF	 and	source	 selec-
tion	of	the	 projector	 from	your	computer	 by	using	 the	supplied	 computer	 cable	
(VGA)	and	others. 	(→	page	34)
Name	of	software	programFeatures
Image	Express	Utility	Lite
Image	Express	Utility	Lite	for	
Mac	OS
•	 This	is	a...

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1. Introduction
Operating Environment
The	following	 is	the	 operating	 environment	 for	Image	 Express	 Utility	Lite.	For	 the	operating	 environment	 of	other	 soft-
ware	program,	refer	to	the	help	function	of	each	software	program.
Supported	OSWindows	7	Home	Basic
Windows	7	Home	Premium
Windows	7	Professional
Windows	7	Ultimate
Windows	7	Enterprise
Windows	 Vista	Home	Basic
Windows	Vista	Home	Premium
Windows	Vista	Business
Windows	Vista	Ultimate
Windows	Vista	Enterprise
Windows	XP	Home...

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1. Introduction
Supported	OSMac	OS	X	v10.6,	v10.7
Processor	(CPU)Intel®	Core™	Duo	processor	1.5	GHz	or	higher	required
Intel®	Core™	2	Duo	processor	1.6	GHz	or	higher	recommended
*	 PowerPC®	is	not	supported
Memory512	MB	or	higher	required
Network	environmentWired	or	wireless	LAN	required	that	supports	TCP/IP
Only	wireless	LAN	units	built	into	Mac	are	guaranteed	to	work	with	Image	
Express	Utility	Lite.
“Easy	Connection”	supports	only	wireless	LAN.
Supported	ResolutionVGA	(640	×	480)	or	higher...

Page 24

This	section	describes	how	to	turn	on	the	projector	and	to	project	a	picture	onto	the	screen.
1 Flow of Projecting an Image
Step 1
•	 Connecting	your	computer	/	Connecting	the	power	cord	(→ page 15)
Step 2 
•	 Turning	on	the	projector	(→ page 16)
Step 3 
•	 Selecting	a	source	(→ page 18)
Step 4
•	 Adjusting	the	picture	size	and	position	(→ page 19)
•	 Correcting	keystone	distortion	[KEYSTONE]	(→ page 23)
Step 5
•	 Adjusting	a	picture	and	sound
- Optimizing a computer signal automatically (→...

Page 25

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Connecting Your Computer/Connecting the Power Cord
1.	 Connect	your	computer	to	the	projector.
 This  section  will  show  you  a  basic  connection  to  a  computer.  For  information  about  other  connections,  see  “6. 
Installation	and	Connections” 	on	page	106.
	 Connect	the	computer	 cable	(VGA)	 between	 the	projector’s	 COMPUTER	 IN	connector	 and	the	computer’s	 port	
(mini D-Sub 15 Pin). Turn two thumb screws of both connectors to fix the computer...

Page 26

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Turning on the Projector
•	 Press	the		(POWER)	 button	on	the	 projector	 cabinet	
or	the	POWER	ON	button	on	the	remote	control. 	
 The  POWER  indicator  will  turn  to  blue  and  the  projector 
will become ready to use.
•	 When 	the 	message	 “Projector 	is 	locked!	 Enter	your	password.”	
is 	displayed, 	it 	means 	that 	the 	[SECURITY] 	feature 	is 	turned 	on.	
(→	page	31)
  After you turn on your projector, ensure that the computer 
or video...

Page 27

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Note on Startup screen (Menu Language Select screen)
When	you	first	 turn	 on	the	 projector,	 you	will	get	 the	Startup	 menu.	This	 menu	 gives	you	the	opportunity	 to	select	 one	
of	the	29	menu	languages.
To	select	a	menu	language, 	follow	these	steps:
1. Use  the , ,   or   button  to  select  one  of  the  29 
languages from the menu.
2.  Press the ENTER button to execute the selection.
After 	this 	has 	been 	done, 	you 	can 	proceed 	to 	the 	menu...

Page 28

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Selecting a Source
Selecting the computer or video source
NOTE:	Turn	on	the	computer	or	video	source	equipment	connected	to	the	projector.
Detecting	the	Signal	Automatically
Press	the 	SOURCE 	button 	once. 	The 	projector 	will 	search 	for 	the 	available	
input	source	and	display	it. 	The	input	source	will	change	as	follows: 	
•	 With	 the	SOURCE	 screen	displayed,	 you...

Page 29

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Adjusting the Picture Size and Position
Use	the	adjustable	tilt	foot,	the	zoom	function	or	the	focus	ring	to	adjust	the	picture	size	and	position.
In	this	chapter	drawings	and	cables	are	omitted	for	clarity.
Adjusting	horizontal/vertical	position
(→	page	20)
Adjusting	the	focus	[Focus	ring]
(→	page	20)
Finely	adjusting	the	left	and	right	tilt	[Tilt	Foot]
(→	page	21)
Finely	adjusting	the	vertical	tilt	[Tilt	Foot]
(→	page	21)
Adjusting	the	size	[Digital	Zoom]...

Page 30

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Adjusting horizontal/vertical position
The	throw	 distance	 can	affect	 the	size	 and	the	height	 of	the	 projected	 image.	Before	 installing	 the	projector,	 decide	
the	throw	distance	according	to	 “Setting	Up	the	Screen	and	the	Projector” 	(→	page	103, 104)
It	is	recommended	to	display	the	test	pattern	while	adjusting	the	image. 	(→	page	92)	
1. Move  the  projector  back  and  forth  and  left  and  right  so  that 
the image fits the screen width.
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