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NEC Projector Um280x User Manual

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Page 91

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Enhancing	the	Color	[COLOR	ENHANCEMENT]
This	function	allows	you	to	enhance	the	color	of	image.
OFF ������������������������Does not enhance the color
  �������������������������Enhances the color �
NOTE:	This	function	is	available	only	when	[PRESENTATION]	is	selected	[REFERENCE].
Adjusting	White	Balance	[WHITE	BALANCE]
This	allows	 you	to	adjust	 the	white	 balance. 	Contrast	 for	each	 color	(RGB)	 to	adjust	 the	white	 level	of	the	 screen; 	
Brightness	for	each	color...

Page 92

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting	Clock	and	Phase	[CLOCK/PHASE]
This	allows	you	to	manually	adjust	CLOCK	and	PHASE.
CLOCK �������������������Use this item to fine tune the computer image or to remove any vertical banding that might appear � This 
function adjusts the clock frequencies that eliminate the horizontal ban\
ding in the image�
This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your computer for the first time�
PHASE �������������������Use  this  item  to  adjust  the  clock...

Page 93

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting	Horizontal/Vertical	Position	[HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL]
Adjusts	the	image	location	horizontally	and	vertically.
NOTE:	The	[HORIZONTAL]	 and	[VERTICAL]	 items	are	not	 available	 for	VIDEO,	 S-VIDEO,	 HDMI,	VIEWER,	 NETWORK,	 and	USB	
-	 An	image	can	be	distorted	during	the	adjustment	of	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE]. 	This	is	not	malfunction.
-	 The	 adjustments	 for	[CLOCK],	 [PHASE],	[HORIZONTAL],	 and	[VERTICAL]	 will	be	stored	 in	memory	 for	the	
current	 signal.	The...

Page 94

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Aspect	Ratio	[ASPECT	RATIO]
The	term	“aspect	ratio” 	refers	to	the	ratio	of	width	to	height	of	a	projected	image.
The	projector	automatically	determines	the	incoming	signal	and	displays	it	in	its	appropriate	aspect	ratio.
•	 This	table	shows	typical	resolutions	and	aspect	ratios	that	most	computers	support.
ResolutionAspect	RatioVGA640	×	4804:3
SVGA800	×	6004:3
XGA1024	×	7684:3
WXGA1280	×	76815:9
WXGA1280	×	80016:10
WXGA+1440	×	90016:10
SXGA1280	×	10245:4
SXGA+1400	×...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Sample	image	when	the	appropriate	aspect	ratio	is	automatically	determined
[Computer	signal]
Aspect	ratio	of	incoming	signal4:35:416:9 15:916:10
Sample	image	when	the	appro-priate	 aspect	 ratio	is	automati-cally	determined
[Video	signal]
Aspect	ratio	of	incoming	signal4:3 Letterbox Squeeze
Sample	image	when	the	as-pect	 ratio	 is	automatically	 de-
NOTE:	 To	display	 a	squeezed	 signal	prop-erly,	select	[16:9]	or	[WIDE	ZOOM].

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
 Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
Using	Digital	Zoom	[DIGITAL	ZOOM]
This	feature	allows	you	to	electronically	fine	adjust	the	image	size	on	the	screen.
TIP:	To	adjust	 the	projected	 image	size	roughly,	 move	the	projector	 away	or	closer	 to	the	 screen.	 To	fine	 adjust	 the	zoom,	 use	the	
[DIGITAL	ZOOM]	function.	(→	page	22)
Correcting	 Vertical	Keystone	Distortion	Manually	[KEYSTONE]
You	can	correct	vertical	distortion	manually. 	(→	page	23)
TIP:	When	this...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Using	the	Wall	Color	Correction	[WALL	COLOR]
This	function	allows	for	quick	adaptive	color	correction	in	applications	where	the	screen	material	is	not	white.
NOTE:	Selecting	[WHITEBOARD]	reduces	lamp	brightness.
Setting	Eco	Mode	[ECO	MODE]
The	ECO	MODE	increases	lamp	life,	while	lowering	power	consumption	and	cutting	down	on	CO2 emissions. 
Four	brightness	modes	of	the	lamp	can	be	selected: 	[OFF],	[AUTO	ECO],	[NORMAL]	and	[ECO]	modes.	
(→	page	29) 

Page 98

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Setting	Closed	Caption	[CLOSED	CAPTION]
This	option	 sets	several	 closed	caption	 modes	that	allow	 text	to	be	 superimposed	 on	the	 projected	 image	of	Video	
or	S-Video.
OFF ������������������������This exits the closed caption mode�
CAPTION 1-4 ���������Text is superimposed�
TEXT 1-4 ����������������Text is displayed�
•	 The	closed	caption	is	not	available	under	the	following	conditions:
-	 when	messages	or	menus	are	displayed.
-	 when	an	image	is	magnified,	frozen,...

Page 99

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Turning	ON/OFF	Control	ID	[ID	DISPLAY]
ID DISPLAY �����������This option turns on or off the ID number which is displayed when the ID SET button on the remote control 
is pressed�
Turning	On	/	Off	Eco	Message	[ECO	MESSAGE]
This	option	turns	on	or	off	the	following	messages	when	the	projector	is	turned	on. 	
The	Eco	Message	 prompts	the	user	 to	save	 energy. 	When	 [OFF]	is	selected	 for	[ECO	 MODE],	 you	will	get	 a	message	
to	prompt	you	to	select	[AUTO	ECO],	[NORMAL],	or...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting	Projector	Orientation	[ORIENTATION]
This	reorients	 your	image	 for	your	 type	of	projection. 	The	 options	 are:	desktop	 front	projection,	 ceiling	rear	projection,	
desktop	rear	projection,	and	ceiling	front	projection.
Disabling	the	Cabinet	Buttons	[CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK]
This	option	turns	on	or	off	the	CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK	function.
•	 This	CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK	does	not	affect	the	remote	control...
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