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NEC Projector PX803UL-WH User Manual

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Page 71

PICTURE:	Controls	the	video	adjustment	of	the	projector.
BRIGHTNESS ▲ ����Increases the brightness adjustment value�
BRIGHTNESS ▼ ����Decreases the brightness adjustment value�
CONTRAST ▲ ��������Increases the contrast adjustment value�
CONTRAST ▼ ��������Decreases the contrast adjustment value�
COLOR ▲ ��������������Increases the color adjustment value�
COLOR ▼ ��������������Decreases the color adjustment value�
HUE ▲ �������������������Increases the hue adjustment value�
HUE ▼...

Page 72

SETTINGSet	for	wired	LAN.
APPLYApply	your	settings	to	wired	LAN.
PROFILE	1/PROFILE	2Two	settings	can	be	set	for	wired	LAN	connection.	Select	PROFILE	1	or	PR OFILE	2.	
DISABLETurn	off	wired	LAN	connection
DHCP	ONAutomatically	assign	IP	address,	subnet	mask,	and	gateway	to	the	projector	from	your	
DHCP	server.
DHCP	OFFSet	IP	address,	subnet	mask,	and	gateway	to	the	projector	assigned	by	your	networ k	
IP	ADDRESSSet	your	IP	address	of	the	network	connected...

Page 73

PROJECTOR	NAMEEnter	a	name	for	your	projector	so	that	your	computer	can	identify	the	projector.	A	
projector	name	must	be	16	characters	or	less.	
TIP:	Projector	name	will	not	be	affected	e ven	when	[RESET]	is	done	from	the	men u.
HOST	NAMEEnter	the	hostname	of	the	network	connected	to	the	projector.	A	host	name	must	be	
15	or	less.
DOMAIN	NAMEEnter	the	domain	name	of	the	networ k	connected	to	the	projector.	A	domain	name	
must	be	60	characters	or	less.
ALERT	MAILThis	option	will...

Page 74

PJLink	PASSWORDSet	a	password	for	PJLink*.	A	password	must	be	32	characters	or	less.	Do	not	forget	
your	password.	However,	if	y ou	f orget	y our	pass word,	consult	with	y our	dealer .
HTTP	PASSWORDSet	a	password	for	HTTP	server.	A	password	m ust	be	10	char acters	or	less .
When	a	password	is	set	up,	you	will	be	prompted	for	your	user	name	(arbitrar y)	and	
password	during	LOGON.
AMX	BEACONTurn	on	or	off	for	detection	from	AMX	Device	Discovery	when	connecting	to	the	networ k...

Page 75

⓫ Storing Changes for Lens Shift, Zoom, and Focus [LENS 
The	adjusted	values	can	be	stored	in	projector	memory	when	using	the	LENS	SHIFT,	ZOOM	and	FOCUS	buttons	
of	the	projector.	Adjusted	values	can	be	applied	to	the	signal	you	selected.	This	will	eliminate	the	need	to	adjust	lens	
shift,	focus,	and	zoom	at	the	time	of	source	selection.	There	are	two	ways	to	sav e	adjusted	values	for	lens	shift,	zoom,	
and	focus.
Function	nameDescriptionpage
REF.	LENS	MEMORYAdjusted	values	common	to	all	input...

Page 76

To store your adjusted values in [REF. LENS MEMORY]:
1. Press the MENU button.
	 The	menu	will	be	displayed.	
2. Press the ▶	button	to	select	[SETUP]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
3. Press the ▶	button	to	select	[INSTALLATION(2)].
4. Press the ▼	button	to	select	[REF.	LENS	MEMORY]	and	press	the	ENTER	b utton.
	 The	[REF.	LENS	MEMORY]	screen	will	be	displa yed.
5.	 Make	sure	[PROFILE]	is	highlighted,	then	press	the	ENTER	b utton.
	 The	[PROFILE]	selection	screen	appears.
6. Press the ▼/▲	buttons	to...

Page 77

	 The	confirmation	screen	will	be	displayed.
8. Press the ◀	button	to	select	and	[YES]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 Select	a	[PROFILE]	number	and	save	the	adjusted	[LENS	SHIFT],	[ZOOM],	and	[FOCUS]	values	to	it.
•	 The	[FORCED	MUTE]	setting	stops	projection	during	lens	shift.	(→	page	118)
9.	 Press	the	MENU	button.
	 The	menu	will	be	closed.
•	 To	store	adjusted	values	for	each	input	source,	use	the	Lens	Memory	function.	(→ page 101)
3. Convenient Features  

Page 78

To call up your adjusted values from [REF. LENS MEMORY]:
1. Press the MENU button.
	 The	menu	will	be	displayed.	
2. Press the ▶	button	to	select	[SETUP]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
3. Press the ▶	button	to	select	[INSTALLATION(2)].
4. Press the ▼	button	to	select	[REF.	LENS	MEMORY]	and	press	the	ENTER	b utton.
	 The	[REF.	LENS	MEMORY]	screen	will	be	displa yed.
5.	 Make	sure	[PROFILE]	is	highlighted,	then	press	the	ENTER	b utton.
	 The	[PROFILE]	selection	screen	appears.
6. Press the ▼/▲	buttons	to...

Page 79

	 The	lens	will	shift	based	on	the	adjusted	values	stored	in	the	selected	[PROFILE].
8. Press the ◀	button	to	select	and	[YES]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	adjusted	values	will	be	applied	to	the	current	signal.	.
9.	 Press	the	MENU	button.
	 The	menu	will	be	closed.
3. Convenient Features  

Page 80

To	call	up	the	adjusted	values	from	[LENS	MEMORY]:
1.	 From	the	menu,	select	[ADJUST]	→	[LENS	MEMORY]	→	[MOVE]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	confirmation	screen	will	be	displayed.
2. Press the ◀	button	to	select	and	[YES]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 During	projection,	if	the	adjusted	values	for	an	input	signal	have	been	sav ed,	the	lens	will	shift.	If	not,	the	lens	will	
shift	according	to	the	adjusted	values	stored	in	the	selected	[REF.	LENS	MEMOR Y]	[PR OFILE]	n umber.
To	automatically...
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