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NEC Projector Px750u User Manual

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9. Appendix
Option lens
NP16FLPower	focusthrow	ratio	0.76:1,	F1.85,	f=11.6	mmImage	Size	(Diagonal):	50	–	300	inches	/	1.27	–	7.62	mProjection	Distance(Min.-Max.): 	0.78	–	5.17	mNP17ZLPower	zoom	and	focusthrow	ratio	1.25-1.79:1,	F1.85-2.5,	f=18.7-26.5	mmImage	Size	(Diagonal):	50	–	300	inches	/	1.27	–	7.62	mProjection	Distance(Min.-Max.): 	1.32	–	11.74	mNP18ZLPower	zoom	and	focusthrow	ratio	1.73-2.27:1,	F1.64-1.86,	f=25.7-33.7	mmImage	Size	(Diagonal):	50	–	300	inches	/	1.27	–	7.62	mProjection...

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9. Appendix
504 (19.8)252 (9.9)
150 (5.9) 150 (5.9)
192 (7.6)
220 (8.7)
117.4 (4.62)
109 (4.3)
150 (5.9)
150 (5.9)
516 (20.3)
 Cabinet Dimensions
Lens center
Lens center
Holes for ceiling mount
Unit: 	mm	(inch) 

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9. Appendix
 Pin Assignments of D-Sub COMPUTER Input Connector
Mini D-Sub 15 Pin Connector
Signal	Level
Video	signal	:	0.7Vp-p	(Analog)
Sync	signal	:	TTL	level
14 23 10
11 12 13 14 15
69 78
Pin No. RGB Signal (Analog) YCbCr Signal
1 Red Cr
Green	or	Sync	on	GreenY
3 Blue Cb
4 Ground
5 Ground
Red	GroundCr	Ground7Green	GroundY	Ground8Blue	GroundCb	Ground9No	Connection10Sync	Signal	Ground11No	Connection12Bi-directional	DATA	(SDA)13Horizontal	Sync	or	Composite	
14Vertical	Sync15Data	Clock 

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9. Appendix
 Troubleshooting
This	section	helps	you	resolve	problems	you	may	encounter	while	setting	up	or	using	the	projector.
Indicator Messages
POWER Indicator
Indicator	display	Projector	status	ProcedureOff	Power	is	off.–
FlashingBlue	(short	flashes)Preparing	to	turn	power	onWait	a	while.Blue	(long	flashes)Off	timer	(enabled)
Program	timer	(off	time	enabled)
Orange	(short	
Projector	coolingWait	a	while.
Orange	(long	flashes)Program	timer	(on	time	enabled)Lit BluePower	on–

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9. Appendix
LAMP	1/LAMP	2	Indicator
Indicator	display	Projector	status	Procedure
OffThe	lamp	is	turned	off.–
Flashing GreenPreparing	to	relight	lamp	after	
lighting	has	failed
Wait	a	while.
RedLamp	replacement	grace	
The	lamp	 has	reached	 the	end	 of	its	 service	 life	and	
is	now	 in	the	 replacement	 grace	period	 (100	hours). 	
Replace	the	lamp	as	soon	as	possible. 	(→	page	174)Red	(cycles	
of	6)
Lamp	does	not	lightThe	lamp	 has	not	turned	 on.	Wait	 at	least	 1	minute,	 then	
turn	the...

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9. Appendix
Common Problems & Solutions
(→	“Power/Status/Lamp	Indicator” 	on	page	220.)
ProblemCheck	These	Items
Does not turn on
or shut down•	 Check	 that	the	power	 cord	is	plugged	 in	and	 that	 the	power	 button	 on	the	 projector	 cabinet	or	the	 remote	 control	is on� (→ pages 13, 14, 17)•	 Ensure	that	the	lamp	cover	is	installed	correctly.	(→ page 176)•	 Check	 to	see	 if	the	 projector	 has	overheated.	 If	there	 is	insufficient	 ventilation	around	the	projector	 or	if	the	 room	where you...

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9. Appendix
R e m o t e   c o n t r o l   d o e s not work•	 Install	new	batteries.(→ page 9)•	 Make	sure	there	are	no	obstacles	between	you	and	the	projector.•	 Stand	within	22	feet	(7	m)	of	the	projector.	(→ page 9)•	 To	perform	 computer	 mouse	operations	 using	the	projector’s	 remote	control,	 connect	 the	optional	 mouse	receiver	to the computer � (→ page 35)
Indicator  is  lit  or  blink -
•	 See	the	POWER/STATUS/LAMP	Indicator.	(→ page 220)
C r o s s   c o l o r   i n   R G B 

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9. Appendix
If there is no picture, or the picture is not displayed correctly.
•	 Power	on	process	for	the	projector	and	the	PC.
	 Be	sure	to	connect	 the	projector	 and	notebook	 PC	while	 the	projector	 is	in	 standby	 mode	and	before	 turning	 on	
the	power	to	the	notebook	PC.
	 In	most	cases	 the	output	 signal	from	the	notebook	 PC	is	not	 turned	 on	unless	 connected	 to	the	 projector	 before	
being	powered	up.
NOTE:	You	can	check	 the	horizontal	 frequency	of	the	 current	 signal	in	the...

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9. Appendix
 PC Control Codes and Cable Connection
PC Control Codes
Function Code Data
POWER ON 02H 00H 00H 00H 00H 02H
POWER OFF  02H 01H 00H 00H 00H 03H
INPUT SELECT COMPUTER 1  02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 01H 09H
INPUT SELECT COMPUTER 2  02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 02H 0AH
INPUT SELECT COMPUTER 3  02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 03H 0BH
INPUT SELECT HDMI  02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 1AH 22H
INPUT SELECT DisplayPort  02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 1BH 23H
INPUT SELECT VIDEO  02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 06H 0EH

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9. Appendix
No  image  is  displayed  from  your  PC  or  video  equipment  to  the projector�
Still no image even though you connect the projector to the PC first, then start the PC�
Enabling your notebook PC’s signal output to the projector �
•	 A	combination 	of 	function 	keys	 will	enable/disable 	the 	exter-nal	 display.	 Usually,	 the	combination	 of	the	 “Fn”	 key	along	with one of the 12 function keys turns the external display 
on or off. 
No image (blue or black background, no display)�...
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