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NEC Projector PX700W2 User Manual

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Page 121

Cutting	a	signal	from	the	Entry	List	[CUT]
1. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select a signal you wish to delete.
2. Press the ◀, ▶, ▲, or ▼	button	to	select	[CUT]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
 The signal will be deleted from the Entry List and the deleted signal will be displayed on the clipboard at the bottom 
of the Entry List.
•	 The	currently	projected	signal	cannot	be	deleted.
•	 When	the	locked	signal	is	selected,	it	will	be	displayed	in	gray	which	indicates	it	is	not	available.
•	 Data...

Page 122

❺ Menu Descriptions & Functions [ADJUST]
This	function	allows	you	to	determine	how	to	save	settings	for	[DETAIL	SETTINGS]	of	[PRESET]	for	each	input.
STANDARD ������������Saves settings for each item of [PRESET] (Preset 1 through 6)
 �����Saves all the settings of [PICTURE] for each input� 
This	function	allows	you	to	select	optimized	settings	for	your	projected	image.
You	can	adjust	neutral	tint	for	yellow,	cyan	or	magenta.	
There	are 	six 	f actory 	presets...

Page 123

Storing	Your	 Customized 	 Settings 	 [REFERENCE]
This	function	allows	you	to	store	your	customized	settings	in	[PRESET	1]	to	[PRESET	6].
First,	select	a 	base 	preset 	mode 	from 	[REFERENCE], 	then 	set 	[GAMMA 	CORRECTION] 	and 	[COLOR 	TEMPERA TURE].	
HIGH-BRIGHT ��������Recommended for use in a brightly lit room�
PRESENTATION �����Recommended for making a presentation using a PowerPoint file�
VIDEO ��������������������Recommended for typical TV program viewing�

Page 124

Adjusting White Balance [WHITE BALANCE]
This	allows	y ou 	to 	adjust 	the 	white 	balance .	Contr ast 	f or 	each 	color 	(RGB) 	to 	adjust 	the 	white 	le vel 	of 	the 	screen;	
Brightness	for	each	color	(RGB)	is	used	to	adjust	the	black	level	of	the	screen.
Corrects	the	saturation	for	all	signals.
Adjusts	the	saturation	for	the	colors	red,	green,	blue,	yellow,	magenta	and	cyan.
RED �����������������������Adjusts the color in red areas, centered around the red�

Page 125

Adjusting	Clock	and	Phase	[CLOCK/PHASE]
This	allows	you	to	manually	adjust	CLOCK	and	PHASE.
CLOCK �������������������Use this item to fine tune the computer image or to remove any vertical banding that might appear� This 
function adjusts the clock frequencies that eliminate the horizontal ban\
ding in the image�
This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your computer for the first time�
PHASE �������������������Use this item to adjust the clock phase or to reduce video noise,...

Page 126

Adjusting	Horizontal/Vertical	Position	[HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL]
Adjusts	the	image	location	horizontally	and	vertically.
-	 An	image	can	be	distorted	during	the	adjustment	of	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE].	This	 is 	 not 	 malfunction.
-	 The	adjustments	f or 	[CLOCK], 	[PHASE], 	[HORIZONT AL], 	and 	[VER TICAL] 	will 	be 	stored 	in 	memor y 	f or 	the 	
current	signal.	The	ne xt 	time 	y ou 	project 	the 	signal 	with 	the 	same 	resolution, 	hor izontal 	and 	v ertical 	frequency , 	
its	adjustments	will	be...

Page 127

Selecting the Aspect Ratio [ASPECT RATIO]
Use	this	function	to	select	the	screen’s	vertical:horizontal	aspect	ratio.
Select	the	screen 	type 	(4:3 	screen, 	16:9 	screen 	or 	16:10 	screen) 	at 	the 	screen 	setting 	bef ore 	setting 	the 	aspect 	r atio.	
(→	page	123)
The	projector	automatically	identifies	the	signal	being	input	and	sets	the	optimum	aspect	ratio.
For Computer signal
For	Component/Video/S-Video	signals
When	the	screen	type	is	set	to	4:3When	the	screen	type	is	set	to	16:9	or	16:10...

Page 128

NATIVEThe	projector	displa ys 	the 	current 	image 	in 	its 	tr ue 	resolution 	when 	the 	incoming 	computer 	signal 	
has	a	lower	or	higher	resolution	than	the	projector’s	native	resolution.	(→	page	2, 224)
When	the	incoming 	computer 	signal 	has 	a 	higher 	resolution 	than 	the 	projector's 	nativ e 	resolution, 	
the	center	of	an	image	will	be	displayed.
LETTER	BOXThe	image	of 	a 	letterbo x 	signal 	(16:9) 	is 	stretched 	equally 	in 	the 	hor izontal 	and 	v ertical 	directions 	
to	fit...

Page 129

Using Noise Reduction [NOISE REDUCTION]
This	function	is	used	to	reduce	video	noise.
RANDOM NR ���������Reduces flickering random noise in an image� 
MOSQUITO NR ������Reduces mosquito noise that appears around the edges of an image during \
DVD playback�
BLOCK NR �������������Reduces block noise or mosaic-like patterns by selecting ON�
Selecting Interlaced Progressive Conversion Process Mode [DEINTERLACE]
This	function	allows	you	to	select	an	interlaced-to-progressive	conversion	process	for...

Page 130

This	function	selects 	video 	signal 	le vel 	when 	the 	projector’ s 	HDMI 	and 	Displa yPort 	input 	connectors 	and 	an 	e xternal 	
device	are	connected.
AUTO ���������������������The video level is switched automatically based on the information from \
the device outputting the signal�
Depending on the connected device, this setting may not be made properly� In this case, switch to “NORMAL” 
or “ENHANCED” from the menu and view with the optimum setting�
NORMAL ����������������This...
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