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NEC Projector PX602WL-BK User Manual

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Page 31

❺ Adjusting the Picture Size and Position
Use	the	lens 	shift 	dial, 	the 	adjustab le 	tilt 	f oot 	le ver, 	the 	z oom 	le ver/zoom 	r ing 	and 	the 	f ocus 	r ing 	to 	adjust 	the 	picture 	
size	and	position.
In	this	chapter	drawings	and	cables	are	omitted	for	clarity.
Adjusting	the	projected 	image’ s 	v ertical 	and 	hor izontal 	
[Lens	shift]
(→	page	19)
Adjusting	the	focus
	page	21)
Finely	adjusting	the	size	of	an	image
	page	21)
Adjusting	the	projected 	image’ s...

Page 32

Adjusting the vertical position of a projected image (Lens shift)
•	 Perform	the	adjustment 	from 	behind 	or 	from 	the 	side 	of 	the 	projector .	P erforming 	adjustment 	from 	the 	front 	could 	
expose	your	eyes	to	strong	light	which	could	injure	them.
•	 Keep	hands	a way 	from 	the 	lens 	hood 	while 	the 	lens 	shift 	is 	in 	oper ation.	F ailure 	to 	do 	so 	could 	result 	in 	fingers 	
being	pinched	between	the	lens	and	the	lens	hood.
Adjusting with buttons on the cabinet
1. Press...

Page 33

Adjusting with the remote control
1.	 Hold	the	CTL	button	and	press	the	ECO/L-SHIFT	button.
	 The	[LENS	SHIFT]	screen	will	be	displayed.	
2. Press the ▼▲◀ or ▶ button.
	 Use	the	▼▲◀▶	buttons	to	move	the	projected	image.
•	 The	diagram	below 	shows 	the 	lens 	shift 	adjustment 	range 	for 	the 	PX602UL-WH 	and 	PX602UL-BK 	(projection 	mode: 	desktop 	
front).	To	raise	the	projection	position	higher	than	this,	use	the	tilt	feet.	(→ page 22)
•	 For	the	PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK	and	the	ceiling...

Page 34

1.	 Press	the	FOCUS	+/−	button.
•	 On	the	remote	control,	while	pressing	on	the	CTL	button,	press	on	VOL/FOCUS 	 (+) 	 or 	 (−) 	 button.
	 The	focus	is	adjusted.
1. Press the ZOOM +/− button.
•	 On	the	remote	control,	while	pressing	on	the	CTL	button,	press	the	D-ZOOM/ZOOM	(+)	or	(−)	button.
	 The	zoom	is	adjusted.
2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)  

Page 35

Adjusting the Tilt Foot
1.	 The	position	to 	pr oject 	ima ge 	ma y 	be 	adjusted 	b y 	the 	tilt 	f eet 	
positioned	at	right,	left 	 and 	 rear 	 of 	 the 	 cabinet 	 bottom.
	 The	tilt	foot	height	can	be	adjusted	by	its	turn.
	 “To	adjust	the	height	of	the	projected	image”
	 The	height	of 	the 	projected 	image 	is 	adjusted 	b y 	tur ning 	the 	left 	and 	
right	tilt	feet.
	 “If	the	projected	image	is	tilted”
	 If	the	projected 	image 	is 	tilted, 	tur n 	one 	of 	the 	tilt 	f eet 	to 	adjust 	the...

Page 36

❻ Optimizing Computer Signal Automatically
Adjusting the Image Using Auto Adjust
When	an	image 	from 	HDMI 	IN, 	Displa yPort 	IN, 	BNC 	input 	ter minal 	(analog 	RGB), 	COMPUTER 	1 	IN, 	or 	HDBaseT 	is 	
being	projected,	and 	the 	edge 	is 	cut 	off 	or 	the 	image 	quality 	is 	poor , 	this 	b utton 	can 	be 	used 	to 	automatically 	optimiz e 	
the	projection	image	on	the	screen.
Press	the	AUTO 	ADJ .	b utton 	to 	optimiz e 	a 	computer 	image 	automatically .
This	adjustment	ma y 	be 	necessar y...

Page 37

❼ Turning off the Projector
To turn off the projector:
1. First, press the  (POWER) button on the projector 
cabinet or the POWER OFF button on the remote con-
	 The	[PO WER 	OFF 	/ 	ARE 	Y OU 	SURE 	? 	/ 	CARBON 	SA V-
INGS-	SESSION	0.000[g-CO2]]	message	will	appear.
2. Secondly, press the ENTER button or press the  
(POWER) or the POWER OFF button again.
	 When	the 	projector 	is 	in 	ST ANDBY 	MODE, 	the 	PO WER 	
indicator	lights	up 	red.	(When 	[ST ANDBY 	MODE] 	is 	in	

Page 38

•	 Do	not	unplug 	the 	power 	cord 	from 	the 	projector 	or 	from 	the 	power 	outlet 	while 	an 	image 	is 	being 	projected. 	Doing 	so 	could 	
deteriorate	the	projector’ s 	AC 	IN 	terminal 	or 	the 	power 	plug’ s 	contact. 	T o 	turn 	off 	the 	AC 	power 	supply 	when 	the 	projector 	is 	
powered on, use the projector’s main power switch, a power strip equipped with a switch, or a breaker.
•	 Do	not	turn 	off 	the 	main 	power 	switch 	or 	disconnect 	the 	AC 	power 	supply 	within 	10...

Page 39

3. Convenient Features
❶ Turn off the light of the projector (LENS SHUTTER)
Press	the	SHUTTER	button.	
The	light	source 	will 	tur n 	off 	and 	the 	light 	of 	the 	projector 	will 	tempor arily 	
go	dark.
Press	again	to	allow	the	screen	to	become	illuminated	again.
•	 Another	way 	to 	shut 	the 	light 	source 	off 	is 	to 	press 	the 	SHUTTER 	
button	on	the	remote	control.
•	 Do	not	press	and	hold	the	LENS	SHIFT/HOME	POSITION	button	for	2	seconds	or	longer.
	 Doing	so	will	cause	the	lens...

Page 40

❹ Freezing a Picture
Hold	the	CTL 	b utton 	and 	press 	the 	PIP/FREEZE 	b utton 	to 	freez e 	a 	picture .	
Press	again	to	resume	motion.
NOTE:	The	image	is	frozen	but	the	original	video	is	still	playing	ahead.
3. Convenient Features  
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