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NEC Projector PJD2121 User Manual

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    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    WIRED LAN(NP215 only)
    * The asterisk (*) indicates that the default setting varies depending on the signal. 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
     Menu Descriptions & Functions [SOURCE]
    Selects the computer connected to your COMPUTER IN input connector.
    •	 When	the	component	input	signal	is	connected	to	the	COMPUTER	IN	connector,	select	[COMPUTER].
    •	 The	projector	will	determine	if	the	input	signal	is	RGB	or	component	signal.
    Selects what is connected to your VIDEO input-VCR, DVD player or document camera.
    Selects what is connected to your S-VIDEO input-VCR or DVD player.
    NOTE:	A	frame	 may	freeze	 for	a	brief	 period	 of	time	 when	 a	video	 is	played	 back	in	fast-forward	 or	fast-rewind	 with	a	Video	 or	S-
    Video source. 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
     Menu Descriptions & Functions [ADJUST]
    This	function	allows	you	to	select	optimized	settings	for	your	projected	image.
    You can adjust neutral tint for yellow, cyan or magenta. 
    There	are	six	factory	 presets	 optimized	 for	various	 types	of	images. 	You	 can	also	 use	[DETAIL	 SETTINGS]	 to	set	 user	
    adjustable	settings	to	customize	each	gamma	or	color.
    Your	settings	can	be	stored	in	[PRESET	1]	to	[PRESET	6].
    HIGH-BRIGHT ........Recommended for use in a brightly lit room.
    PRESENTATION .....Recommended for making a presentation using a PowerPoint file.
    VIDEO ....................Recommended for typical TV program viewing.
    MOVIE ...................Recommended for movies.
    GRAPHIC ...............Recommended for graphics.
    sRGB .....................Standard color values
    Storing	 Your	Customized	Settings	[REFERENCE]
    This	function	allows	you	to	store	your	customized	settings	in	[PRESET	1]	to	[PRESET	6].
    First,	select	 a	base	 preset	 mode	from	[REFERENCE],	 then	set	[GAMMA	 CORRECTION],	 [COLOR	TEMPERATURE],	
    [Brilliant	Color]	and	[DYNAMIC	CONTRAST].
    HIGH-BRIGHT ........Recommended for use in a brightly lit room.
    PRESENTATION .....Recommended for making a presentation using a PowerPoint file.
    VIDEO ....................Recommended for typical TV program viewing.
    MOVIE ...................Recommended for movies.
    GRAPHIC ...............Recommended for graphics.
    sRGB .....................Standard color values. 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    Selecting	Gamma	Correction	Mode	[GAMMA	CORRECTION]
    Each mode is recommended for:
    DYNAMIC ..............Creates a high-contrast picture.
    NATURAL ...............Natural reproduction of the picture.
    BLACK DETAIL .......Emphasizes detail in dark areas of the picture.
    Adjusting	Color	Temperature	[COLOR	 TEMPERATURE]
    This option allows you to select the color temperature of your choice.
    •	When	[PRESENTATION]	or	[HIGH-BRIGHT]	is	selected	in	[REFERENCE],	this	function	is	not	available.
    •	 When	a	color	option	other	than	[OFF]	is	selected	for	[WALL	COLOR],	this	function	is	not	available.
    Adjusting	Brightness	of	 White	Areas	[BrilliantColor]
    This function allows you to adjust the brightness of the white areas. As the picture becomes dim, it looks more natu-
    OFF ........................Turns off the BrilliantColor feature.
    MEDIUM ................Increases brightness of the white areas.
    HIGH ......................Increases more brightness of the white areas.
    •	 [BrilliantColor]	is	not	available	when	[HIGH-BRIGHT]	is	selected	for	[REFERENCE].
    •	 [BrillianColor]	can	be	set	to	[MEDIUM]	or	[HIGH]	when	[PRESENTATION]	is	selected	for	[REFERENCE]
    Adjusting	Brightness	and	Contrast	[DYNAMIC	CONTRAST]
    Turning	on	[DYNAMIC	CONTRAST]	allows	the	contrast	ratio	to	be	adjusted	to	the	proper	level.
    Adjusts the intensity of the image according to the incoming signal.
    Adjusts the brightness level or the back raster intensity.
    Controls the detail of the image.
    Increases or decreases the color saturation level.
    Varies	the	color	level	from	+/−	green	to	+/−	blue. 	The	red	level	is	used	as	reference.
    Video, S-VideoYesYesYesYesYes
    Yes = Adjustable, No = Not adjustable 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    The	settings	 and	adjustments	 for	[CONTRAST],	 [BRIGHTNESS],	 [SHARPNESS],	[COLOR],	[HUE],	and	[REFER-
    ENCE]	within	[PRESET]	will	be	returned	to	the	factory	settings.
    The	settings	 and	adjustments	 under	[DETAIL	 SETTINGS]	 within	the	[PRESET]	 screen	that	are	not	currently	 selected	
    will not be reset. 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    Adjusting	Clock	and	Phase	[CLOCK/PHASE]
    This allows you to manually adjust CLOCK and PHASE.
    CLOCK ...................Use this item to fine tune the computer image or to remove any vertical banding that might appear. This 
    function adjusts the clock frequencies that eliminate the horizontal ban\
    ding in the image.
    This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your computer for the first time.
    PHASE ...................Use  this  item  to  adjust  the  clock  phase  or  to  reduce  video  noise,  dot  interference  or  cross  talk.  (This  is 
    evident when part of your image appears to be shimmering.)
    Use [PHASE] only after the [CLOCK] is complete. 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    Adjusting	Horizontal/Vertical	Position	[HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL]
    Adjusts	the	image	location	horizontally	and	vertically.
    -	 An	image	can	be	distorted	during	the	adjustment	of	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE].	This	is	not	malfunction.
    -	 Your	 manual	 adjustments	 for	[CLOCK],	 [PHASE],	[HORIZONTAL],	 and	[VERTICAL]	 will	be	stored	 in	memory	 for	
    the	current	 signal.	The	 next	 time	 you	project	 the	signal	 with	the	same	 resolution,	 horizontal	and	vertical	 frequency, 	
    its adjustments will be called up and applied.
    	 To	delete	 adjustments	 stored	in	memory,	 from	the	menu,	 you	select	 [RESET]	→	[CURRENT	 SIGNAL]	or	[ALL	
    DATA]	and	reset	the	adjustments.
    Selecting	Aspect	Ratio	[ASPECT	RATIO]
    The term “aspect ratio” refers to the ratio of width to height of a projected image.
    The projector automatically determines the incoming signal and displays it in its appropriate aspect ratio.
    •	This	table	shows	typical	resolutions	and	aspect	ratios	that	most	computers	support.
    ResolutionAspect RatioVGA	 640	x	480  4:3SVGA	 800	x	600 4:3XGA	 1024	x	768 4:3WXGA	 1280	x	768 15:9WXGA 1280 x 800	 16:10WXGA+ 1440 x 900	 16:10SXGA 1280 x 1024  5:4SXGA+ 1400 x 1050  4:3UXGA	 1600	x	1200 4:3
    AUTOThe projector will automatically determine the incoming signal and display it in its aspect 
    ratio. (→ next page)
    The projector may erroneously determine the aspect ratio depending on its signal. If this 
    occurs, select the appropriate aspect ratio from the following.4:3The image is displayed in 4:3 aspect ratio.16:9The	image	is	displayed	in	16:9	aspect	ratio.15:9The image is displayed in 15:9 aspect ratio.16:10The	image	is	displayed	in	16:10	aspect	ratio.WIDE ZOOMThe image is stretched left and right. 
    Parts  of  the  displayed  image  are  cropped  at  the  left  and  right  edges  and  therefore  not 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    NATIVEThe projector displays the current image in its true resolution when the incoming computer 
    signal has a lower resolution than the projector’s native resolution.
    [Example	1] When the incoming sig-
    nal	with	 the	resolution	 of	800	 x	600	 is	
    displayed on the NP115/NP110:
    [Example	 2] When the incoming sig-
    nal	with	 the	resolution	 of	800	 x	600	 is	
    displayed on the NP215/NP210:
    •	 When	a	non-computer	signal	is	displayed,	the	[NATIVE]	is	not	available.
    •	 When 	a 	signal 	with 	a 	higher 	resolution 	than 	the 	projector’s 	native 	resolution 	is 	displayed, 	[NATIVE]	
    is not available.
    Sample	image	when	the	appropriate	aspect	ratio	is	automatically	determined
    [Computer	signal]
    Aspect ratio of incoming signal4:35:416:915:916:10
    Sample  image  when  the  appro-priate  aspect  ratio  is  automati-cally determined
    [Video	signal]
    Aspect ratio of incoming signal4:3LetterboxSqueeze
    Sample  image  when  the  as-pect  ratio  is  automatically  de-terminedNOTE:	 To	display	 a	squeezed	 signal	prop-erly,	select	[16:9]	or	[WIDE	ZOOM].
    •	 Image	position	can	be	adjusted	vertically	using	[POSITION]	when	the	[16:9],	[15:9],	or	[16:10]	aspect	ratios	are	selected.
    •	 The	 term	“letterbox”	 refers	to	a	more	 landscape-oriented	 image	when	compared	 to	a	4:3	 image,	 which	is	the	 standard	 aspect	
    ratio for a vide source.
    	 The	letterbox	signal	has	aspect	ratios	with	the	vista	size	“1.85:1”	or	cinema	scope	size	“2.35:1”	for	movie	film.
    •	 The	term	“squeeze”	refers	to	the	compressed	image	of	which	aspect	ratio	is	converted	from	16:9	to	4:3.
    Adjusting	the	 Vertical	Position	of	Image	[POSITION]
    (only	when	[16:9],	[15:9],	or	[16:10]	is	selected	for	[ASPECT	RATIO])
    When	[16:9],	 [15:9],	or	[16:10]	 is	selected	 in	[ASPECT	 RATIO],	the	image	 is	displayed	 with	black	 borders	 on	the	 top	
    and bottom.
    You can adjust the vertical position from the top to the bottom of the black area.
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
    Turning	on	Noise	Reduction	[NOISE	REDUCTION]
    This function allows you to select the level of noise reduction.
    The	projector	is	set	to	the	optimized	level	for	each	signal	at	the	factory.
    Select your preference item for your signal when video noise is noticeable.
    The	options	are	[OFF],	[LOW],	[MEDIUM],	and	[HIGH].
    NOTE:	This	feature	 is	not	 available	 for	the	 RGB	 signal.	 Noise	reduction	 set	to	off	 gives	 best	image	 quality	 by	way	 of	higher	 bandwidth.	
    Noise reduction set to on softens the image.
    Setting	 Telecine	Mode	[TELECINE]
    This function allows you to convert motion picture film images into video. The process adds additional frames to the 
    picture in order to increase the frame rate.
    NOTE:	This	feature	is	available	only	when	an	SDTV	signal	is	selected.
    OFF ........................Turns off the TELECINE mode.
    2-2/2-3 AUTO ........Detects pull-down correction method.
    2-2 ON ...................Uses 2-2 pull-down correction method
    2-3 ON ...................Uses 2-3 pull-down correction method
    NOTE:	This	feature	is	not	available	for	480p,	576p,	720p,	1080i	and	RGB	signals. 
    5. Using On-Screen Menu
     Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
    Correcting	Vertical	Keystone	Distortion	Manually	[KEYSTONE]
    You can correct vertical distortion manually. (→ page 23)
    TIP:	When	this	option	is	highlighted,	pressing	the	ENTER	button	will	display	its	slide	bar	for	adjustment.
    Saving	Vertical	Keystone	Correction	[KEYSTONE	SAVE]
    This option enables you to save your current keystone settings.
    OFF ........................Does  not  save  current  keystone  correction  settings.  It  will  return  your  keystone  correction  settings  to 
    ON .........................Saves current keystone correction settings
    Saving your change once affects all sources. The changes are saved when the projector is turned off.
    Using	the	 Wall	Color	Correction	[WALL	COLOR]
    This function allows for quick adaptive color correction in applications where the screen material is not white.
    NOTE:	Selecting	color	options	other	than	[OFF]	will	reduce	brightness. 
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