NEC Projector PA721X User Manual
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59 4. Using the Viewer ❷ Preparing presentation materials 1. Create your presentation materials and save them in a supported file format to your computer. • See page 81 for supported file formats. • Make sure that PowerPoint file is displayed on the Viewer before giving your real presentation. With Viewer PPT Converter 3.0 contained the supplied CD-ROM, you can convert your PowerPoint files to index files that can be displayed on the Viewer. • When creating a PDF file, embed your fonts in your...
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60 4. Using the Viewer ❸ Projecting images stored in a USB memory device This section explains the basic operation of the Viewer. The explanation provides the operational procedure when the Viewer toolbar is set to the factory default. Preparation: Before starting the Viewer, store images to the USB memory using your computer. Starting the Viewer 1. Turn on the projector. (→ page 14) 2. Insert the USB memory into the USB port of the projec- tor. NOTE: • Do not remove the USB memory from the...
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61 4. Using the Viewer 4. Press the ▶ button to select “USB1” and press the ENTER button. The “USB1” thumbnail screen will be displayed. TIP: • For more information about thumbnail screen, see page 66. 5. Use the ▲▼◀ or ▶ button to select an icon. • The → (arrow) symbol on the right indicates there are more pages. pressing the PAGE ▽ (page down) button will show the next page: pressing the PAGE △ (page up) will show the previous page. 6. Press the ENTER button. Operation varies...
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62 4. Using the Viewer • Movie file The movie file will start playing. After finishing the playback, the screen will turn to black. Press the EXIT button to return to the thumbnail screen. • Pressing the ENTER button will display the movie’s control bar with which you can pause or fastforward and some other operations. • Microsoft PowerPoint file The slide on the first page will be displayed. Press ▶ to select the next slide; press ◀ to select the previ- ous slide. • You...
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63 4. Using the Viewer • Index file (extension:.idx) • Index files, which is converted by using Viewer PPT Converter 3.0, will appear in the Thumbnail screen. O n l y fo l d e r s a n d J P E G f i l e s c o nve r t e d by u s i n g Viewer PPT Converter 3.0 will appear in the Thumbnail screen. • To select slideshow of index files, open the [PRESENTA- TION] folder in the DRIVE LIST screen. However, index files will not appear. Only folders and JPEG files...
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64 4. Using the Viewer Names and functions of Viewer screen The Viewer has three screens: Drive list screen, Thumbnail screen, and Slide screen. • Drive list screen Displays a list of drives connected to the projector. Menu operation • Use the ▼ or ▲ button to move the cursor up or down. Select the menu item and press the ENTER button to display the submenu. Operation for Drive list screen 1. Press the ▶ button to move the cursor to the drive list. (Use the ◀ or ▶ button to switch between the menu...
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65 4. Using the Viewer Functions NameDescription REFRESHDisplays additional media servers in the drive list screen. OPTIONSOpens the OPTIONS menu. SLIDE SETTINGSets up slides. (→ page 69) MOVIE SETTINGSets up movie files. (→ page 70) AUTO PLAY SETTINGSets up auto play. (→ page 70) SHAREED FOLDERSets up a shared folder. (→ page 72) MEDIA SERVERSets up a media server. (→ page 76) RETURNCloses the OPTIONS menu. SYSTEM SETTINGSwitches to the system setting menu. See wired LAN, wireless LAN, WPS,...
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66 4. Using the Viewer • Thumbnail screen Displays a list of folders, thumbnails, and icons in the drive selected on the drive list screen. Menu operation • Use the ▼ or ▲ button to move the cursor up or down. Select the menu item and press the ENTER button to display the menu or setting screen. Operation for Thumbnail screen 1. Press the ▶ button to move the cursor to the thumbnail screen when the OPTIONS menu is not dis- played. 2. Press the ▼, ▲, ◀, or ▶ button to select a file...
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67 4. Using the Viewer • Slide screen (still image/movie) Plays a file selected from a list of thumbnails or icons. • For operating a Microsoft PowerPoint file and Adobe PDF file, see page 62. Control bar operation • The control bar will be displayed only when a still image (or index file) and a movie file is selected. • The control bar for still images differs from that for movie files. 1. Pressing the ENTER button in Slide screen will display the control bar at the bottom of the screen. 2. Use the...
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68 4. Using the Viewer Functions of movie control bar NameDescription PREVGoes back to the beginning of a movie file. • Goes back to the beginning of the previous movie file if executed immediately after being started playing. FRFast-rewinds a movie file for about 7 seconds. PLAY/PAUSEPLAYPlays a movie file. PAUSEStops playing a movie file. FFFast-forwards a movie file for about 7 seconds. NEXTGoes to the beginning of a next movie file. TIMEDisplays an elapsed time for playback or pause. SIZEBEST...