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NEC Projector PA621X User Manual

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Page 111

5. Using On-Screen Menu
This	function	 selects	video	signal	 level	when	 the	projector’s	 HDMI	and	DisplayPort	 input	connectors	 and	an	external	
device	are	connected.
AUTO ���������������������The video level is switched automatically based on the information from \
the device outputting the signal�
Depending on the connected device, this setting may not be made properly � In this case, switch to “NORMAL” 
or “ENHANCED” from the menu and view with the optimum setting�

Page 112

5. Using On-Screen Menu
 Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
Correcting	Vertical	Keystone	Distortion	Manually	[KEYSTONE]
You	can	correct	vertical	distortion	manually. 	(→	page	22)
TIP:	When	this	option	is	highlighted,	pressing	the	ENTER	button	will	display	its	slide	bar	for	adjustment.
Selecting Cornerstone Mode [CORNERSTONE]
This	option	allows	you	to	correct	trapezoidal	distortion.
Selecting	this	item	will	display	the	Cornerstone	adjustment	screen. 	(→	page	32)

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
This	option	allows	you	to	select	a	sub	picture	signal.
The	options	are:	OFF,	VIDEO	and	S-VIDEO.
Selecting	[OFF]	will	cancel	the	PIP/PICTURE	BY	PICTURE	mode	and	return	to	the	normal	screen.
Using the Wall Color Correction [WALL COLOR]
This	function	allows	for	quick	adaptive	color	correction	in	applications	where	the	screen	material	is	not	white.
NOTE:	Selecting	[WHITEBOARD]	reduces	lamp	brightness.
Setting Eco Mode [ECO MODE]
The	ECO	MODE	increases	lamp	life,	while...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Menu Color [COLOR SELECT]
You	can	choose	between	two	options	for	menu	color:	COLOR	and	MONOCHROME.
Turning	On	/	Off	Source	Display	[SOURCE	DISPLAY]
This	option	 turns	on	or	off	 input	 name	 display	 such	as	COMPUTER	 1,	COMPUTER2,	 COMPUTER3,	HDMI,	Display-
Port,	VIDEO,	S-VIDEO,	 VIEWER,	NETWORK	to	be	displayed	on	the	top	right	of	the	screen.
Turning messages on and off [MESSAGE DISPLAY]
This	option	selects	whether	or	not	to	display	projector	messages	at	the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
When	[OFF]	is	selected	for	[ECO	MODE]
Pressing	the	ENTER	button	will	display	the	[ECO	MODE]	screen.	(→	page	28)
To	close	the	message,	press	the	EXIT	button.
Selecting Menu Display Time [DISPLAY TIME]
This	option	 allows	 you	to	select	 how	long	 the	projector	 waits	after	the	last	 touch	 of	a	button	 to	turn	 off	the	 menu. 	The	
preset	 choices	 are	[MANUAL],	 [AUTO	5	SEC],	 [AUTO	 15	SEC],	 and	[AUTO	 45	SEC]. 	The	 [AUTO	 45	SEC]	 is	the	 fac-
tory	preset.
Selecting	a...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Aspect Ratio and Position for Screen [SCREEN]
Screen	typeSets	the	aspect	ratio	of	the	projection	screen.
4:3	screenFor	a	screen	with	a	4:3	aspect	ratio
16:9	screen For	a	screen	with	a	16:9	aspect	ratio
16:10	screen For	a 	screen 	with 	a 	16:10 	aspect	
Display	positionWhen 	the 	screen 	type 	is 	set 	to 	16:9 	or 	16:10, 	adjusts 	the	
vertical	position	of	the	display	range.
•	After...

Page 117

5. Using On-Screen Menu
ON:  Turns  on  this  function  to  make  the  screen  darker�  The  [BRIGHTNESS]  and  the  [CONTRAST]  can  be 
CONTRAST ������������Adjusts the bright part of the picture�
BRIGHTNESS ���������Adjusts the dark part of the picture�
1.  Prepare black and white images so that the images can be displayed on the computer screen.
2.  Display the black image on the computer screen, and project the image from the projector\
3.  Select [MULTI-SCREEN COMP.] →...

Page 118

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Disabling	the	Cabinet	Buttons	[CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK]
This	option	turns	on	or	off	the	CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK	function.
•	 This	CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK	does	not	affect	the	remote	control	functions.
•	 When	the	control	 panel	is	locked,	 pressing	 and	holding	 the	EXIT	 button	 on	the	 projector	 cabinet	for	about	 10	seconds	 will	change	
the	setting	to	[OFF].
TIP:	When	the	[CONTROL	PANEL	LOCK]	is	turned	on,	a	key	lock	icon	[		]	will	be	displayed	at	the	bottom	right...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
•	 When	[ON]	is	selected	 for	[CONTROL	 ID],	the	projector	 cannot	be	operated	 by	using	 the	remote	 control	that	does	 not	support	
the	CONTROL	ID	function.	(In	this	case	the	buttons	on	the	projector	cabinet	can	be	used.)
•	 Your	setting	will	not	be	affected	even	when	[RESET]	is	done	from	the	menu.
•		 Pressing	 and	holding	 the	ENTER	 button	on	the	 projector	 cabinet	for	10	seconds	 will	display	 the	menu	 for	canceling	 the	Control	
Assigning or Changing the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Setting	Auto	Adjust	[AUTO	ADJUST]
This	feature	 sets	the	Auto	 Adjust	 mode	so	that	 the	computer	 signal	can	be	automatically	 or	manually	 adjusted	for	
noise	and	stability. 	You	can	automatically	make	adjustment	in	two	ways: 	[NORMAL]	and	[FINE].
OFF ������������������������The computer signal will not be automatically adjusted� You can manually optimize the computer signal�
NORMAL ����������������Default setting� The computer signal will be automatically...
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