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NEC Projector Pa600x User Manual

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Page 171

7. Maintenance
 Replacing the Lamp and the Filters
When	the	lamp	 reaches	 the	end	 of	its	 life,	 the	LAMP	 indicator	 in	the	 cabinet	 will	blink	 red	and	 the	message	 “THE	
SPECIFIED	 LAMP	FOR	SAFETY	 AND	PERFORMANCE.” 	will	 appear	 (*).	Even	 though	 the	lamp	 may	still	be	working,	
replace	 the	lamp	 to	maintain	 the	optimal	 projector	 performance. 	After	 replacing	 the	lamp,	 be	sure	 to...

Page 172

7. Maintenance
2. Remove the lamp housing.
(1)	Loosen	 the	two	 screws	 securing	 the	lamp	 housing	 until	the	phillips	 screwdriver	 goes	into	a	freewheeling	 condi-
	 •	 The	two	screws	are	not	removable.
	 •		There	 is	an	 interlock	 on	this	 case	 to	prevent	 the	risk	 of	electrical	 shock.	Do	 not	 attempt	 to	circumvent	 this	
(2)	Remove	the	lamp	housing	by	holding	it.
InterlockGuide hole
To replace the lamp: 
1. Remove the lamp cover.
(1)	Loosen	the	lamp	cover	screw
	 •	 The...

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7. Maintenance
This completes the lamp replacement.
Go on to the filter replacement.
NOTE:	When	you	continue	 to	use	 the	projector	 for	another	 100	hours	 after	the	lamp	 has	reached	 the	end	 of	its	 life,	 the	projector	
cannot	turn	on	and	the	menu	is	not	displayed.
If	this	happens,	press	the	HELP	button	on	the	remote	control	for	10	seconds	to	reset	the	lamp	clock	back	to	zero.
When	the	lamp	time	clock	is	reset	to	zero,	the	LAMP	indicator	goes	out.
4. Reattach the lamp cover.
(1)	Insert	the	top...

Page 174

7. Maintenance
To replace the filters:
Four	filters	are	packaged	with	the	replacement	lamp.
Honeycomb	filter	(coarse	mesh):	Large	and	small	sizes	(attached	to	the	outside	of	the	filter	unit)
Accordion	filter	(fine	mesh):	Large	and	small	sizes	(attached	to	the	inside	of	the	filter	unit)
•	 Replace	all	four	filters	at	the	same	time.
•	 Before	replacing	the	filters,	wipe	off	dust	and	dirt	from	the	projector	cabinet.	
•	 The	projector	is	precision	equipment.	Keep	out	dust	and	dirt	during	filter...

Page 175

7. Maintenance
(2) Push the left edges of the filters and remove the two hard honeycomb filters (large and small).
	 •	The filters cannot be removed by pressing the left and right edges.
4. Remove dust from the filter unit and the filter cover.
  Clean both outside and inside.
5.	 Attach	four	new	filters	to	the	filter	unit.
(1) Insert the hard honeycomb filters into the tips of the flanges at the center, then bend the filters and push them 
in under the hooks.
- The filters cannot be inserted from...

Page 176

8. User Supportware
 Installing Software Program
Installation for Windows software
The	software	 programs	 except	Image	Express	 Utility	2	for	 Mac	 support	 Windows	 7,	Windows	 Vista,	and	Windows	
•	 To	 install	 or	uninstall	 each	software	 program,	 the	Windows	 user	account	 must	have	“Administrator”	 privilege	(Windows	 7,	Win-
dows	Vista)	or	“Computer	Administrator”	privilege	(Windows	XP).
•	 Exit	all	running	programs	before	installation.	If	another	program	is	running,	the...

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8. User Supportware
2	 Click	a	software	program	you	wish	to	install	on	the	menu	window.
 The installation will start.
•	 Follow	the	instructions	on	the	installer	screens	to	complete	the	installation.
Uninstalling	a	Software	Program
Exit	 the	software	 program	before	uninstalling. 	To	 uninstall	 the	software	 program,	 the	Windows	 user	account	 must	have	
“Administrator” 	privilege	(Windows	7	and	 Windows	Vista)	or	“Computer	Administrator” 	privilege	(Windows	XP).
•	For	Windows...

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8. User Supportware
Installation for Macintosh software
Image	Express	Utility	2	for	Mac	supports	Mac	OS	X.
1	 Insert	the	accompanying	NEC	Projector	CD-ROM	into	your	CD-ROM	drive.	
 The menu window will be displayed.
2	 Double-click	the	CD-ROM	icon.
3	 Double-click	the	 “Mac	OS	X”	folder.
4	 Double-click	 “Image	Express	Utility	2	(Intel).dmg”.
 The “Image Express Utility 2” folder will be displayed.
•	 If	your	Mac	is	PowerPC-based,	double-click	 “Image	Express	Utility	2.dmg”.
5	 Move	the	“Image...

Page 179

8. User Supportware
 Operating the Projector Via the LAN (Virtual Remote Tool)
This	will	help	 you	perform	 operations	 such	as	projector’s	 power	on	or	off	 and	 signal	 selection	 via	a	LAN	 connection. 	It	
is	 also	 used	 to	send	 an	image	 to	the	 projector	 and	register	 it	as	 the	 logo	 data	 of	the	 projector. 	After	 registering	 it,	you	
can	lock	the	logo	to	prevent	it	from	changing.
Control Functions
Power	 On/Off,	 signal	selection,	 picture	freeze,	 picture	mute,	audio	mute,	 Logo...

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8. User Supportware
Start Virtual Remote Tool
Start	using	the	shortcut	icon
•	 Double-click	the	shortcut	icon		on	the	Windows	Desktop.
Start from the Start menu
•	 Click	 [Start]	→	[All	 Programs]	 or	[Programs]	→	[NEC	 Projector	 User	Supportware]	→	[Virtual	 Remote	 Tool]	
→	[Virtual	Remote	 Tool].
 When Virtual Remote Tool starts for the first time, “Easy Setup” window will be displayed.
 The “Easy Setup” feature is not available on this model. Click “Close Easy Setup”.
 Closing the “Easy Setup”...
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