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NEC Projector M403X User Manual

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Page 41

3. Convenient Features
2. Press the ▲▼◀▶ button.
  The area of the magnified image will be moved
3. Press the D-ZOOM (−) button.
  Each time the D-ZOOM (−) button is pressed, the image is demagni-
•	 The	image	will	be	magnified	or	demagnified	at	the	center	of	the	screen.
•	 Displaying	the	menu	will	cancel	the	current	magnification. 

Page 42

3. Convenient Features
❹ Changing Eco Mode/Checking Energy-Saving Effect 
Using Eco Mode [ECO MODE]
The	ECO	 MODE	 (NORMAL	 and	ECO)	 increases	 lamp	life,	while	 lowering	 power	consumption	 and	cutting	 down	on	
CO2 emissions. 
Four	brightness	modes	of	the	lamp	can	be	selected: 	[OFF],	[AUTO	ECO],	[NORMAL]	and	[ECO]	modes.	
[ECO	MODE]	DescriptionStatus	of	LAMP	
Status	of	
ECO	indi-
The	lamp	brightness	is	100%.
[AUTO	ECO]Lamp	 power	 consumption	 will	be	controlled...

Page 43

3. Convenient Features
Checking Energy-Saving Effect [CARBON METER]
This	feature	 will	show	 energy-saving	 effect	in	terms	 of	CO2	emission	 reduction	 (kg)	when	 the	projector’s	 [ECO	MODE]	
is	set	to	[AUTO	ECO],	[NORMAL],	or	[ECO]. 	This	feature	is	called	as	[CARBON	METER].
There	 are	two	 messages: 	[TOTAL	 CARBON	 SAVINGS]	 and	[CARBON	 SAVINGS-SESSION]. 	The	 [TOTAL	 CARBON	
SAVINGS]	 message	shows	the	total	 amount	 of	CO2	emission	 reduction	 from	the	time	 of	shipment	 up	to	now. 	You	 can...

Page 44

3. Convenient Features
❺ Preventing the Unauthorized Use of the Projector [SECURITY]
A	keyword	 can	be	set	 for	your	 projector	 using	the	Menu	 to	avoid	 operation	 by	an	 unauthorized	 user.	When	 a	keyword	
is	 set,	 turning	 on	the	 projector	 will	display	 the	Keyword	 input	screen. 	Unless	 the	correct	 keyword	 is	entered,	 the	pro-
jector	cannot	project	an	image. 	
•	The	[SECURITY]	setting	cannot	be	cancelled	by	using	the	[RESET]	of	the	menu.
To enable the Security function:
1.  Press the MENU...

Page 45

3. Convenient Features
7.	 Type	in	the	same	combination	of	▲▼◀▶	buttons	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
 The confirmation screen will be displayed.
8.	 Select	[YES]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	SECURITY	function	has	been	enabled.
To	turn	on	the	projector	when	[SECURITY]	is	enabled:
1. Press the POWER button.
	 The	projector	will	be	turned	on	and	display	a	message	to	the	effect	that	the	projector	is	locked.
2.  Press the MENU button.
3.	 Type	in	the	correct	keyword	and	press	the	ENTER	button. 	The...

Page 46

3. Convenient Features
To disable the SECURITY function:
1. Press the MENU button.
  The menu will be displayed.
2.		Select	[SETUP]	→	[INSTALLATION]	→	[SECURITY]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
  The OFF/ON menu will be displayed.
3.	 Select	[OFF]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	SECURITY	KEYWORD	screen	will	be	displayed.
4.	 Type	in	your	keyword	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 When	the	correct	keyword	is	entered,	the	SECURITY	function	will	be	disabled.
NOTE:	 If	you	 forget	 your	keyword,	 contact	your...

Page 47

3. Convenient Features
❻ Using the Computer Cable (VGA) to Operate the 
Projector (Virtual Remote Tool)
Using	the	utility	 software	 “Virtual	Remote	 Tool”	included	 on	the	 companion	 NEC	Projector	 CD-ROM,	 Virtual	Remote	
screen	(or	toolbar)	can	be	displayed	on	your	computer	screen.
This	will	help	 you	perform	 operations	 such	as	projector’s	 power	on	or	off	 and	 signal	 selection	 via	the	 computer	 cable	
(VGA),	serial	cable,	 or	LAN	 connection. 	Only	 via	serial	 connection	 it	is	 also	 used...

Page 48

3. Convenient Features
•	 When	[COMPUTER]	 is	selected	 from	your	source	 selection,	 the	Virtual	 Remote	 screen	or	the	 toolbar	 will	be	displayed	 as	well	 as	
your	computer	screen.
•	 Use	 the	supplied	 computer	 cable	(VGA)	 to	connect	 the	COMPUTER	 IN	terminal	 directly	with	the	monitor	 output	terminal	 of	the	
computer	to	use	Virtual	Remote	Tool.
	 Using	a	switcher	or	other	cables	than	the	supplied	computer	cable	(VGA) 	may	cause	failure	in	signal	communication.
	 VGA	cable	terminal:...

Page 49

3. Convenient Features
If	the	menu	window	will	not	be	displayed,	try	the	following	procedure.
For	Windows	7
1.	 Click	“start”	on	Windows.
2.	 Click	 “All	Programs” 	→	“Accessories” 	→	“Run”.
3.	 Type 	your 	CD-ROM 	drive 	name 	(example: 	“Q:\”) 	and 	“LAUNCHER.EXE” 	in 	“Name”. 	(example: 	Q:\
4.	 Click	 “OK”.
 The menu window will be displayed.
2	 Click	 “Install	Virtual	Remote	 Tool”	on	the	menu	window.
 The installation will start.
 When the installation is complete, the Welcome...

Page 50

3. Convenient Features
Uninstalling	Virtual	Remote	 Tool
Exit	Virtual	 Remote	 Tool	before	 uninstalling. 	To	 uninstall	 Virtual	Remote	 Tool,	the	Windows	 user	account	 must	have	
“Administrator” 	privilege.
1	 Click	“Start”	and	then	 “Control	Panel”.
 The Control Panel window will be displayed.
2	 Click	 “Uninstall	a	program” 	under	“Programs”
	 The	“Programs	and	Features” 	window	will	be	displayed.
3	 Select	Virtual	Remote	 Tool	and	click	it.
4	 Click	“Uninstall/Change” 	or...
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