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NEC Projector M403X User Manual

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Page 101

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting	Clock	and	Phase	[CLOCK/PHASE]
This	allows	you	to	manually	adjust	CLOCK	and	PHASE.
CLOCK �������������������Use this item to fine tune the computer image or to remove any vertical banding that might appear � This 
function adjusts the clock frequencies that eliminate the horizontal ban\
ding in the image�
This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your computer for the first time�
PHASE �������������������Use  this  item  to  adjust  the  clock...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting	Horizontal/Vertical	Position	[HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL]
Adjusts	the	image	location	horizontally	and	vertically.
NOTE:	The	[HORIZONTAL]	and	[VERTICAL]	items	are	not	available	for	VIDEO,	HDMI1,	HDMI2,	USB-A,	LAN,	and	USB-B.
-	 An	image	can	be	distorted	during	the	adjustment	of	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE].	This	is	not	malfunction.
-	 The	 adjustments	 for	[CLOCK],	 [PHASE],	[HORIZONTAL],	 and	[VERTICAL]	 will	be	stored	 in	memory	 for	the	
current	 signal.	The	 next	 time	 you...

Page 103

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Aspect Ratio [ASPECT RATIO]
The	term	“aspect	ratio” 	refers	to	the	ratio	of	width	to	height	of	a	projected	image.
The	projector	automatically	determines	the	incoming	signal	and	displays	it	in	its	appropriate	aspect	ratio.
•	This	table	shows	typical	resolutions	and	aspect	ratios	that	most	computers	support.
ResolutionAspect	RatioVGA640	×	4804:3
SVGA800	×	6004:3
XGA1024	×	7684:3
WXGA1280	×	76815:9
WXGA1280	×	80016:10
WXGA+1440	×	90016:10
SXGA1280	×	10245:4
SXGA+1400	×...

Page 104

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Sample image when the appropriate aspect ratio is automatically determined
[Computer	signal]
Aspect	ratio	of	incoming	signal4:35:416:9 15:916:10
Sample	image	when	the	appro-priate	 aspect	 ratio	is	automati-cally	determined
[Video	signal]
Aspect	ratio	of	incoming	signal4:3 Letterbox Squeeze
Sample	image	when	the	as-pect	 ratio	 is	automatically	 de-
NOTE:	 To	display	 a	squeezed	 signal	prop-erly,	select	[16:9]	or	[WIDE	ZOOM]....

Page 105

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Adjusting	the	Vertical	Position	of	Image	[POSITION]	(not	available	on	M403W/M363W/M323W/
(only	when	[16:9],	[15:9],	or	[16:10]	is	selected	for	[ASPECT	RATIO])
When	[16:9],	 [15:9],	or	[16:10]	 is	selected	 in	[ASPECT	 RATIO],	the	image	 is	displayed	 with	black	 borders	 on	the	 top	
and bottom.
You	can	adjust	the	vertical	position	from	the	top	to	the	bottom	of	the	black	area.
Turning on Noise Reduction [NOISE REDUCTION]
This	function	allows	you	to...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
❻ Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
Using	Digital	Zoom	[DIGITAL	ZOOM]	(M353WS/M303WS/M333XS)	
feature	 allows	you	to	electronically	 fine	adjust	 the	image	 size	on	the	 screen. 	Use	 the	◀ or  ▶	button	 to	large	 or	
reduce	the	projected	image. 	
TIP:	To	adjust	 the	projected	 image	size	roughly,	 move	the	projector	 away	or	closer	 to	the	 screen.	 To	fine	 adjust	 the	zoom,...

Page 107

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Using the Wall Color Correction [WALL COLOR]
This	function	allows	for	quick	adaptive	color	correction	in	applications	where	the	screen	material	is	not	white.
•	 Selecting	[WHITEBOARD]	reduces	lamp	brightness.
•	 The	[WALL	COLOR]	item	cannot	be	selected	when	[ON]	is	selected	for	[3D]	while	images	are	projected.
Setting various items related to lamp brightness [ECO SETTINGS]
This	option	 allows	 you	to	decrease	 the	power	 consumption	 or	to	prolong	 the	lamp	 life	by...

Page 108

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Set	the	option	when	[ECO]	is	selected	for	[ECO	MODE].
OFF ������������������������The CONSTANT BRIGHTNESS feature will not work� The lamp brightness will gradually decrease over long 
periods of time�
ON  �������������������������The lamp brightness will increase according to the lamp use of time and will be kept at the lamp brightness 
equivalent to the brightness at ECO � After the lamp brightness reaches the maximum, the lamp brightness will...

Page 109

5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Menu Color [COLOR SELECT]
You	can	choose	between	two	options	for	menu	color:	COLOR	and	MONOCHROME.
Turning On / Off Source Display [SOURCE DISPLAY]
This	option	 turns	on	or	off	 input	 name	 display	 such	as	COMPUTER,	 HDMI1,	HDMI2,	VIDEO,	 USB-A,	LAN,	USB-B,	
to	be	displayed	on	the	top	right	of	the	screen.
When	 no	input	 signal	 is	present,	 the	no-signal	 guidance	 prompting	 you	to	check	 for	an	available	 input	will	be	displayed	
at	the	 center	 of	the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Menu Display Time [DISPLAY TIME]
This	option	 allows	 you	to	select	 how	long	 the	projector	 waits	after	the	last	 touch	 of	a	button	 to	turn	 off	the	 menu. 	The	
preset	 choices	 are	[MANUAL],	 [AUTO	5	SEC],	 [AUTO	 15	SEC],	 and	[AUTO	 45	SEC]. 	The	 [AUTO	 45	SEC]	 is	the	 fac-
tory	preset.
Selecting	a	Color	or	Logo	for	Background	[BACKGROUND]
Use 	this 	feature 	to 	display 	a 	blue/black 	screen 	or 	logo 	when 	no 	signal 	is 	available. 	The 	default...
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