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NEC Projector M403W User Manual

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Page 51

3. Convenient Features
Step 3: Start Virtual Remote Tool
Start using the shortcut icon
•	 Double-click	the	shortcut	icon		on	the	Windows	Desktop.
Start from the Start menu
•	 Click	 [Start]	→	[All	 Programs]	 or	[Programs]	→	[NEC	 Projector	 User	Supportware]	→	[Virtual	 Remote	 Tool]	
→	[Virtual	Remote	 Tool].
	 When	Virtual	Remote	 Tool	starts	for	the	first	time,	 “Easy	Setup”	window	will	be	displayed.
 Follow the instructions on the screens
	 When	 “Easy	Setup” 	is	completed,	the	 Virtual	Remote...

Page 52

3. Convenient Features
Exiting	Virtual	Remote	 Tool
1	 Click	the	Virtual	Remote	 Tool	icon		on	the	Taskbar.
 The pop-up menu will be displayed.
2	 Click	 “Exit”.
 The Virtual Remote Tool will be closed.
Viewing	the	help	file	of	 Virtual	Remote	Tool
•	Displaying	the	help	file	using	the	taskbar
1	 Click	the	Virtual	Remote	 Tool	icon		on	the	taskbar	when	 Virtual	Remote	Tool	is	running.
 The pop-up menu will be displayed.
2.	 Click	 “Help”.
 The Help screen will be displayed.
•	Displaying	the	help	file...

Page 53

3. Convenient Features
❼ Operating Your Computer’s Mouse Functions from the 
Projector’s Remote Control via the USB Cable (Remote Mouse 
The	 built-in	 remote	 mouse	function	 enables	you	to	operate	 your	computer’s	 mouse	functions	 from	the	supplied	 remote	
control	when	the	projector	 is	connected	 to	a	computer	 via	a	commercially	 available	USB	cable	 (compatible	 with	USB	
2.0	specifications).
The	Remote	Mouse	function	works	for	the	COMPUTER	input	while	the	computer	screen	is...

Page 54

3. Convenient Features
❽ Projecting Your Computer’s Screen Image from the 
Projector via the USB Cable (USB Display)
Using	 a	commercially	 available	USB	cable	 (compatible	 with	USB	 2.0	specifications)	 to	connect	 the	computer	 with	the	
projector	 allows	you	to	send	 your	computer	 screen	image	to	the	 projector	 for	displaying. 	Power	 On/Off	 and	source	
selection	of	the	projector	can	be	done	from	your	computer	without	connecting	a	computer	cable	(VGA).
•	 USB	Display	uses	functions	of...

Page 55

3. Convenient Features
5.	 Operate	the	control	window.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(1)  (Source)  ���Selects an input source of the projector � 
(2)  (Picture) ���Turns on or off AV-MUTE (Picture mute), FREEZE (Freeze a picture), display, and GCT (geometric correction 
tool)� Refer to page 63 about GCT �
(3)  (Sound) ����Turns on or off AV-MUTE (Sound mute), play the sound and control the volume�
(4)  (Others) ����Uses for “Update”, “HTTP Server”*, “Settings” and “Information”�
*  The HTTP Server cannot...

Page 56

3. Convenient Features
❾ Controlling the Projector by Using an HTTP Browser
The	HTTP	Server	function	provides	settings	and	operations	for:
1.	 Setting	for	wired/wireless	network	(NETWORK	SETTINGS)
 To use wireless LAN connection, the optional USB Wireless LAN Unit is required. (→ page 129)
 To use wired/wireless LAN connection, connect the projector to the computer with a commercially available LAN 
cable. (→ page 128)
2.	 Setting	Alert	Mail	(ALERT	MAIL)
	 When	 the	projector	 is	connected...

Page 57

3. Convenient Features
Handling of the Address for Operation via a Browser
Regarding	the	actual	 address	 that	is	entered	 for	the	 address	 or	entered	 to	the	 URL	 column	 when	operation	 of	the	 pro-
jector	 is	via	 a	browser,	 the	host	 name	 can	be	used	 as	it	is	 when	 the	host	 name	 corresponding	 to	the	 IP	address	 of	the	
projector	 has	been	 registered	 to	the	 domain	 name	server	 by	a	network	 administrator,	 or	the	 host	 name	 corresponding	
to	the	IP	address	of	the	projector	has	been...

Page 58

3. Convenient Features
PICTURE:	Controls	the	video	adjustment	of	the	projector.
BRIGHTNESS ▲ ����Increases the brightness adjustment value�
BRIGHTNESS ▼ ����Decreases the brightness adjustment value�
CONTRAST ▲ ��������Increases the contrast adjustment value�
CONTRAST ▼ ��������Decreases the contrast adjustment value�
COLOR ▲  ��������������Increases the color adjustment value�
COLOR ▼ ��������������Decreases the color adjustment value�
HUE ▲ �������������������Increases the hue adjustment value�

Page 59

3. Convenient Features
SETTINGSet	for	wired	LAN	or	for	wireless	LAN.
APPLYApply	your	settings	to	wired	LAN	or	wireless	LAN.
DHCP	ONAutomatically	assign	IP	address,	 subnet	mask,	and	gateway	 to	the	 projector	 from	your	
DHCP	server.
DHCP	OFFSet	IP	address,	 subnet	mask,	and	gateway	 to	the	 projector	 assigned	 by	your	 network	
IP	ADDRESSSet	your	IP	address	of	the	network	connected	to	the	projector.
SUBNET	MASKSet	your	subnet	mask	number...

Page 60

3. Convenient Features
SECURITY	TYPETurn	on	or	off	 the	 encryption	 mode	for	secure	 transmission. 	When	 turn	on	the	 encryp-
tion	mode,	set	 WEP	key	or	encrypted	key.
DISABLE Will	not	turn	 on	the	 encryption	 feature.	Your	 communications	
may	be	monitored	by	someone.
WEP	64	bit Uses	64-bit	datalength	for	secure	transmission.
WEP	128	bit Uses 	128-bit 	datalength 	for 	secure 	transmission. 	This 	option 	will	
increase	 privacy	and	security	 when	compared	 to	use	 of	64-bit	
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