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NEC Projector M402X User Manual

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Page 71

3. Convenient Features
Step 3: Start Image Express Utility Lite.
1.	 On	Windows, 	click	 “Start” 	→	“All	 programs” 	→	“NEC	 Projector	 UserSupportware” 	→	“Image	 Express	 Utility	
Lite”	→	“Image	Express	Utility	Lite”.
	 Image	Express	Utility	Lite	will	start.
	 The	select	window	for	network	connection	will	be	displayed
2.	 Select	Network	and	click	 “OK”.
 The select window for destination will show a list of connectable projectors.
•	 When	connecting	the	computer	directly	to	the	projector	by...

Page 72

3. Convenient Features
Starting Image Express Utility Lite from a USB Memory or SD Card
Image	Express 	Utility 	Lite 	can 	be 	started 	from 	commercially 	available 	removable 	media 	such 	USB 	memory 	or 	SD 	cards	
if	it	is	copied	beforehand. 	This	will	eliminate	the	trouble	of	installing	Image	Express	Utility	Lite	to	your	computer.
1.	 Copy	Image	Express	Utility	Lite	to	removable	media.
	 Copy	 all	the	 folders	 and	files	 (total	 size	approx. 	6MB)	 from	the	“IEU_Lite	 (removable-media)” 	folder...

Page 73

3. Convenient Features
Downloading Image Express Utility Lite via the HTTP server
Downloading	procedure	when	the	projector	is	connected	to	the	Internet.
1.	 Access	the	HTTP	server.	(→	page	47)
2.	 Select	the	“NETWORK	SETTINGS” 	tab	and	then	the	“NETWORK	SERVICE” 	tab.
3.	 Click	“DOWNLOAD” 	for	“Image	Express	Utility	Lite”.
 The download page will be displayed.
4.	 Place	a	checkmark	for	IEU_Lite	(removable-media).zip	and/or	gct.ngm.
5.	 Click	 “DOWNLOAD”.
6.	 Choose	a	folder	where	you	want	to	download...

Page 74

3. Convenient Features
Using on Mac OS
Step 1: Install Image Express Utility Lite for Mac OS on the computer
1.	 Insert	the	accompanying	NEC	Projector	CD-ROM	in	your	Mac	CD-ROM	drive.
	 The	CD-ROM	icon	will	be	displayed	on	the	desktop.
2.	 Double-click	the	CD-ROM	icon.
 The CD-ROM window will be displayed.
3.	 Double-click	the	 “Mac	OS	X”	folder.
4.	 Double-click	 “Image	Express	Utility	Lite.dmg”.
	 The	“Image	Express	Utility	Lite” 	window	will	be	displayed.
5.	 Drag	and	drop	the	“Image	Express...

Page 75

3. Convenient Features
Viewing	the	Help	of	Image	Express	Utility	Lite	for	Mac	OS	
•	 From	the	menu	 bar,	click	 “Help” 	→	“Image	 Express	 Utility	Lite	Help” 	while	 Image	 Express	 Utility	is	run-
 The Help screen will be displayed 	

Page 76

3. Convenient Features
⓬ Projecting an Image from an Angle (Geometric Correction 
Tool in Image Express Utility Lite)
The	Geometric	 Correction	Tool	(GCT)	 function	 allows	you	to	correct	 distortion	 of	images	 projected	 even	from	an	
What you can do with GCT
•	 The	GCT	feature	includes	the	following	three	functions
•	4-point	 Correction:	You 	can 	fit 	a 	projected 	image 	within 	the 	border 	of 	the 	screen 	easily 	by 	align 	the 	four 	corners	
of	an	image	to	the	ones	of	the	screen....

Page 77

3. Convenient Features
3.	 Use	the	mouse	to	click	the	[	•	]	mark	of	which	corner	you	wish	to	move.
 The currently selected [ •	]	mark	will	turn	red.
(In	the	above	example,	 Windows	screens	are	omitted	for	clarification.)
4.	 Drag	the	selected	[	•	]	mark	to	the	point	you	wish	to	correct	and	drop	it.
•	 When	you	click	 somewhere	 within	the	project	 image	area,	the	nearest	 [	•	]	 mark	 will	go	to	the	 position	 where	
the mouse cursor is.
5.	 Repeat	Step	3	and	4	to	correct	the	distortion	of	the...

Page 78

3. Convenient Features
⓭ Viewing 3D Images
The	projector	provides	3D	images	to	a	user	wearing	commercially	available	LCD	shutter	eyeglasses.
Health precautions
Before	viewing, 	be 	sure 	to 	read 	health 	care 	precautions 	that 	may 	be 	found 	in 	the 	user’s 	manual 	included 	with 	your 	LCD	
shutter	eyeglasses	or	your	3D	compatible	content	such	as	DVDs,	video	games,	computer’s	video	files	and	the	like.
To	avoid	any	adverse	symptoms,	heed	the	following:
•	 Do	not	use	LCD	shutter...

Page 79

3. Convenient Features
3. Press the ▽	button	once, 	and	then	press	the	▷	button	five	times.
 The [3D] menu will be displayed
4. Press the ▽	button	to	select	a	signal	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	3D	(DETAIL	SETTINGS)	screen	will	be	displayed.
5.  Press the ▽	button	to	select	[3D]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
6.  Press the ▽	button	to	select	[ON].
  The selected signal will be displayed in 3D.
7.  Press the ▽	button	to	[GLASSES]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
 The [GLASSES] setting screen will be...

Page 80

3. Convenient Features
To	view	3D	images,	see	page	67.
Select	[COMPUTER],	[HDMI1],	[HDMI2],	or	[VIDEO].
•	 The	maximum	distance	for	viewing	3D	images	is	10	m/394	inches	from	the	screen	surface	under	the	following	restrictions:
-	 Brightness	on	the	projector:	2000	lumens	or	greater
-	 Screen	gain:	1
-	 Viewing	position:	Facing	straight	towards	the	screen	center
-	 Outside	light:	None
-	 LCD	shutter	eyeglasses:	DLP®	Link	compatible	3D	eyeglasses
•	 If	3D	content	 is	played	 back	on	your	 computer...
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