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NEC Projector M362W User Manual

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Page 31

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
❺ Adjusting the Picture Size and Position
Use	the	adjustable	tilt	foot,	the	zoom	function	or	the	focus	ring	to	adjust	the	picture	size	and	position.
In	this	chapter	drawings	and	cables	are	omitted	for	clarity.
Adjusting	the	throw	angle	(the	height	of	an	image)
[Tilt	foot]	(→	page	21)
Adjusting	the	left	and	right	tilt	of	an	image
[Rear	foot]	(→	page	21)
Finely	adjusting	the	size	of	an	image
[Zoom	function]	(→	page	22)
Adjusting	the	focus
[Focus	function]	(→	page...

Page 32

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Adjustable Tilt Foot
Adjustable Tilt 
Foot Lever
Adjust the Tilt Foot
1.		Lift	the	front	edge	of	the	projector.
Do	 not	 try	to	touch	 the	exhaust	 vent	during	 Tilt	Foot	 adjustment	 as	
it	can	 become	 heated	while	the	projector	 is	turned	 on	and	 after	 it	is	
turned	off.
2.		Push	 up	and	 hold	 the	Adjustable	 Tilt	Foot	 Lever	 on	the	 front	 of	
the	projector	to	extend	the	adjustable	tilt	foot.
3.		Lower	the	front	of	the	projector	to	the...

Page 33

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Use	the	ZOOM	lever	to	adjust	the	image	size	on	the	screen.
The	image	size	can	be	adjusted	electronically	from	the	menu.	To	do	so,	follow	the	steps	below.
Adjusting	with	the	ZOOM	button	on	the	remote	control
1.  Press the ZOOM button. 
	 The	DIGITAL	ZOOM	bar	will	be	displayed.
2.  Press the ◀ or ▶	button	to	adjust	the	image	size. 	
3.	 Press	the	EXIT	button.
	 The	DIGITAL	ZOOM	bar	will	be...

Page 34

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Use	the	FOCUS	ring	to	obtain	the	best	focus.
Focus Ring
Focus Lever
Use	the	FOCUS	lever	to	obtain	the	best	focus. 

Page 35

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
❻ Correcting Keystone Distortion Manually
If	the	 screen 	is	 tilted 	vertically, 	keystone 	distortion	 becomes	large. 	Automatic	 Keystone	Correction 	function 	is	 turned 	on 	
at	the	 time	 of	shipment. 	To	 correct	 keystone	 distortion	 manually,	 proceed	with	the	following	 steps	to	correct	 keystone	
•	 The	Keystone	correction	can	cause	an	image	to	be	slightly	blurred	because	the	correction	is	made	electronically.
•	 The	Keystone...

Page 36

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Adjusting with the remote control
1.	 Press	the	KEYSTONE	button.
 The Keystone bar will be displayed.
2. Use the  ◀ or ▶	button	to	correct	the	keystone	distortion.
  Adjust so that the right and left sides are parallel.
3.	 Press	the	EXIT	button.
 The Keystone bar will be closed. 

Page 37

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
1. Press the ▼ (  ) button on the projector cabinet 
with	no	menus	displayed. 	
 The Keystone screen will be displayed on the screen.
•	 Press 	the 	KEYSTONE 	button 	when 	using 	the 	remote	
2.  Press the ▼	button	 to	select	 [VERTICAL]	 and	then	
use the  ◀ or ▶	so	 that	 the	left	and	 right	 sides	 of	the	
projected	image	are	parallel.
*	 Adjust	the	vertical	keystone	distortion.
Projected area

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2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
6.	 After	completing 	Keystone 	correction, 	press 	the	
EXIT	button. 	
 The Keystone screen will disappear.
•	 To	 perform	 Keystone	 correction	 again,	press	the	▼ 
button  to  display  the  Keystone  screen  and  repeat 
above steps 1 to 6. 

Page 39

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
❼ Optimizing Computer Signal Automatically
Adjusting the Image Using Auto Adjust
Optimizing	a	computer	image	automatically.	(COMPUTER)
Press	the	AUTO	ADJ.	button	to	optimize	a	computer	image	automatically.
This	adjustment	may	be	necessary	when	you	connect	your	computer	for	the	first	time.
[Poor picture]
[Normal picture]
Some	signals	may	take	time	to	display	or	may	not	be	displayed	correctly.
•	 If	the 	Auto 	Adjust 	operation 	cannot 	optimize 	the...

Page 40

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
❾ Turning off the Projector
To	turn	off	the	projector:
1. First,  press  the   (POWER)  button  on  the  projector 
cabinet  or  the  STANDBY  button  on  the  remote  con -
  The confirmation message will be displayed.
2.	 Secondly, 	press 	the 	ENTER 	button 	or 	press 	the 	 
(POWER)	or	the	STANDBY	button	again.
	 After 	the	 projector 	turns 	off, 	the	 cooling 	fans 	keep 	operating	
for a while (Cooling-off time).
  The  cooling  fans  stop...
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