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NEC Projector M311X User Manual

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Page 141

8. Appendix
No  image  is  displayed  from  your  PC  or  video  equipment  to  the projector�
Still no image even though you connect the projector to the PC first, then start the PC�
Enabling your notebook PC’s signal output to the projector �
•	 A	combination 	of 	function 	keys	 will	enable/disable 	the 	exter-nal	 display.	 Usually,	 the	combination	 of	the	 “Fn”	 key	along	with	 one	of	the	 12	function	 keys	turns	 the	external	 display	on	or	off.	
No image (blue or black background, no...

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8. Appendix
In the space below please describe your problem in detail.
Information on application and environment where your projector is used
ProjectorModel number:
Serial No�:
Date of purchase:
Lamp operating time (hours):
Eco Mode:  OFF  AUTO ECO
Information on input signal:
Horizontal synch frequency  [     ] kHz
Vertical synch frequency  [     ] Hz
Synch polarity  H  (+)  (−)
 V  (+)  (−)
Synch type  Separate  Composite
  Sync on Green
STATUS Indicator:
Steady light ...

Page 143

8. Appendix
 TCO Certification
Some	models	 in	this	 product	 family	are	TCO	 certified. 	All	 TCO	 certified	 models	have	the	TCO	 mark	 on	the	 marking	
plate	 (on	the	bottom	 of	the	 product). 	To	 see	 a	list	 of	our	 TCO	 certified	 projectors	 and	their	 TCO	 Certification	 (in	English	
only),	visit	our	website	at	http://www.nec-display.com/ap/en_projector/tco/index.htm l
The	TCO	 certification,	 designed	by	TCO	 Development,	 is	an	 international	 environmental	 and	ergonomics	 standard	

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8. Appendix
 REGISTER YOUR PROJECTOR! (for residents in the United 
States, Canada, and Mexico)
Please	 take	time	 to	register	 your	new	projector. 	This	 will	activate	 your	limited	 parts	and	labor	 warranty	 and	InstaCare	
service	program.
Visit	 our	web	 site	at	www.necdisplay.com,	 click	on	support	 center/register	 product	and	submit	 your	completed	 form	
Upon	receipt,	 we	will	 send	 a	confirmation	 letter	with	all	the	 details	 you	will	need	 to	take	 advantage	 of	fast,	 reliable...

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©	NEC	Display	Solutions,	Ltd.	20127N951851 
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