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NEC MobilePro 780 Portable Computer Users Guide

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Page 11

Getting Started  1-11 
The MobilePro is designed to be a companion PC. Most 
users want to synchronize the MobilePro 780 with a host 
PC. The latest work done on either the MobilePro or the 
host PC automatically appears on both machines, once the 
synchronization process occurs. 
The following section provides an overview of the syn-
chronization process, using the serial port, followed by de-
tailed instructions for each stage of the process. 
Follow these...

Page 12

1-12 Getting Started 
!“Allow connection with desktop computer when de-
vice is attached” is checked. 
!“Connect using Serial Port @ 115K” displays. 
(Change this setting to 115K, if necessary. If syn-
chronization is unsuccessful, revert to the default of 
Proceed to the next section to check the availability of the 
serial port on your host PC. 
Ensuring the Availability of the Serial Port 
The serial port on your host PC must be available for syn-
chronization with your NEC MobilePro....

Page 13

Getting Started  1-13 
Connecting the PC Connect Cable 
Before installing Microsoft ActiveSync, follow these in-
structions to connect the PC Connect (serial) cable that 
ships with your MobilePro to both your MobilePro and to 
your host PC. 
1. Locate and open the serial port cover on the back of 
your MobilePro. 
2. Align and attach the PC Connect cable to the serial port 
on the MobilePro. (If your cable is labeled, insert the 
cable with the word Up visible on the top. If your cable 
has an arrow...

Page 14

1-14 Getting Started 
 Note: Before connecting the PC Connect cable 
to the serial port on your desktop, be sure that the 
serial port is enabled in the desktop’s BIOS setup 
and that no conflicts exist for the port. For details, 
see a previous section in this chapter, “Ensuring the 
Availability of the Serial Port.” 
Be sure to properly align the cable connectors and 
ports. Incorrect connection can damage the Mo-
bilePro and the computer. 
Installing Microsoft ActiveSync 
You must...

Page 15

Getting Started  1-15 
3. In the IP address tab, select (place a dot beside) 
Obtain an IP address via DCHP. 
4. Select the Name Servers tab and enter the host PCs 
IP address in the Primary WINS field. 
To identify the host PCs IP address, run an IP con-
fig utility. InWindows 98 and 95, run Win IP Con-
fig. In Windows NT, run IP Config. If you need 
assistance, see your network administrator. 
Installing ActiveSync 
Follow these steps to install Microsoft ActiveSync for syn-
chronization with...

Page 16

1-16 Getting Started 
4. Read the instructions about connecting your device and 
click Next. 
The host PC verifies the availability of a COM port and 
polls the MobilePro for synchronization settings. The 
New Partnership window appears. 
Proceed to the next section to complete the installation. 
Creating a Partnership 
Once the host PC verifies the availability of a COM port 
and polls the MobilePro for synchronization settings, the 
New Partnership window appears. 
1. Click Next to display the...

Page 17

Getting Started  1-17 
Once installed, Microsoft ActiveSync automatically 
synchronizes your MobilePro 780 with your host PCs 
Microsoft Outlook email, contacts, calendar, and task list 
each time you attach the PC Connect cable to the Mo-
bilePro 780 and the host PC. 
 Note:  W henever possible Microsoft Active-
Sync automatically translates files and email at-
tachments during synchronization. This allows you 
to use the MobilePro to view and work with files cre-
ated on your host PC with Microsoft...

Page 18

1-18 Getting Started 
!Install Microsoft ActiveSync on your host PC. 
!Create a partnership between your host PC and your 
!Verify that the desired synchronization services are 
Modifying PC Connection Settings 
Your MobilePro ships with PC Connection default 
settings. Follow these steps to modify the PC connection 
1. Tap Start, Settings, Control Panel, Communications. 
2. Select the PC Connection tab. 
3. Select the Change tab, use the dropdown box to change 

Page 19

Getting Started  1-19 
Enabling the Infrared Port 
The infrared port on your host PC must be available for 
synchronization with your NEC MobilePro. Follow these 
steps to enable the infrared port. 
1. Access the setup utility on your host PC to verify that 
the port is enabled. If required, select FIR support in 
2. Set up infrared software components on your host PC. 
In the Windows environment: 
!Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel. 
!If infrared is disabled, select the options tab and...

Page 20

1-20 Getting Started 
Once the system restarts, an infrared icon (gray vertical 
bar with a red bump) appears in the system taskbar. If 
there is an X to the right of the icon, infrared is not en-
abled. Repeat steps 1-4 to enable infrared. 
Installing Microsoft ActiveSync 
You must install Microsoft ActiveSync on your host PC to 
enable synchronization with your MobilePro. The Micro-
soft ActiveSync CD that ships with your MobilePro con-
tains the ActiveSync software designed for synchronization...
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