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MSI Z97 Gaming 7 User Guide

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 `M.I.T.	Current	Status	
 This screen provides information on CPU/memory frequencies/parameters.
 `Advanced	Frequency	Settings
 &Performance	Upgrade	(Note)
	 Provides	 you	with	 five	different	 overclocking	 configurations.	 Options	are:	20%	 Upgrade,	 40%	Upgrade,	
60%	Upgrade,	80%	Upgrade,	100%	Upgrade.	(Default:	 Auto)
 &CPU	Base	Clock
	 Allows	you	to	manually	set	the	CPU	base	clock	in	0.01	MHz	increments.	(Default:	 Auto)
 Important: It is highly recommended that the CPU frequency be set in...

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(Note)	 This	item	is	present	 only	when	 you	install	 a	CPU 	that	 supports	 this	feature.	 For	more	 information	 about	
Intel® CPUs' unique features, please visit Intel's website.
 `Advanced	CPU	Core	Settings
 &Processor Graphics Clock
	 Allows	 you	to	set	 the	 onboard	 graphics	 clock.	The	adjustable	 range	is	from	 400	MHz	 to	4000	 MHz.	 (Default:	
 &CPU	Upgrade	(Note)
	 Allows	 you	to	set	 the	 CPU	 frequency.	 Options	may	vary	depending	 on	the	 CPU	 being	 used.	(Default:...

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(Note)	 This	item	is	present	 only	when	 you	install	 a	CPU 	that	 supports	 this	feature.	 For	more	 information	 about	
Intel® CPUs' unique features, please visit Intel's website.
 &Intel(R)	Turbo	Boost	Technology	(Note)
 Allows you to determine whether to enable the Intel CPU Turbo Boost technology. Auto lets the BIOS 
automatically	configure	this	setting.	(Default:	 Auto)
 &Turbo	Ratio	(1-Core	Active~4-Core	Active)	(Note)
 Allows you to set the CPU Turbo ratios for different number of...

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 `Advanced Memory Settings
 &Extreme	Memory	Profile	(X.M.P.)	(Note)
	 Allows	the	BIOS	 to	read	 the	SPD	 data	on	XMP 	memory	 module(s)	 to	enhance	 memory	performance	 when	
 Disabled	 	 Disables	this	function.	(Default)
 Profile1	 	 Uses	Profile	1	settings.
 Profile2	(Note)	 Uses	Profile	2	settings.
 &System Memory Multiplier
 Allows you to set the system memory multiplier. Auto sets memory multiplier according to memory SPD 
data.	(Default:	 Auto)
 &Memory	Frequency...

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This sub-menu provides memory timing settings for each channel of memory. This sub-menu provides memory 
timing	settings	 for	each	 channel	 of	memory.	 The	respective	 timing	setting	 screens	 are	configurable	 only	when	
Memory Timing Mode is set to Manual or Advanced Manual. Note: Your system may become unstable or fail 
to boot after you make changes on the memory timings. If this occurs, please reset the board to default values 
by	loading	optimized	defaults	or	clearing	the	CMOS	values....

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 `Advanced Voltage Settings
 `Advanced Power Settings
BIOS Setup   

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 &CPU	VRIN	Loadline	Calibration
	 Allows	you	to	set	 the	 Load-Line	 Calibration	 level	for	the	 CPU	 VRIN.	 The	levels	 are	(from	 highest	 to	lowest):	
Extreme, Turbo, High, Medium, Low, and Standard. Selecting a higher level keeps the Vcore more consistent\
with what is set in BIOS under heavy load. Auto	lets	 the	BIOS	 automatically	 configure	this	setting	 and	sets	
the voltage following Intel®'s	specifications.	(Default:	 Auto)
 &CPU	VRIN	Protection
 Allows you to set the voltage limit...

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 `PC Health Status
 &Reset	Case	Open	Status
 Disabled	 	 Keeps	or	clears	the	record	of	previous	chassis	intrusion	status.	(Default)
 Enabled     Clears the record of previous chassis intrusion status and the Case Open	field	 will	
show "Close" at next boot.
 &Case Open
 Displays the detection status of the chassis intrusion detection device attached to the motherboard CI 
header.	 If	the	 system	 chassis	 cover	is	removed,	 this	field	 will	show	 "Yes",	 otherwise	 it...

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 &CPU	Vcore/CPU	VRIN/DRAM	Voltage/+3.3V/+5V/+12V/CPU	VAXG
 Displays the current system voltages.
 &CPU/System/PCH	Temperature
 Displays current CPU/Chipset/System temperature.
 &CPU/CPU	OPT/System	Fan	Speed
	 Displays	current	CPU/CPU_OPT/system	fan	(SYS_FAN1~SYS_FAN3)	speeds.
 &CPU/System	Temperature	Warning
 Sets the warning threshold for CPU/system temperature. When temperature exceeds the threshold, BIOS 
will	emit	 warning	 sound.	Options	 are:	Disabled	 (default),	 60oC/140oF, 70oC/158oF,...

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 &2nd	System	Fan	Speed	Control	(SYS_FAN2	Connector)
 Allows you to determine whether to enable the fan speed control function and adjust the fan speed.
 Normal      Allows the fan to run at different speeds according to the system temperature. You can 
adjust	the	fan	speed	with	EasyTune	based	on	your	system	requirements.	(Default)
 Silent     Allows the fan to run at slow speeds.
 Manual   Allows you to control the fan speed under the Fan Speed Percentage item.
 Full Speed...
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