MSI 865pe Neo2 P Manual
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3-8MS-6728 ATX MainboardAdvanced BIOS Features Quick Boot Setting the item to Enabled allows the system to boot within 5 seconds since it will skip some check items. Available options: Enabled, Disabled. Boot Device Select Press to enter the sub-menu screen. Boot Device Priority: 1st/2nd/3rd The items allow you to set the sequence of boot devices where BIOS attempts to load the disk operating system. .MSI Reminds You... Available settings for “1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device” vary depend- ing on the bootable devices you have installed. For example, if you did not install a floppy drive, the setting “Floppy” does not show up.

3-9 BIOS SetupTry Other Boot Device Setting the option to Yes allows the system to try to boot from other devices if the system fails to boot from the 1st/2nd/3rd boot device. Full Screen LOGO Show This item enables you to show the company logo on the bootup screen. Settings are: Enabled Shows a still image (logo) on the full screen at boot. DisabledShows the POST messages at boot. S.M.A.R.T. for Hard Disks This allows you to activate the S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis & Reporting Technology) capability for the hard disks. S.M.A.R.T is a utility that monitors your disk status to predict hard disk failure. This gives you an opportunity to move data from a hard disk that is going to fail to a safe place before the hard disk becomes offline. Settings: Enabled, Disabled. BootUp Num-Lock This item is to set the Num Lock status when the system is powered on. Setting to On will turn on the Num Lock key when the system is powered on. Setting to Off will allow end users to use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad. Setting options: On, Off. Floppy Drive Swap Setting to Enabled will swap floppy drives A: and B:. Floppy Drive Seek This setting causes the BIOS to search for floppy disk drives at boot time. When enabled, the BIOS will activate the floppy disk drives during the boot process: the drive activity light will come on and the head will move back and forth once. First A: will be done and then B: if it exists. Setting options: Disabled, Enabled.

3-10MS-6728 ATX MainboardOptionDescription SetupThe password prompt appears only when end users try to run Setup. AlwaysA password prompt appears every time when the com- puter is powered on or when end users try to run Setup.Password Check This specifies the type of AMIBIOS password protection that is implemented. Setting options are described below. Save Current ROM to HDD This allows you to save the BIOS to your hard disk drive. Setting options: No, Yes. Boot To OS/2 This allows you to run the OS/2® operating system with DRAM larger than 64MB. When you choose No, you cannot run the OS/2® operating system with DRAM larger than 64MB. But it is possible if you choose Yes. Hyper Threading Function This field is used to enable or disable the Hyper Threading function. Setting to Enabled will increase the system performance. Settings: Enabled, Disabled.MSI Reminds You... Enabling the functionality of Hyper-Threading Technology for your computer system requires ALL of the following platform Components: *CPU:An Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with HT Technology; *Chipset:An Intel® Chipset that supports HT Technology; *BIOS:A BIOS that supports HT Technology and has it enabled; *OS:An operating system that supports HT Technology. For more information on Hyper-threading Technology, go to:

3-11 BIOS SetupOptionDescription DisabledThe specified ROM is not copied to RAM. EnabledThe contents of specified ROM are copied to RAM for faster system performance. CachedThe contents of specified ROM are not only copied to RAM, the contents of the ROM area can be writ- ten to and read from cache memory.MPS Revision This field allows you to select which MPS (Multi-Processor Specification) version to be used for the operating system. You need to select the MPS version supported by your operating system. Settings: 1.4 and 1.1. APIC ACPI SCI IRQ This field is used to enable or disable the APIC (Advanced Programmable Inter- rupt Controller). Due to compliance to PC2001 design guide, the system is able to run in APIC mode. Enabling APIC mode will expand available IRQs resources for the system. Settings: Enabled and Disabled. CPU L1 & L2 Cache Cache memory is additional memory that is much faster than conventional DRAM (system memory). When the CPU requests data, the system transfers the requested data from the main DRAM into cache memory, for even faster access by the CPU. The setting controls the internal cache (also known as L1 or level 1 cache). Setting to WriteBack will speed up the system performance. System BIOS Cacheable Selecting Enabled allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at F0000h-FFFFFh, resulting in better system performance. However, if any program writes to this memory area, a system error may result. Setting options: Enabled, Disabled. C000, 32k Shadow This item specifies how the contents of the adapter ROM named in the item are handled. Settings are described below:

3-12MS-6728 ATX MainboardAdvanced Chipset Features DRAM Timing Setting... Press and to enter the sub-menu screen. Configure SDRAM Timing by SPD Selects whether DRAM timing is controlled by the SPD (Serial Presence Detect) EEPROM on the DRAM module. Setting to Enabled enables the following fields automatically to be determined by BIOS based on the configurations on the SPD. Selecting Disabled allows users to configure these fields manually. CAS# Latency This controls the timing delay (in clock cycles) before SDRAM starts a read command after receiving it. Settings: 2, 2.5, 3 (clocks). 2MSI Reminds You... Change these settings only if you are familiar with the chipset.

3 -1 3 B IO S S etu p ( c lo ck s) in cre ase s t h e sy ste m p er fo r m an ce th e m ost w h il e 3 (clocks) p ro vid es t h e m ost s ta b le p erfo rm an ce. R AS# P rech arg e T his it e m c o n tr o ls t h e n um ber o f c y cle s fo r R ow A dd re ss S tr o b e ( R A S) t o b e a ll o w ed t o p re ch arg e. I f i n su ffic ie n t t i m e i s a llo w ed f o r t h e R A S t o a ccu m ula te i ts c h arg e b efo re D RA M r e fr e sh , r e fr e sh in g m ay b e in co m ple te a n d D RA M m ay f a il to r e ta in d ata . T his i te m a p plie s o n ly w hen s y n ch ro n ous D RA M is in sta ll e d i n t h e s y ste m . A vaila b le s e ttin gs: 2 c lo cks, 3 c lo cks, 4 c lo cks. R A S# t o C A S# D ela y W hen D RA M is r e fr e sh ed , b o th r o w s a n d c o lu m ns a re a d dre ss e d s e p ara te ly . T his s e tu p i te m a llo w s y ou t o d ete rm in e t h e t im in g o f t h e t r a n siti o n f r o m R A S ( r o w a d dre ss s tr o be) t o C A S ( c o lu m n a d dre ss s tr o be). T he l e ss t h e c lo ck c y cle s, t h e f a ste r t h e D RA M p erfo rm an ce . S ettin g o p tio n s: 2 c lo cks, 3 c lo cks, 4 c lo cks, . P rec h arg e D ela y T his s e tt in g c o n tr o ls t h e p re c h arg e d ela y, w hic h d ete rm in es t h e t im in g d ela y f o r D RA M p re ch arg e. S ettin gs: 5 c lo cks, 6 c lo cks, 7 c lo cks, 8 c lo cks, . B urst L en gth T his s e ttin g a llo w s y o u t o s e t t h e s iz e o f B urs t- L en gth f o r D RA M . B urstin g f e a tu re i s a t e ch niq ue t h at D RA M i ts e lf p re d ic ts t h e a d dre ss o f t h e n ex t m em ory l o ca tio n t o b e a ccesse d a fte r t h e f ir st a d dre ss i s a c cesse d . T o u se th e f e atu re , y ou n ee d to d efin e t h e b u rst le n gth , w hic h is th e a ctu al le n gth o f b u rst p lu s th e s ta rtin g a d dre ss a n d a ll o w s i n te rn al a d d re ss c o un te r t o p ro perly g en era te t h e n ex t m em ory l o ca ti o n . T he b ig ger th e s iz e, th e f a ste r th e D RA M p erfo rm an ce. A vaila b le s e ttin gs: 4 , 8 . A G P A pertu re S iz e ( M B) T his s e ttin g c o n tr o ls ju st h ow m uch s y ste m R A M c an b e a llo ca te d t o A GP f o r v id eo p urp ose s. T he a p ertu re i s a p ortio n o f t h e P C I m em ory a d dre ss r a n ge d ed ic a te d t o g ra p h ic s m em ory a d d re ss s p ac e. H ost c y cle s t h at h it t h e a p ertu re r an ge a re f o rw ard ed t o t h e A G P w it h ou t a n y t r a n sla tio n . T he o p ti o n a llo w s t h e s e le cti o n o f a n a p ertu re s iz e o f 4 M B, 8 M B, 1 6M B, 3 2M B, 6 4 M B, 1 28 M B, a n d 2 56 M B.

3-14MS-6728 ATX MainboardPower Management Features ACPI Standby State This item specifies the power saving modes for ACPI function. If your operat- ing system supports ACPI, such as Windows 98SE, Windows ME and Win- dows 2000, you can choose to enter the Standby mode in S1(POS) or S3(STR) fashion through the setting of this field. Options are: S1/POSThe S1 sleep mode is a low power state. In this state, no system context is lost (CPU or chipset) and hardware maintains all sys- tem context. S3/STRThe S3 sleep mode is a lower power state where the information of system configuration and open applications/files is saved to main memory that remains powered while most other hardware components turn off to save energy. The information stored in memory will be used to restore the system when a “wake up” event occurs. AutoBIOS determines the best automatically. Re-Call VGA BIOS at S3 Resuming Selecting Enabled allows BIOS to call VGA BIOS to initialize the VGA card when system wakes up (resumes) from S3 sleep state. The system resume time is shortened when you disable the function, but system will need an AGP

3-15 BIOS Setupdriver to initialize the VGA card. Therefore, if the AGP driver of the card does not support the initialization feature, the display may work abnormally or not function after resuming from S3. Power Management/APM Setting to Enabled will activate an Advanced Power Management (APM) device to enhance Max Saving mode and stop CPU internal clock. Settings: Disabled, Enabled. Suspend Time Out (Minute) After the selected period of system inactivity, all devices except the CPU shut off. Settings: Disabled, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. Power Button Function This feature sets the function of the power button. Settings are: On/OffThe power button functions as normal power off button. SuspendWhen you press the power button, the computer enters the suspend/sleep mode, but if the button is pressed for more than four seconds, the computer is turned off. Restore on AC/Power Loss This setting specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or interrupt occurs. Available settings are: Power OffLeaves the computer in the power off state. Power OnLeaves the computer in the power on state. Last StateRestores the system to the previous status before power failure or interrupt occurred. Set Monitor Events Press and the following sub-menu appears.

3-16MS-6728 ATX Mainboard FDC/LPT/COM Ports, Primary/Secondary Master/Slave IDE These items specify if the BIOS will monitor the activity of the specified hardware peripherals or components. If set to Monitor, any activity detected on the specified hardware peripherals or components will wake up the system or prevent the system from entering the power saving modes. Settings: Monitor, Ignore. Set WakeUp Events Press and the following sub-menu appears. USB Device Wakeup From S3 This item allows the activity of the USB devices (keyboard and mouse) to wake up the system from S3 sleep state. Setting: Enabled, Disabled. Resume On PME# This field specifies whether the system will be awakened from power saving modes when activity or input signal of the specified hardware peripheral or component is detected. Settings: Enabled, Disabled. Resume By RTC Alarm This is used to enable or disable the feature of booting up the system on a scheduled time/date from the soft off (S5) state. Settings: Enabled, Disabled. RTC Alarm Date/Hour/Minute/Second If Resume By Alarm is set to Enabled, the system will automatically resume (boot up) on a specific date/hour/minute/second specified in these fields. Available settings for each item are: Alarm Date01 ~ 31, Every Day Alarm Hour00 ~ 23

3-17 BIOS SetupAlarm Minute00 ~ 59 Alarm Second00 ~ 59 Keyboard PowerOn Function This item allows the activity of the keyboard to wake up the system from any state (S3/S4/S5 state). Settings: Any Key, Specific Key, Disabled. Specific Key for PowerOn This setting allows users to set a password (max. 5 letters) for the Keyboard Wakeup function. Mouse PowerOn Function This item allows the activity of the mouse to wake up the system from any state (S3/S4/S5 state). Settings: Disabled, Any Action, Left-button, Right- button.MSI Reminds You... If you have changed this setting, you must let the system boot up until it enters the operating system, before this function will work.