MSI 3460 Challenger 3 Manual
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RF Remote Display Option 47 7.7 International RF CERTS (For 802.15.4 OPTION) Canada Radio Cert. No.: IC: 4214A-XBEEPRO Australia & New Zealand: AS4268:3000 Japan: Certificate of Radio Equipment in Japan No.: 08215111/AA/02 Europe and much of Asia: This product is compliant with the following standards and/or other normative documents: Safety (article 3.1A) EN60950-1:2001 EMC (article 3.1b) ETSI EN 301 489-17 v1.2.1 (2002-08) Spectrum (article 3.2) ETSI EN 300 328 v1.7.1 (2006-10)

48 MSI-3460 Operator’s Manual 8.0 Appendix 8.1 Troubleshooting ProblemPossible CauseSolution Display is blank when POWER button is depressed.Discharged batteryRecharge, allow at least four hours charge. Defective batteryReplace Corroded battery or battery contactsClean contacts Defective switch or circuit board.Requires authorized service. Display does not function properly or front panel button does not function normally or scale will not turn off.Improperly updated software.Reinstall software Faulty circuit boardRequires authorized service. Loose connectorsRequires authorized service. Scale does not respond to weight changes.Out of calibrationCalibrate Faulty load cellReplace Load cell connectorCheck connector and wires. Display over ranges below 100% capacity.Tared weight is added to load to determine overload point.Return to gross weight mode. Zero requires adjustment.Rezero the scale Too much weight has been zeroed.Rezero the scale Display DriftsAZM (Auto0) is turned off.Tu r n A Z M o n Rapid temperature changes such as moving the scale from indoors to outdoors.Wait until the scale temperature has stabalized. Displayed weight shows large error.Scale not zeroed before load is lifted.Zero the scale with no load attached. lb/kg units causing confusionSelect proper units Requires recalibrationRecalibrate Display reading not stable.Excessive vibration in crane system.Increase filtering or increase ‘d’ in cal. Excessive side loadingImprove load train symmetry Load cell faultyCheck LC connections Display toggles between “Error” and “Load”Weight exceeds capacityReduce weight immediately Faulty load cell or wiringCheck LC and LC wiring Display toggles between “Error” and “A2DLo”A/D is saturated negativeCheck LC and LC wiring Figure 8-1. Troubleshooting

Appendix 49 Display toggles between “Error” and “buttn”A key is stuck or is being held down.Check switches for damage Ensure that a remote is not transmitting continuously. RF remote does not work.Units not matedSee Setting the Transmitter ( Section 6.3) and Receiver (Section 6.4) address procedures. Some RF remote keys do not work but the ACK light blinks.Keys were not enabled during the setup process.Enable keys by running the transmitter and receiver address procedures. Lo Batt is blinkingBattery is lowRecharge battery Unit turns on, then immediately off.Battery is lowRecharge battery Weight will not zeroSystem not stableWait for motion light to turn off Increase filtering for more stability Zero out of rangeLFT units have limited zero range. Reduce the weight or use tare instead Weight will not tare or totalSystem is not stableWait for motion light to turn off, or if in a mechanically noisy crane, increase the filtering or reduce the size of the scale increment ‘d.’ It is also possible to increase the motion window. Contact MSI if you have a problem getting the MSI-3460 to zero, tare, or total due to stability issues. Setpoint lights blinkSetpoint is enabled and the trigger point has been reached.Disable setpoints if they are not needed. Manual total does not workA function key is not set to “Total”Set up Func1 or Func2 for “Total” Weight must be stableIncrease filtering for more stability ProblemPossible CauseSolution Figure 8-1. Troubleshooting

50 MSI-3460 Operator’s Manual 8.1.1 Service Counters The MSI-3460 maintains two service counters for safety. • The first counter counts the number of times the scale has been overloaded. • The second counter counts lifts above 25% of capacity. These counters serve to warn the user to in spect the load train after a number of overloads, also when there is a chance of fa tigue failure. The power up routine will be interrupted when the lift c ounter exceeds 16383 lifts or the overload counter exceeds 1023 overloads. If the screen displays LFCNT when unit is powered on : 1. Push TARE to display the 25% lift counter. 2. Push TARE again to see the overload lift counter. 3. Push the ZERO key to acknowledge the warning and return to standard scale operatio n. WARNING NoteThe power up warning message won't appear again for another 16383 lifts ( or 1023 overloads). To access the service counters: 4. Program a user function key to be TEST (see function key setup). 5. Press TEST (USER). 6. Within two seconds of pressing t he TEST (USER) key, press TARE. 7. The display flashes “LFCnt” (for Lift Counter) followed by the number of times the weight has exceeded 25% of c apacity. 8. Press TEST (USER). The display flashe s “OLCnt” (for Overload Counter) followed by the number of times the weight has exceeded capacity. 9. Press TEST (USER). The disp lay flashes the C-Cal value. 10.Press TEST (USER). Returns to standard weighing mode. Only a MSI factory representative can reset the service counters, as these are important safety warning features. Depending on the circumstances, a thorough l oad train inspection might be necessary to ensure user safety. Reference MSI’s “Crane Scale Safety and Periodic Maintenance manual” (Pub. 243-08-94D) for proper loadi ng techniques to improve the safety and longevity of your MSI-3460 crane scale. This publication is available at and is included in the CD shipped with your crane scale. Auto total does not work Weight must be stable Wait for the motion light to go out, or i ncrease filtering for more stability Weight thresholds not r eachedYou must exceed 1% of capacity for autototal to work. Then you must drop below 0.5% of capacity for additional weighments to register. ProblemPossible CauseSolution Figure 8-1. Troubleshooting

Appendix 51 8.2 Software Update for use with SC3 PCA Equipment Requirements: • PC with terminal program • 3460 Interface Cable PN: 503230-0001 (10') or -0002 (5') Up dating Process 1. Connect interface cable to P2, as shown. Figure 8-1. Connecting Interface Cable 2. Power on the scale. 3. Open a terminal program. Figure 8-2. Serial Port Setup 4. Configure to the following: • Baud Rate: 38400 • Data Bits: 8 • P arity: None • S top Bits: 1 • Flow Control: X ON/XOFF

52 MSI-3460 Operator’s Manual 5. Type: {00FF09=0199}, then pres s enter. This command will access the boot-loader program within the SCALECORE. “bLOAd” displays on the MSI-3460 and the Sc alecore Boot Loader menu will appe ar on the terminal screen Scalecore Boot Loader Menu MSI-3460 Display Figure 8-3. Access Boot loader Within Scalecore 6. Type u to download and program the application code. Boot Loader program wi ll prompt to send file. 7. Select file, then send. Wait for complete file transfer . Figure 8-4. Send File When complete, Boot Loader Menu will appear on terminal screen. Figure 8-5. Bootloader Menu

Appendix 53 8. Verify Application Code Version, type q to query app code info. • App Code Version: 03b03 NoteContact MSI for current version. Figure 8-6. Query App Code Info 9. Type g to execute application code, the MSI-3460 display will return to normal weighing mode. Figure 8-7. Normal Weighing Mode

54 MSI-3460 Operator’s Manual 8.3 MSI-3460 Challenger 3 Dimensions 12.7 in (322mm) 12.7 in (322mm) Note: 15,000 lb (7,000 kg) unit comes standard with 12 ton top shackle. Measurement Systems International NE GROSS X1000TOTAL ACKLO PEAK RF MOTIO POWER ZEROTAREUSERF CAL SET POINTS12 3 kglb Seattle, Washington U.S.A. MSI-3460Model FRONT VIEW B A A 9.0 in (228mm) 9.0 in (228mm) SIDE VIEW C C EYENUT OPENING E E 6.0 in (152mm) 6.0 in (152mm) FD D Figure 8-8. MSI-3460 Challenger 3 Dimensions CapacityResolutionABCDEFApproximate Shipping Weight 250 lb0.1 lb11.94 in2.0 in2.45 in1.63 in1.14 in1.16 in22 lb 125 kg.05 kg303 mm51 mm62 mm41 mm29 mm29 mm10 kg 500 lb 0.2 lb 11.94 in2.0 in2.45 in1.63 in 1.14 in 1.16 in22 lb 250 kg 0.1 kg 303 mm51 mm62 mm41 mm 29 mm 29 mm 10 kg 1,000 lb0.5 lb11.94 in2.0 in2.45 in1.63 in1.14 in1.16 in22 lb 500 kg0.2 kg303 mm51 mm62 mm41 mm29 mm29 mm10 kg 2,000 lb 1.0 lb 11.94 in2.0 in2.45 in1.63 in 1.14 in 1.16 in22 lb 1,000 kg 0.5 kg 303 mm51 mm62 mm41 mm 29 mm 29 mm 10 kg 5,000 lb2.0 lb16.67 in2.45 in3.40 in2.5 in1.81 in1.61 in39 lb 2,500 kg1.0 kg423 mm62 mm86 mm64 mm46 mm41 mm18 kg 10,000 lb 5.0 lb 16.67 in2.45 in3.40 in2.5 in 1.81 in 1.61 in39 lb 5,000 kg 2.0 kg 423 mm62 mm86 mm64 mm 46 mm 41 mm 18 kg 15,000 lb5.0 lb16.67 in2.45 in3.40 in2.5 in1.81 in1.61 in39 lb 7, 500 kg2.0 kg423 mm62 mm86 mm64 mm46 mm41 mm18 kg

Appendix 55 The MSI Limited Warranty MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, INC., WARRANTS load sensing elements and meters against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from date of purchase and warrants electrical cables and batteries against the same defects for a period of ninety (90) days from date of purchase. Any device which proves defective during the warranty period will be replaced or repaired at no charge; provided that the defective device is returned to the Company freight pre-paid. In no event shall the Company be liable for the cost of any repairs or alterations made by others except those repairs or alterations made with its specific written consent, nor shall the Company be liable for any damages or delays whether caused by defective workmanship, materials or otherwise. The Company shall not be liable for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the handling, possession or use of the equipment by the customer. The warranty set forth herein is exclusive and is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness, or of any other obligations or liability on the part of the Company. The liability of the Company under this warranty is limited solely to repairing or replacing its products during the warranty periods; and the final judgment and disposition of all claims will be made by MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, INC.