Motorola Xts5000 Detailled 6881094c31 E Manual
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November 16, 20066881094C31-E 7-28Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals G4 HV_BG C506 Bandgap Output at 1.231V Yes G5 GND4 GND Yes G10 OPT_GPIO2 NC No G11 SW5_PHASE NC No G12 SW1_VDDHV R569 or C510 Switcher 1 Supply Input from SW_B+ Yes G13 SW1_VDD C511 5Vdc Output Yes G14 SW1_SUMCOMP_ DLQ502 pin 4 Pulse Width Modulated Output at 5V Yes H1 EXT_SPKR_P J101 pin 9 Analog Output, Positive External Speaker PA PinYes H2 VC_OUT_M R598 Voice Codec Analog Output Yes H3 VC_OUT_P R597 Voice Codec...
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6881094C31-ENovember 16, 2006 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-29 J10 V10_I R313 3.6Vdc Yes J11 SW1_VSEN_BST NC No J12 SW2_VCC R514 under the shield~3.6Vdc Yes J13 SW2_VOUT R526 2.3Vdc Yes J14 SW2_LX L502 Yes K1 INT_MIC_M C558Analog Input, Internal Mic Negative Input Yes K2 INT_MIC_P C555 Analog Input, Internal Mic Positive InputYes K3 V08_I J701 pin 7 Nominal 7.5Vdc Input Yes K4 V08_O L505 5.0Vdc Yes K6 TXDO_BDI_ENC_ 3VU301 pin J5 No K7 OPTA_SEL1 NC No K8 OPTB_SEL1 NC No K9 GND5...
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November 16, 20066881094C31-E 7-30Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals L8 ONE_WIRE_BATT R580 Digital I/O at 5V Level Yes L9 V10_GND GND Yes L10 VMES C560 Analog I/O Yes L11 ATOD2 C234 Analog Input for A to D Channel 2 Yes L12 ATOD4 NC No L13 ATOD5 R557 Analog Input for A to D Channel 5 Yes L14 SW2_GND GND Yes M1 TCXO_IN R459 Analog 16.8MHz Input Yes M2 FE_TUNE2 NC No M3 RTS_FILLSEN_3V NC No M4 VC_TX3V R402Digital Output for Tx Codec Operates at 2.9V Level Yes M6 V10_O C524 3.3Vdc Output...
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6881094C31-ENovember 16, 2006 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-31 N5 V04_O C521 2.775Vdc Yes N6 USB1_DP VR221 pin 1 D+ Cable connection for USB1 Yes N7 USB2_DP NC No N8 SB96D_BDO_KF_ 3VR588 Digital I/O, Operates at 2.9V Level Yes N9 SB96D_BDO_KF_ 5VR577 Digital I/O, Operates at 5V Leve lYes N10 OPTA_SEL3 N10 Digital I/O, As Output Operates at 5V LevelYes N11 OPTB_SEL3 N11 Digital I/O, As Output Operates at 5V LevelYes N12 RXDIN_5V VR220 pin 1 Digital RS232 Input from Radio...
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November 16, 20066881094C31-E 7-32Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals Notes
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Chapter 8 Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists This chapter contains the schematics, board overlays, and parts lists for the XTS 5000 radio. Use them in conjunction with the theory of operation and the troubleshooting procedures, charts, and waveforms to isolate a problem to the component level. When schematics are viewed on line or as a PDF file, colors can be seen that denote power and signal paths. The red color denotes voltage paths, blue denotes the receive path, and green denotes the...
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8-2Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists: List of VOCON Schematics and Board OverlaysNovember 16, 20066881094C31-ENTN9564B VOCON Universal Connector Circuit 8-97 NTN9564B VOCON Flipper Circuit 8-98 NTN9564B VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits 8-99 NTN9564B VOCON Audio and DC Circuits 8-101 NTN9564B VOCON Board Layout—Side 1 8-102 NTN9564B VOCON Board Layout—Side 2 8-103 NTN9564C VOCON Board Overall Schematic 8-109 NTN9564C VOCON Universal Connector Circuit 8-111 NTN9564C VOCON Flipper Circuit...
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Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists: Transceiver (RF) Boards8-36881094C31-ENovember 16, 20068.3 Transceiver (RF) Boards Figure 8-1. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Overall Circuit Schematic R1 P1-2100K 7 HOLD5 SI2 SO 8VCC WP3MGSF1P02LT1Q1 U4 X25160EEPROM 6 CLK_S 1EN_CS GND4 FracN2685787B01 SHIELDSH202 1 W16ANT RXRF TXH TXRF 1000pF R4 P1-10W23TP1 6 SENSE8SHUTDOWN W17LP2989IMMX-5.0 1 BYPASS 7 ERROR 3GND 4INPUT 2 NC 5 OUTPUT VR1 20V 23 1LP2989 U1 W22 P1-14J1-1 C12 10uF 2.2 uF min..01uFC13...
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8-4Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists: Transceiver (RF) BoardsNovember 16, 20066881094C31-EFigure 8-2. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Antenna Switch and Harmonic Filter Circuits lines(4 places). transmission HARMONIC FILTER (SHIELDED)20 mil (0.020)x 120 mil (0.120) UPP9401 D702 D701 1501pF C707 .01uF R703 8.67nHL705C919 C706 C705 33pF 33pF C7028.72 nH 33pF C710 2.2pFreplace,2460591A69 *L705* C714C711 1.5pF C7162.2pF 47nH 10pF 47nHL706 L707 33pFC703 33pF C713*L704* replace,2460591A69 8.72 nH *L703*...
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Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists: Transceiver (RF) Boards8-56881094C31-ENovember 16, 2006 Figure 8-3. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Receiver Front End Circuit 6.8nH33pF L408 C421 100pFC401 100pFC422C411 0.1uF 1 2 3 5 4 V3A V3A 15V07T402 330nH V3A 150pF L411 L402 C404 6.8K 68nH R405 4.7KR404 C420 3pF TP404 NCV5A3pF C408 5 NC 4 6 3 2 1NC TP401 XFMR T40368nHL40933pF C410 C419 33pF 10 STB 4VCC L412 220nH 3GND17GND2 6LO5LOX8MI9MIX 1 MO 2 MOX U401 PMB2335 L404 8.2nH 330nHL410 R406 470 33pF C415TP403...